drop out of中文

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| 翻譯Google 的免費翻譯服務提供中文和其他上百種語言的互譯功能,能即時翻譯字詞、詞組和網頁內容。

drop someone off / drop by / drop-in 輕鬆學會八個drop 常見生活用語!2016年9月1日 · Could you drop me off at school? drop 不是只有「落下」的意思, drop 還能組成許多生活常見用語。

趕快一起來看看,讓你的英文更貼近外國人!在中文中翻译"drop out of school" - 例句英语 - Reverso ContextThese children drop out of school at harvest time and have to work very long hours so that the family can survive. 这些儿童在收割时退学,必须工作很长时间才能 ... twdropout - 退出 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙以dropout 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 教育學, dropout, 中輟;中途輟學. 學術名詞 統計學名詞, dropout, 退出. 學術名詞 | Refining success and dropout in massive open online courses ...2017年9月12日 · These findings demonstrate that merely looking at course completion as a measure for success does not suffice in the context of MOOCs. This ... | The Quest for Security: Protection Without Protectionism and the ...... dz/dv + UQ tw FL dL/dv by Eq. (B9) using equations (B1) through (B8). The first term, UQ{-FL + FE GL}, drops out because of the envelope theorem.YouTube在YouTube 上盡情享受自己喜愛的影片和音樂、上傳原創內容,並與親朋好友和全世界觀眾分享你的影片。

Linguistica: Selected Papers in English, French and German... where evidently a vowel has dropped out at a comparatively late period: ... dw, d3, dr, dj, tw, t!, tr, ti, gl, gr, gj, kw, kl, kr, kj, mi, nj, vi, fl, ...Index of Patents Issued from the United States Patent OfficeFuse construction , Drop - out . W. 0. Śchultz . 2,458,742 , 2,473,427 , June 14 . ... T. W. Munford . GR - S , etc. , with a mixture of a trialkylphenol ...
