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提早出貨@ nothing but english :: 痞客邦::I need to discuss the date of shipment with you. First, when is the earliest you can ship your goods? As the season in Taiwan for apples is in May, could you ...她想要提前出貨翻譯成英文,她想要提前出貨的英語,中翻英-xyz線上翻譯下載翻譯APP,免費無限制翻譯. 她想要提前出貨. —— 中文翻譯成英文. google 翻譯. 0. She wants to ship ahead of schedule. 0. 有道翻譯. 0. She wanted to ...如果T順利我們會提前出貨並通知你們翻譯成英文,如果 ... - XYZ線上翻譯If T is successful, we will ship it in advance and inform you. 0. 有道翻譯. 0. We will make shipment in advance if T smooth And inform you. 0. 騰訊翻譯. 0.请提前安排出货这句译成英文怎么译_百度知道2017年12月14日 · 帮助的人:3300万. 我也去答题访问个人页. 关注. 展开全部. 翻译如下 请提前安排出 货. Please arrange shipment in advance. 已赞过 已踩过<. ...2015 going in advance. ... this product line will be discontinued. ...2017 out pull the delivery schedule original delivery. can made from stock. we supply curious>>http://goo.gl/ubVPUd -- Source: 英語島雜誌 ... 揪出英文中的一字之差 ... http://englishisland.com.tw/card/8 【English Insider】英文就像旅行總要走到巷落裡, ...【背包客最愛】離線翻譯機- 自助旅行攻略-20200809 - 自助旅遊攻略【台灣現貨】CYKE 頂級數顯無線藍牙耳機tws智能翻譯機耳機5.0立體聲同聲互譯 . ... 果購物推薦超優惠的掃描器離線翻譯給你,買後評價公開透明不踩雷,快速出貨 享七天. ... 孔RF類比無線數位WiFi 手機掃描器GL-i19.ili - 離線即時語音翻譯機ili是世界首台旅行 ... 最好的翻譯機✓支援離線翻譯✓能整段英文一次翻譯✓可雙向翻譯、 .
