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Gamescom (科隆遊戲展) 暴雪展台 計劃公布

- 此次科隆遊戲展的《爐石傳說》代表人物是一個手持爐石卡牌的女孩,這一原創形象從未出現在先前任何宣傳材料中

- 此次遊戲展包含如下 4 個重磅節目:1. 爐石首個多人團隊副本展示;2. 一個未知的全新內容披露;3. 世界盃總決賽;4. 一段 15 分鐘的開發者聚焦小視頻

- 當地時間周三 10:00 - 11:00,爐石主舞台,眾多主播攜手挑戰巫妖王,爐石首個多人團隊副本展示 #1

- 當地時間周三 15:00 - 16:00,爐石主舞台,眾多主播攜手挑戰巫妖王,爐石首個多人團隊副本展示 #2

- 當地時間周三 18:00 - 19:15,一個未知的全新內容披露,暴雪開發團隊帶你觀賞最新的宣傳動畫及其他



Blizzard Announces GamesCom Schedule, Here's All The Hearthstone Events

Blizzard has revealed its schedule for GamesCom. All of its major titles will be there including Hearthstone. We doubt we'll see anything too new since Knights of the Frozen Throne just released, but there are a few events for fans of the card game.

The Hearthstone representative on the GamesCom banner is a girl with Hearthstone cards who we've never seen before in promotional materials.

Highlights of the schedule include the debut of the cooperative Lich King Raid, show matches, a potential reveal during the Blizzard Reveal Stream, the Global Games Semi Finals and Finals, and a 15-minute Hearthstone Insights video on Saturday.


10:00 - 11:00: Community Activities

Live on the Hearthstone stage, top streamers battle the Lich King in the game's first-ever cooperative raid.

Streamed Event

12:15 - 1:00: Hearthstone Show Match

Enjoy card-slinging fun with top players and casters

Main Stream.

3:00 - 4:00: Community Activities

Live on the Hearthstone stage, top streamers battle the Lich King in the game's first-ever cooperative raid.

Streamed Event.

6:00 - 7:15: Blizzard Reveal Stream

Members of the Blizzard development teams unveil their latest cinematic content and more.

Main Stream.


10:30 - 11:15: Hearthstone Show Match

Enjoy card-slinging fun with top players and casters.

Streamed Event.

12:00 - 1:00: Community Activities

Live on the Hearthstone stage, top streamers battle the Lich King in the game's first-ever cooperative raid.

Streamed Event.

3:00 - 4:00: Community Activities

Live on the Hearthstone stage, top streamers battle the Lich King in the game's first-ever cooperative raid.

Streamed Event.

5:00 - 5:30: Developer Signing Session

Get signatures from the creators of Blizzard's games.

Main Stage.

6:00 - 7:00: Video Games Live Concert

Enjoy a magical concert packed with music from Blizzard's games with the Video Games Live orchestra, including some songs that have never before been performed live.

Main Stream.


10:00 - 11:00: Community Activities

Live on the Hearthstone stage, top streamers battle the Lich King in the game's first-ever cooperative raid.

Streamed Event.

12:00 - 1:00: Community Activities

Live on the Hearthstone stage, top streamers battle the Lich King in the game's first-ever cooperative raid.

Streamed Event.

3:00 - 6:00: Hearthstone Global Games Semi Finals

The last four teams have made it to gamescom! Watch as we find out which country is home to the greatest Hearthstone players on Earth.

Main Stream.

6:00 - 7:00: Video Games Live Concert

Enjoy a magical concert packed with music from Blizzard's games with the Video Games Live orchestra, including some songs that have never before been performed live.

Main Stream.


10:00 - 11:00: Community Activities

Live on the Hearthstone stage, top streamers battle the Lich King in the game's first-ever cooperative raid.

Streamed Event

12:00 - 1:00: Community Activities

Live on the Hearthstone stage, top streamers battle the Lich King in the game's first-ever cooperative raid.

Streamed Event.

2:30 - 2:45: Hearthstone Insights

Take a closer look at what's happening in Hearthstone and its most recent expansion, Knights of the Frozen Throne.

Main Stream.

4:00 - 8:00: Hearthstone Global Games Finals

Which country is home to the greatest Hearthstone players on Earth? Tune in to watch the finalists duel for glorious victory.

Main Stream.

- 團隊副本與爐邊聚會有千絲萬縷的關係,因為許多信息都顯示需要你「聯繫你的旅店老闆 (爐邊聚會組織者)」

- 團隊副本最終首領為巫妖王本尊

- 巫妖王的強度會隨玩家人數調整,從 2 人至 25+ 人

- 擊敗巫妖王以前,還得擊敗他的一些部下

- 團隊副本包含 3 個階段

- 玩家英雄在某一階段可供替換

- 這最初是被設計成一個爐邊聚會活動

- 巫妖王無法被疲勞

- 團隊副本初始難度有數種可選,你的旅店老闆可在此基礎上繼續調整,以使用具體某張卡牌的形式

- 有兩種獨特的英雄技能出現在此副本中

- 巫妖王有獨特的作弊技巧


- 超級巫妖王 (血量:400)

- 檢查:是否有英雄陣亡

- 召喚幫手 (10 費:選擇你的下一個英雄)

- 等待發現

- 旅店老闆工具包 (同巫妖王戰鬥或對他的血量做調整)

- 階段二 Debug

- 階段三 Debug

- 將英雄替換為死亡騎士


- <玩家1> 開怪,大家同心協力擊敗巫妖王!

