What is another word for controversial? - WordHippo

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Find 1684 synonyms for controversial and other similar words that you can use instead based on 11 separate contexts from our thesaurus. What'sanotherwordfor What'stheoppositeof Meaningoftheword Wordsthatrhymewith Sentenceswiththeword Translate FromEnglish ToEnglish to Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Basque Belarusian Bengali Bosnian Bulgarian Catalan Cebuano Chichewa Chinese Corsican Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Esperanto Estonian Farsi Filipino Finnish French Frisian Galician Georgian German Greek Gujarati HaitianCreole Hausa Hebrew Hindi Hmong Hungarian Icelandic Igbo Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese Javanese Kannada Kazakh Khmer Korean Kurdish Kyrgyz Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Luxembourgish Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian Burmese Nepali Norwegian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Romanian Russian Samoan ScotsGaelic Serbian Sesotho Shona Sinhala Slovak Slovenian Somali Spanish Sundanese Swahili Swedish Tajik Tamil Telugu Thai Turkish Ukrainian Urdu Uzbek Vietnamese Welsh Xhosa Yiddish Yoruba Zulu FindWords AllWords 2-LetterWords 3-LetterWords 4-LetterWords 5-LetterWords 6-LetterWords 7-LetterWords 8-LetterWords 9-LetterWords 10-LetterWords 11-LetterWords 12-LetterWords 13-LetterWords 14-LetterWords StartingWith EndingWith ContainingExactly ContainingtheLetters WordsWithFriends Scrabble Crossword/Codeword Use*forblanktiles(max2) Use*forblankspaces AdvancedWordFinder Findthe Plural Singular PastTense PresentTense Verb Adjective Adverb Noun of Pronouncetheword in Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Bengali Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Greek Hindi Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latin Malay Malayalam Marathi Nepali Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Spanish Swahili Swedish Tamil Telugu Thai Turkish Ukrainian Uzbek Vietnamese Welsh FindNames Meaningofthename Originofthename Namesmeaning Namesstartingwith Namesoforigin     Synonyms Antonyms Definitions Rhymes Sentences Translations FindWords WordForms Pronunciations ☀ Appearance ✓Usedevicetheme   ✓Darktheme ✓Lighttheme Whatisanotherwordforcontroversial? Needsynonymsforcontroversial?Here'salistofsimilarwordsfromourthesaurusthatyoucanuseinstead. Contexts▼▲ Givingriseorlikelytogiverisetocontroversyorpublicdisagreement Havingapredispositiontoargueorengageinconfrontations Tendingtostirupconflict,controversyoragitation Notsupportedorprovenbyevidence Controversial Causingdistress,difficulty,ortrouble Oforinvolvingstronglycriticalordisputatiouswritingorspeech Ofurgentinterestorimportance Deviatingfrommainstreamoracceptedopinionordogma Of,pertainingto,orcausedbyfactions Relatingtodialecticordialectics …more▼ ▲ Adjective ▲ Givingriseorlikelytogiverisetocontroversyorpublicdisagreement contentious debatable disputable disputed disputatious arguable contended controvertible delicate difficult divisive dubious polemical sensitive dubitable emotive moot polemic provocative questionable suspect tendentious vexed awkward contestable contested debateable problematic debated doubtable doubtful heated hot notorious uncertain hot-button underdiscussion atissue indispute opentodiscussion opentoquestion unsettled undecided unresolved opentodebate opentodoubt unsure iffy equivocal undetermined borderline upintheair unclear dodgy negotiable issuable eristic open problematical yettobedecided argumentative indeterminate unconcluded indoubt ambiguous indecisive touchy unconfirmed indefinite sticky vague inquestion emotional eristical suspicious inflammatory ambivalent fishy ongoing unreliable unknown unproven inconclusive unestablished mootable pending fractious marginal chancy onice onthebackburner upfordiscussion incontention muchdebated subjective unsound paradoxical unlikely shady outstanding unascertained shaky queer tentative subjudice farfromcertain unanswered unsolved clouded inthebalance unverified unprovable openfordiscussion yettobesettled notyetsettled apocryphal undefined spurious occult flimsy cryptic enigmatic obscure hypothetical contingent unclassifiable inexact notdefinite underadvisement notobvious underexamination factious contrary combative perplexing riddling subjecttodebate