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hard造句用hard造句和"hard"的例句: 1. When hard tactics failed , soft methods were used .硬的不行來軟的。

2. It is hard to forget repulsive things .不堪入目的景象往往 ...full hard造句用full hard造句和"full hard"的例句: 1. :copper-beryllium alloy strip, foil and parts solution treated, cold rolled : full hard and precipitation treated 銅鈹合金帶材箔 ...擺脫讓全場尷尬的四句中式英文 - Curious - 英語島3. argumentative 好爭論的 vs. arguable 有爭議的E.g. Finn is hard to deal with ... Photo via http://culinaut.blogspot.tw/ ... 以下是十個常用的英文搭配用法,試試看你答對了幾個? http://goo.gl/hmWvfS ... 既然現在是夏天,就請大家照樣造句。

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每一關都有獨特的玩法,文字 ...Valentine's Day 七夕情人節英文情話大彙集- 英語學習免費資源 - Hitutor:[email protected] ... Love you, think of you, love you secretly, eagerly love you, wait, feel disappointed, try hard, lose, and feel sad, go apart, and recall.