- 這場絕命亂斗最好是由兩個真人玩家面對面坐在一起完成!

- 超級巫妖王

- 鮮血女王蘭娜瑟爾

- 普崔塞德教授

- 瑪洛加爾領主

- 辛德拉苟薩

- <玩家2> 輪到你了!加油!

- 擊敗巫妖王的副官,逼迫他本尊再次現身!

- 祝賀你勇士!巫妖王被擊敗了!

- 請聯絡你的旅店老闆,再次挑戰巫妖王!


Here's What We Know About The Lich King Raid Event

During the weekend, someone "leaked" an upcoming Lich King Raid event that would support multiple players at the same time. It wasn't really a leak per se, considering the latest patch had lots of information about the event. Today, Blizzard confirmed the debut of gameplay during its GamesCom schedule so we decided it'd be a good time to share all of the information we know.

The event primarily seems aimed at Fireside Gatherings as there are multiple references to contacting your Innkeeper.


The Lich King's strength can be adjusted for any number of players from two to more than 25.

The Lich King can throw one of his underlings into the mix which you'll have to defeat before he returns.

There are three stages to a raid.

Heroes will be swapped out at some point.

This is primarily a Fireside Gathering event.

He can't be fatigued.

Lich King Raid Cards

There are a few difficulties to the raid, but Innkeepers can continue to adjust how the raid will pan out using other cards in the system.

There are two Hero Powers associated with this event.

The Lich King will have a few cards up his sleeve to put the fight in his favor.

Heroes will be swapped out at some point.

Your Innkeeper can adjust the strength of The Lich King using these cards.

Players will be able to select what class they want to use.

The following cards have no images, but help us glean some information.

- Innkeeper Health Set (No card text)

- Supreme Lich King (400 Health)

- Supreme Lich King

- Check for Hero Death in Lich King Raid

- Calling for Backup (10-Cost: Choose the next Hero.)

- Wait for Discover

- Innkeeper Tools (Fight the Lich King or make modifications to his health.)

- LK Phase 2 Debug

- LK Phase 3 Debug

- Swap Hero With Death Knight

String References

NEW FB_LK_INTRO_02 : Player 1 goes first, work together to defeat The Lich King!

NEW FB_LK_INTRO_01 : This Brawl is best played by two players seated side-by-side!

NEW FB_LK_HERO_01 : Supreme Lich King

NEW FB_LK_HERO_02 : Blood-Queen Lana'thel

NEW FB_LK_HERO_03 : Professor Putricide

NEW FB_LK_HERO_04 : Lord Marrowgar

NEW FB_LK_HERO_05 : Sindragosa

NEW FB_LK_HEROSWITCH : Player 2's Turn! Keep it up!

NEW FB_LK_BOSSSWITCH : Defeat The Lich King's Lieutenant and force him to return!

NEW FB_LK_DEAD_01 : Congratulation Champions! The Lich King has been defeated!

NEW FB_LK_DEAD_02 : Contact your Fireside Innkeeper to challenge him again!

- 普通難度:將首領血量調整至 1500,適合 10 人以下玩家挑戰。

- 英雄難度:將首領血量調整至 3000,適合 10-25 人玩家挑戰。

- 地獄難度:將首領血量調整至 10000,適合 25+ 超多玩家挑戰!

- 冷酷寒冬:英雄技能,對敵人英雄造成 X 點傷害。

隨著每次釋放累加 +1 傷害。

- 寒冰爆破:英雄技能,冰凍一個隨機敵對隨從並對其造成 1 點傷害。

- 冷酷黑暗士兵:抽 4 張卡。

- 不倦行軍:死亡感受不到疲勞,將你的卡組替換為一個新的。

- 副官,來我身邊!:你不是巫妖王旗鼓相當的對手。


- 新英雄!:一個新英雄將替代你的位置。

- 新英雄降臨:摧毀所有隨從及法力水晶。

- 終止天啟!:摧毀所有隨從。


- 對戰巫妖王!:繼續遊戲。

- 巫妖王的調整:調整巫妖王的血量上限。

- 提高血量:提高 10% 的巫妖王血量上限。

- 降低血量:降低 10% 的巫妖王血量上限。

- 調整完成:完成血量調整。


- 最終戰役:向巫妖王展現你的真面目!

- 戰士:選擇戰士作為你的下一個職業。

- 德魯伊:選擇德魯伊作為你的下一個職業。

- 獵人:選擇獵人作為你的下一個職業。

- 法師:選擇法師作為你的下一個職業。

- 聖騎士:選擇聖騎士作為你的下一個職業。

- 牧師:選擇牧師作為你的下一個職業。

- 潛行者:選擇潛行者作為你的下一個職業。

- 薩滿:選擇薩滿作為你的下一個職業。

- 術士:選擇術士作為你的下一個職業。






- 此次科隆遊戲展的《爐石傳說》代表人物是一個手持爐石卡牌的女孩,這一原創形象從未出現在先前任何宣傳材料中- 此次遊戲展包含如下 4 個重磅節目:1. 爐石首個多人團隊副本展示;2. 一個未知的...