puzzling dicey prickly complicated unpredictable uncomfortable thorny knotty volatile militant antagonistic precarious tricky notyetestablished amootpoint acontroversialsubject aliveissue touching ticklish amatterofopinion moving poignant boneofcontention betwixtandbetween touch-and-go thejury'sout stirring betweensixesandsevens affecting betweenrockandhardplace kid-glove sentimental exciting thrilling affective impassioned heartwarming affectional heart-rending tear-jerking heart-warming indistinct confused hazy nebulous inlimbo mysterious opentoargument imprecise arcane abstruse enigmatical inexplicit speculative confusing upforgrabs ill-defined inscrutable unforeseeable incalculable mystic misleading undependable grayUS greyUK indistinguishable opaque double-edged Delphic unfinished unintelligible mixed untrustworthy gnomic unfixed shadowy hairy murky vacillating equivocating clearasmud blurred irresolute wavering neitherfishnorfowl clearasdishwater open-ended innoman'sland waffling tobedecided neitheronethingnortheother exceptionable adebatablepoint hinky uptotheindividual insecure hidden deep elliptical dual dark elliptic undisclosed fuzzy fuliginous risky concealed atrisk polysemous polysemic polysemantic blear twofold multivocal conjectural sketchy pendent compromisable tobewonorlost inastateoflimbo notdecided inastateofuncertainty double hangingbyathread onthinice oracular ignored neglected two-edged unquestioned unnoticed unrefuted unchallenged muffled unconvincing unproved intangible indiscernible weak elusive unsatisfying unsatisfactory inadequate resolvingnothing lacking incomplete groundless unfateful unfounded deficient uneventful provingnothing leavingmattersopen lefthanging wishy-washy neutral uncommitted impartial hemmingandhawing divided noncommittal hesitant oftwominds runninghotandcold hedgingyourbets inthemiddle torn notsure onthefence blowinghotandcold stillopentoquestion stillopentodoubt flexible discussable movable exchangeable convertible variable opentomodification subjecttodiscussion more❯ “Thecontroversialmoveisoneaspectofamassivedrivetogetdoctorstointervenewithheavydrinkers.” Adjective ▲ Havingapredispositiontoargueorengageinconfrontations argumentative disputatious quarrelsome antagonistic combative confrontational belligerent cantankerous feisty militant scrappy bickering contentious pugnacious bellicose polemical truculent litigious gladiatorial agonistic discordant captious chippy brawly assaultive polemic aggressive warlike cavillingUK dissentious fractious disputative factious hostile contrary cavilingUS difficult stroppy wrangling touchy awkward perverse troublesome oppugnant challenging dissentient spiky opinionated salty havingachiponone'sshoulder irascible irritable petulant fiery warring choleric defiant threatening snappy peevish battling pettish fighting querulous cross hotheaded grouchy tempestuous arguesome arsey ructious crabby huffy violent brawling ornery unruly passionate excitable churlish impassioned war turbulent ill-tempered bad-tempered hot-tempered thin-skinned quick-tempered readyforafight havechiponshoulder testy grumbling mean prickly complaining ill-humoredUS ill-humouredUK fault-finding cranky grumpy uptight sulky discontented ratty fretful surly huffish disgruntled moody impatient sullen whingy shrewish snappish splenetic crabbed narky pouty sour carping venomous vindictive nasty spiteful tetchy whining soreheaded snarky displeased peckish crotchety eggy whiny crybaby ungracious crusty snippy snippety pouting miffy waspish stuffy mardy outofhumor mumpish raspy sorehead ill-natured short-tempered outofsorts inabadmood catty nagging scolding rancorous snide criticizingUS backbiting cattish criticisingUK vixenish sharp-tongued angry tense temperamental critical glum curt unsociable gruff volatile sensitive shirty bristly ireful brusque misanthropic cynical bitter oversensitive harsh obstinate disagreeable bilious pertinacious dyspeptic hypercritical miserable uncooperative exasperated snarling resentful curmudgeonly acrimonious peppery gloomy bearish annoyed iracund tough liverish fussy brooding iracundulous waxy morose snaky scratchy edgy waspy grousing onedge dissatisfied acrid trying dour griping acid growling malicious fretting vinegary short whingeing childish tart sharp hasty malignant saturnine sore filthy obstreperous blunt cussed chuffy outofhumour ugly