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未必故意- 维基百科,自由的百科全书在刑法以及侵權責任法中,未必故意、輕率、魯莽、放任、罔顧後果或不顧一切(英語:recklessness、reckless disregard; ... tw輕率行為
(2)放任;輕率,recklessness,元照英美法詞典 - 高點法律網(2)指人們實施某行為時的一種心理狀態,它與行為人承擔這些行為的後果及其所產生的法律責任有關。

→ reckless; reckless driving ( 撰). ☆ 近期熱門優惠☆ 。

| Recklessness in criminal cases | Legal Guidance | LexisNexisThe second type of recklessness was known as 'Caldwell recklessness' (from the case of R v Caldwell). This required an objective test, that is whether the risk ... 法律? twRecklessness - Oxford ReferenceN.A form of * mens rea that amounts to less than intention but more than negligence. Many common-law offences can be committed either intentionally or ... 法律? tw[PDF] KNOWLEDGE AND THE DOCTRINE OF MENS REACaldwell recklessness has never been part of Singapore law and the English criminal law treated Caldwell recklessness as an anomaly, one confined to offences ... 法律? twreckless | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information InstituteOlson, a 1990 South Dakota Supreme Court decision, the court did not find a tractor driver who turned left at 5-15 mph and hit another car reckless because the ... 法律? Predicting the knowledge-recklessness distinction in the human brain2017年3月21日 · Criminal convictions require proof that a prohibited act was performed in a statutorily specified mental state. Different legal consequences ... 法律? twUpdate on Recklessness and Crimes of Violence after VoisineIt remains unclear for immigration after the Matter of Voisine whether a crime with a minimum mens rea of recklessness can be a crime of violence.
