What is another word for belligerent? - WordHippo

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What is another word for belligerent? ; fiery · inhospitable ; malevolent · vitriolic ; militaristic · spiteful ; malicious · fighting ; warmongering · hawkish. What'sanotherwordfor What'stheoppositeof Meaningoftheword Wordsthatrhymewith Sentenceswiththeword Translate FromEnglish ToEnglish to Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Basque Belarusian Bengali Bosnian Bulgarian Catalan Cebuano Chichewa Chinese Corsican Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Esperanto Estonian Farsi Filipino Finnish French Frisian Galician Georgian German Greek Gujarati HaitianCreole Hausa Hebrew Hindi Hmong Hungarian Icelandic Igbo Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese Javanese Kannada Kazakh Khmer Korean Kurdish Kyrgyz Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Luxembourgish Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian Burmese Nepali Norwegian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Romanian Russian Samoan ScotsGaelic Serbian Sesotho Shona Sinhala Slovak Slovenian Somali Spanish Sundanese Swahili Swedish Tajik Tamil Telugu Thai Turkish Ukrainian Urdu Uzbek Vietnamese Welsh Xhosa Yiddish Yoruba Zulu FindWords AllWords 2-LetterWords 3-LetterWords 4-LetterWords 5-LetterWords 6-LetterWords 7-LetterWords 8-LetterWords 9-LetterWords 10-LetterWords 11-LetterWords 12-LetterWords 13-LetterWords 14-LetterWords StartingWith EndingWith ContainingExactly ContainingtheLetters WordsWithFriends Scrabble Crossword/Codeword Use*forblanktiles(max2) Use*forblankspaces AdvancedWordFinder Findthe Plural Singular PastTense PresentTense Verb Adjective Adverb Noun of Pronouncetheword in Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Bengali Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Greek Hindi Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latin Malay Malayalam Marathi Nepali Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Spanish Swahili Swedish Tamil Telugu Thai Turkish Ukrainian Uzbek Vietnamese Welsh FindNames Meaningofthename Originofthename Namesmeaning Namesstartingwith Namesoforigin     Synonyms Antonyms Definitions Rhymes Sentences Translations FindWords WordForms Pronunciations ☀ Appearance ✓Usedevicetheme   ✓Darktheme ✓Lighttheme Whatisanotherwordforbelligerent? Needsynonymsforbelligerent?Here'salistofsimilarwordsfromourthesaurusthatyoucanuseinstead. Contexts▼▲ Adjective Hostileandaggressive Engagedinawarorconflict,asrecognizedbyinternationallaw Rebelliousinnature (ofaperson)Deliberatelyunreasonableoruncooperative Aggressiveorviolentinnature Noun Astateorotherarmedparticipantinwarfare Apersonornationengagedinfightingduringawar Onewhoisdevotedlyengagedinacauseormission …more▼ ▲ Adjective ▲ Hostileandaggressive aggressive contentious argumentative bellicose hostile pugnacious combative quarrelsome antagonistic confrontational militant truculent disputatious scrappy threatening hot-tempered stroppy agonistic assaultive bad-tempered bolshie brawly captious chippy discordant feisty gladiatorial ill-tempered irascible quick-tempered unfriendly warlike aggers biffo litigious oppugnant ardent cantankerous fierce flip hot loudmouthed mean nasty ornery spoilingforafight atloggerheads lookingfortrouble ontheouts havechiponshoulder haveitinfor haveabonetopick inimical offensive violent onthewarpath contrary warring angry defiant adversarial rancorous fiery inhospitable malevolent vitriolic militaristic spiteful malicious fighting warmongering hawkish martial petulant antipathetic unkind unsympathetic hateful bitter fractious rebellious touchy vindictive testy cross choleric battling difficult sabre-rattling wrathful crabby irritable acrimonious malignant catty vicious venomous surly military virulent bloodthirsty factious grouchy bickering controversial uncongenial adverse unsociable sour narky snappy sullen polemical unpleasant disputative disagreeable ferocious poisonous jingoistic hurtful destructive negative tetchy malign viperous perverse querulous peevish snappish snarly arsey abusive ill-humoredUS attacking dissenting harsh cavillingUK huffy ill-humouredUK menacing splenetic contending polemic contumacious wrangling furious churlish cranky challenging readyforafight cavilingUS inconsiderate rude intimidating foul salty disapproving disruptive spirited jaundiced maleficent unreceptive malefic uncooperative tempestuous forceful readytofight impassioned passionate exasperated ill-disposed havingachiponone'sshoulder ill-natured acrid grumpy prickly pettish miffy antisocial invasive active tough soreheaded resentful quarrellingUK disagreeing recalcitrant uncharitable negativistic combating provocative ructious gung-ho war enthusiastic cruel passive-aggressive dissentient excitable opposing warrish short-tempered turbulent dissentious dissident conflicting opposed courageous spunky glowering joyless expansionist skirmishing pushy sulky spiky opinionated unwelcoming thin-skinned disorderly ratty filthy quarrelingUS shirty alien adversary resistant bad indignant irate lively brawling waspish unruly unpropitious biting heated opposite insubordinate mean-spirited dour cold lawless