outoftemper cross-grained havinggotoutofbedonthewrongside nasty-tempered likeabearwithasorehead hotunderthecollar onashortfuse foul-tempered out-of-sorts ascrossastwosticks hot-blooded inamood havinggotoutofbedthewrongside short-fused easilyoffended more❯ “Thoughoriginalinhisviews,hetoooftendamagedhiscausewithhiscontroversialtemperament.” Adjective ▲ Tendingtostirupconflict,controversyoragitation incendiary inflammatory provocative agitational seditious revolutionary rousing insurrectionary subversive insurrectionist arousing contentious demagogic stirring treacherous aggressive dissentious dangerous malevolent wicked rabble-rousing causingtrouble provoking inflaming annoying irritating exasperating aggravating inciting maddening infuriating instigative vexing galling offensive disturbing goading insulting affronting agitative in-your-face vexatious irksome frustrating tiresome irking distressing tormenting fiery anarchic insurgent explosive fomenting rebellious agitating rabid hate-mongering mutinous passionate intemperate riotous emotive emotional seditionary incitive inspiring exciting likearedragtoabull instigating challenging outrageous incensing heady confrontational troublemaking underground treasonous undermining destructive disruptive insubordinate dissident rebel perfidious overthrowing unpatriotic renegade disloyal discrediting corruptive corrupting harmful perversive destabilizingUS ruinous destabilisingUK traitorous more❯ Adjective ▲ Notsupportedorprovenbyevidence unsubstantiated unfounded groundless unsupported questionable baseless unsound dubious spurious unreasonable weak uncorroborated foundationless unproven unreliable unwarranted doubtful flimsy unconfirmed tenuous unjustified suspect unverified invalid conjectural speculative dodgy iffy uncertain nonvalid unjustifiable undependable debatable fishy nebulous disputable unattested arguable dubitable untrustworthy unestablished suspicious suppositious suppositive assumed presumed indefinite ill-founded withoutfoundation withoutbasis notvalidated opentoquestion opentodoubt notbackedupbyevidence hardtobelieve controvertible doubtable contentious borderline issuable equivocal moot queer shady unclear negotiable problematical shaky problematic indoubt subjecttodebate opentodebate opentosuspicion false specious untrue erroneous inaccurate fallacious unconvincing untenable illogical ungrounded flawed misguided incorrect bogus defective wrong fake implausible misleading trumped-up fallible misinformed deceptive faulty fabricated untested trumpedup vain irrational gratuitous unendorsed imaginary fictitious inexact mistaken untruthful factitious sophistic reasonless unreasoned fullofholes wideofthemark indefensible idle vague empty uncalled-for illusory sketchy bottomless delusory delusive inadequate dicey withoutjustification hollow unauthenticated chancy rocky disreputable risky nonrational illegitimate unreasoning deceitful incongruous deluding deceiving unsustainable distorted inconsequent inconsequential unreal sophistical off unsubstantial flakeyUS pseudo unstable flakyUK sham phoneyUK phonyUS mad off-target offbeam notgenuine insecure nonsupported unproved unprovoked inexcusable unpardonable unwarrantable unforgivable unsafe unauthorizedUS imprecise withoutsubstantiation withoutmerit unsupervised hearsay unofficial chimerical inexpiable beguiling uncalledfor notbackedup causeless insubstantial madeup withoutcause unauthorisedUK withoutreason fraudulent withoutexplanation insupportable negligible fragile wayoffbeam wayoff mythical legendary falsified preposterous uncanonical unspecific insignificant hazy unbacked casuistic improbable unpersuasive unbelievable invented ungenuine counterfeit fictional unsure indecisive indeterminate unsettled nonsensical poor unsatisfactory unlikely far-fetched absurd contradictory incredible ludicrous inconclusive feeble farfetched lame apocryphal notreliable notdependable off-base made-up out unsupportable inconceivable obscure impossible irreconcilable puzzling senseless fantastic dishonest pathetic airy fatuous nutty thin wacky slight reachy unimpressive counterfactual truthless artificial offthewall won'tholdwater won'twash self-contradictory misrepresentative illegal offtarget wayout wronglyinferred notworking more❯ Adjective ▲ Controversial contested debated argued challenged impugned questioned Adjective ▲ Causingdistress,difficulty,ortrouble thorny difficult ticklish tough problematic tricky troublesome trying awkward delicate knotty prickly sticky irksome upsetting worrying vexatious bothersome dodgy hard taxing catchy complex complicated concerning convoluted hairy intricate involved nasty problematical sensitive spiny touchy tricksy unpleasant harassing vexed baffling formidable nettlesome perplexing severe precarious chancy risky uncertain critical dangerous contentious embarrassing uncomfortable volatile emotive uneasy paradoxical puzzling dicey provocative likeherdingcats nice heated unsteady unstable tender divisive scandalous capricious fickle temperamental inconstant mercurial rocky variable changeable unpredictable bleak dire hair-trigger hazardous onerous grim challenging forbidding grievous arduous awful dark disagreeable distressing iffy punishing perilous worrisome rough unfriendly suspect questionable spartan hostile tight dubious bitter disturbing more❯ Adjective ▲ Oforinvolvingstronglycriticalordisputatiouswritingorspeech polemical biting bitter critical cutting hostile polemic virulent acerbic acid caustic scathing venomous vitriolic sardonic trenchant waspish contentious corrosive astringent keen pungent sarcastic sharp stinging tart acidulous argumentative devastating disputatious incisive mordacious piercing mordant barbed acrimonious satiric satirical snarky acrid scalding acerb acidic smart-mouthed rapier-like smart-aleck smart-alecky razor-edged pointed penetrating poignant pithy stringent acute telling severe forceful snappy racy witty provocative salt exciting cynical disparaging harsh disrespectful mean scornful derisive ironic corroding burning lambent sarky nasty rough spiteful salty catty Adjective ▲ Ofurgentinterestorimportance burning critical urgent pressing imperative crucial important vital acute essential dire exigent compelling significant clamant importunate emergent major pivotal imperious necessitous crying pertinent prevalent relevant active clamorous current topical contemporary instant climacteric lively live ofinterest running widespread popular dominant prevailing circulating common earnest alive debatable unsettled effective ofcurrentinterest serious paramount key high-priority all-important grave consequential life-and-death necessary fundamental integral ofgreatconsequence indispensable required requisite central desperate needed pre-eminent mandatory cardinal drastic oftheessence must-have oftheutmostimportance principal severe needful weighty heavy capital vitallyimportant primary momentous profound prerequisite extreme overriding calledfor compulsory obligatory prime big great decisive far-reaching intense meaningful core parlous focal large substantial considerable material chief heavy-duty exceptional monumental historic terrible main sore intrinsic foremost basic leading appreciable portentous immediate especial substantive large-scale determining notable noteworthy impactful mighty top-priority eventful striking allimportant precarious earth-shattering dreadful alarming sweeping predominant worthwhile top premier ponderous supreme preeminent quintessential remarkable prominent heavyweight almighty influential telling pronounced sizable imposing salient radical big-time ofconcern major-league ofnote ofconsequence constitutive grand sensational extensive special unforgettable conspicuous high-level lifeanddeath muchneeded veryimportant front-page outstanding meat-and-potatoes forceful newsworthy verygreat life-or-death impressive immoderate huge worthy exacting clamoringUS distressing clamouringUK overruling primal deciding climactic determinative ruling master mission-critical business-critical nowornever demandingattention underlined nitty-gritty world-shaking bottom-line name-of-the-game coal-and-ice emergency impelling perilous driving characteristic inherent structural hazardous uppermost demanded rudimental staple natural underlying rudimentary elementary awful foundational constitutional elemental constituent connected component innate called-for time-critical prodigious unmissable page-one tremendous attheheartof greatest egregious conclusive glaring much fateful strong distinctive headline noticeable preponderant obvious rare landmark signal unusual resonant hefty unordinary deep ponderable potent memorable glorious marked keynote particular worthyofattention carryingalotofweight