fire-eating trigger-happy atodds rough upinarms hate-filled evil-minded bristling embittered vengeful hysterical icy ugly soldierly sanguinary intrusive rapacious cussed macho covertlynarcissistic forbidding hard stern pro-war incursive troublesome awkward inharmonious peckish liverish crotchety grumbling curmudgeonly waxy plucky determined itching wrestling tilting browbeating terrorizingUS bullying strident assertive terrorisingUK hotheaded battleful ontheattack disputable litiginous litigatious vigorous arguesome obnoxious rotten scathing bilious savage ireful fretful mighty peppery onashortfuse underarms radical wretched vile self-assertive itchingtofight colonialistic imperialistic armed ultra-active two-fisted extremist extreme envenomed pernicious censorious wounding short-fused fanatical zealous embattled carnivorous divided split revolutionary assertory anti crabbed averse against tumultuous gungho oppositional inflammable intolerant manic uncomfortable uneasy inarms ill disharmonious insurrectionary clashing seditious sectarian schismatic mutinous sensitive downon deadsetagainst dissentingfrom actinginopposition indisagreementwith atvariancewith atoddswith setagainst unwilling adversative accusatorial reluctant oppugning gutsy mettlesome alive energetic bubbly peppy gritty frisky gutty zestful game hearty divisive malcontent insurgent refractory estranged alienated disaffected troublemaking partisan rival allergic hot-blooded full-blooded go-getting high-strung annoyed vexed displeased irked piqued aggrieved irritated fullofpep galled provoked dark atvariance outraged disobedient unsocial unacceptable objectionable distasteful asocial evil wicked baleful louring moody sociopathic eggy black enraged dysfunctional evil-intentioned delinquent harmful naughty badlybehaved undisciplined wayward ill-disciplined mischievous impudent badly-behaved misbehaving whiny problematic insolent beyondthepale sociallyimpaired trying willful self-willed tiresome erratic errant unmanageable disturbed pesky roguish rowdy undisciplinable ill-behaved demanding troublous incorrigible maladjusted wilful bold exasperating unrestrainable uncontrollable stubborn irksome uncompliant rascally uncontainable devilish wearisome indocile shrewish crusty snaky critical cross-grained likeabearwithasorehead dyspeptic scratchy stuffy obstreperous sharp acid obstinate brusque snarky snippy snippety curt bearish raspy gruff vinegary cutting ascrossastwosticks caustic acerbic bloody-minded hot-button tart iracund iracundulous morose snarling waspy outofhumor saturnine short outofsorts inamood outoftemper inabadmood pigheaded thrawn unhelpful froward contrarious obstructive balky behaviouralUK tooshie eristic vinegarish naysaying scornful behavioralUS severe uptight tense temperamental acerb huffish disgruntled bristly glum impatient volatile whingy misanthropic cynical pouty oversensitive discontented pertinacious hypercritical whining miserable crybaby ungracious gloomy brooding edgy pouting fussy mortal grousing mardy mumpish growling sorehead sore blunt onedge dissatisfied carping griping complaining fretting whingeing childish hasty chuffy grating callous unfeeling outofhumour insensitive brutal galling havinggotoutofbedthewrongside trenchant sardonic annoying irritating havinggotoutofbedonthewrongside nasty-tempered hotunderthecollar fault-finding foul-tempered out-of-sorts easilyoffended pitiless comfortless corrosive abrasive rubbingthewrongway hardtotake sarcastic stinging pungent astringent keen devastating piercing mordacious acidulous incisive more❯ “He'sagoodfootballerbuthe'snotveryaggressive,notverybelligerentandI'dliketothinkthatwith20-oddcapshe'dbeabitmoreaggressivethanheis.” Adjective ▲ Engagedinawarorconflict,asrecognizedbyinternationallaw battling combatant fighting warring clashing conflicting contending martial militant militaristic quarrelingUS quarrellingUK sabre-rattling warlike warmongering atwar gung-ho hawkish ateachother'sthroats aggressive combative pugnacious bellicose opposing hostile military antagonistic soldierly competing militarist rival combating opposed army quarrelsome sparring ill-disposed atdaggersdrawn atloggerheads embattled fierce soldierlike battle-hardened paramilitary war-mongering war-loving jingoistic noncivil flag-waving chauvinistic armed brave service soldier-like heroic naval courageous enemy valorous valiant defensive opposite defenceUK defenseUS warrior challenging corrival emulating striving vying competitive contesting emulous incompetition inconflict inopposition more❯ “Healsoremindsreadersthatneutralstatusinwartimerunstheriskofattractingcontemptfrombelligerentstates.” Adjective ▲ Rebelliousinnature defiant recalcitrant disobedient refractory intractable rebellious unruly insubordinate wayward wilful contumacious ungovernable contrary obstreperous froward willful balky obstinate mutinous rebel uncooperative restive incompliant untoward bolshie recusant stroppy combative hostile antagonistic bellicose argumentative confrontational pugnacious aggressive truculent quarrelsome intransigent contentious scrappy feisty resistant subversive insolent dissenting challenging provocative bold audacious daring resisting