emphatic quantum uncommon generous earthshaking extraordinary milestone ofgreatimport ofmoment ofimport ofgreatmoment bad highest afflictive life-threatening first commanding arch highpriority pointed instrumental powerful basal top-level overshadowing life-changing high-profile dangerous grievous big-league bigleague mostimportant more❯ Adjective ▲ Deviatingfrommainstreamoracceptedopinionordogma heretical dissenting nonconformist dissident heterodox unorthodox unconventional dissentient iconoclastic maverick nonorthodox renegade schismatic disagreeing separatist revisionist freethinking differing scepticalUK skepticalUS paynim recreant deviating dissentive out-there splinter seceding breakaway discordant divisive polemical factional conflicting dissonant clashing ideological political modernizingUS pragmatic progressive modernisingUK heretic rebellious revolutionary rebel radical sectarian original protesting mutinous opposing individualistic recusant eccentric alternative nonconforming subversive irregular contrary insubordinate malcontent offbeat insurgent objecting rebelling complaining opposed oddball weird non-compliant unceremonious informal insurrectionary apostate beatnik way-out uncanonical opposition unsound doubtful questioning anti- contradicting negative irreverent inorthodox innovative critical secessionist gainsaying disobedient defiant groundbreaking impious denunciatory ungovernable recalcitrant disaffected contumacious refractory intractable froward incompliant resistant obstreperous restive freethinking unconnected independent separate autonomous nonaligned willful untoward wilful insurrectionist wayward balky unmanageable unruly mutinying traitorous bohemian freak hippie unusual unwonted abnormal off-centre avant-garde uncommon novel new idiosyncratic exotic Bohemian fresh divergent off-the-wall anomalous bizarre aberrant extreme outlandish perverse zany cranky improper unsuitable inappropriate illegal heteroclite uncustomary outthere far-out flakeyUS kinky crazy anarchic different untraditional flakyUK outoftheordinary wayout offthewall offthebeatenpath more❯ Adjective ▲ Of,pertainingto,orcausedbyfactions factious divided split argumentative disagreeing dissenting quarrelingUS quarrellingUK tumultuous clashing conflicting contentious discordant disharmonious disputatious dissident insurrectionary mutinous quarrelsome rebellious schismatic sectarian seditious turbulent warring alienated belligerent contending contumacious disaffected divisive estranged fighting hostile insubordinate insurgent litigious malcontent partisan refractory rival troublemaking atloggerheads atodds atvariance alienating disruptive isolating troublesome unsettling estranging inharmonious acrimonious conflict-ridden opposing antagonistic competing combatant aggressive militant battling opposed disunited pugnacious combative atwar bellicose sparring ill-disposed divergent factionalized schismatized atdaggersdrawn indisagreement enemy combating defensive opposite drivenapart bisected disputing warlike warmongering embattled martial notinharmony inconflict notinagreement inopposition notunited more❯ Adjective ▲ Relatingtodialecticordialectics dialectic logical rational rationalistic argumentative dialectical analytic analytical contentious disputatious polemical persuasive Findmorewords! 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Sentenceswiththewordcontroversial Wordsthatrhymewithcontroversial Whatistheadverbforcontroversial? Whatistheadjectiveforcontroversial? Whatisthenounforcontroversial? Translationsforcontroversial UseourSynonymFinder NearbyWords controversialaffair controversialcase controversialissue controversialist controversialists controversialities contronyms contronym controlyourself controlvariables controlvariable controlvalve 13-letterWordsStartingWith c co con cont contr contro controv controve controver controvers controversi FindSynonyms controversial go WordTools Finders&Helpers Apps More Synonyms Synonyms Antonyms Rhymes Sentences Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Plural Singular PastTense PresentTense WordUnscrambler WordsWithFriends Scrabble Crossword/Codeword iOS/Apple Android Home AboutUs TermsofUse PrivacyStatement Don'tSellPersonalData A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Antonyms A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z CopyrightWordHippo ©2022