reckless resistive cheeky dareful disregardful gutsy insubmissive sassy non-compliant readyforafight spoilingforafight nonconforming irregular negative noncompliant refusing declinatory divergent impatient declining objecting disorderly undisciplined unmanageable delinquent difficult perverse fractious uncontrollable uncompliant headstrong troublesome turbulent naughty awkward insurgent mischievous wild errant incorrigible rascally unbiddable roguish stubborn impish badlybehaved outofcontrol disruptive rowdy boisterous nonobservant uncontrolled ornery lawless seditious incontrollable riotous violent obdurate undisciplinable abandoned unrestrainable uncontainable indomitable disaffected treacherous indocile badly-behaved factious besideoneself dissentious likealoosecannon uncomplying more❯ Adjective ▲ (ofaperson)Deliberatelyunreasonableoruncooperative awkward difficult uncooperative unreasonable disobliging exasperating perverse stubborn trying unhelpful obstinate obstructive unpredictable intractable troublesome unaccommodating contrary irritable pesky refractory thrawn tiresome touchy chippy contumacious froward pervicacious renitent vexatious balky bolshie cussed disagreeable discommodious incommodious obdurate stroppy unmanageable bloody-minded hardtohandle difficulttohandle recalcitrant obstreperous disobedient unruly wilful willful wayward ungovernable headstrong insubordinate rebellious defiant uncontrollable fractious undisciplined restive untoward rebel recusant incompliant mutinous contrarious truculent cantankerous pigheaded argumentative noncompliant self-willed disorderly unwilling disruptive incontrollable naughty annoying unyielding quarrelsome unbending inflexible mulish badlybehaved wild mischievous delinquent errant hostile unbiddable bull-headed rascally cross-grained roguish impish undisciplinable obstinatelydisobedient unadaptable uncompromising immovable confrontational unsupportive stiff-necked rock-ribbed ornery scrappy indomitable turbulent capricious determined discordant rowdy disputatious tough strong-willed attention-seeking uncompliant dissentious spiteful non-compliant pig-headed disputative unamenable inconsiderate unresponsive grumpy ill-tempered sullen sulky flyaway violent troublemaking sticky blocking stalling restrictive inhibiting delaying nonobservant limit resistive bad-tempered narky ratty shirty choleric indocile notgivinganinch unconstructive hindering unreciprocating noncooperating unreciprocate noncooperative nonreciprocal contrariant nonconforming adverse dissident arsey nonconformist disagreeing antagonistic paradoxical antipathetic converse negative inimical wrongheaded dissentient erratic frustrating makingdifficulties nothelpful notcooperative bad peevish morose insurgent seditious shrewish crabby riotous ill-natured misbehaving misbehaved disaffected treacherous contentious playful factious incorrigible rude impolite wicked uncomplying pugnacious polemical tricksy puckish brattish scampish prankish sinful teasing gallus fiendish wanton worthless rough wrong evil demanding bad-mannered ill-disciplined fullofmischief gladiatorial aggressive combative agonistic controversial militant brawly assaultive warlike feisty polemic bellicose adamant dogged resolute indurate firm inexorable unmalleable relentless problematic stalwart steadfast thorny burdensome knotty hardheaded litigious captious cavillingUK rigid opinionated fixed persevering ossified steely intransigent pertinacious adamantine unpersuadable implacable complex insoluble persistent unshakable tenacious unflinching cavilingUS inconvincible hardened unshakeable unrelenting hard bullheaded outofcontrol hard-nosed iron-willed impossibletocopewith resistant self-opinionated strong-minded single-minded outofhand opposing radical resisting insubmissive setinone'sways stubbornasamule withstanding unwavering staunch pat resolved indefatigable unfaltering set purposeful unswerving unflagging dedicated insistent spirited committed settled intent earnest unhesitating steady untiring inveterate driven strong strict tireless decided vigorous deep-seated undaunted stiff hard-line enduring rooted forceful entrenched constant deep-rooted diehard confirmed dyed-in-the-wool fanatical valiant bound undeviating mettlesome ingrained plucky ardent hardline deadset zealous solid assiduous gritty dogmatic assertive gutsy devoted serious decisive enthusiastic ineradicable bold sure established bent unshaken unbendable die-hard true lockedin doctrinaire doughty brave definite courageous compulsive diligent benton stout faithful importunate fullofdetermination unchanging avid ruthless perseverant lionhearted hard-core boundanddetermined stout-hearted harsh setinstone rigorous deadseton spunky keen obsessed bigoted sedulous bentupon obsessive hardandfast incurable eager purposive domineering deaftoreason emphatic seasoned passionate iron fervent accustomed hardcore deliberate deep chronic persisting manful stringent patient ironclad grim unsparing unmovable intrenched immutable wholehearted habitual abiding self-assertive bred-in-the-bone fierce lifelong biased hidebound pushy active extreme devout certain narrow-minded opinionative opinioned unremitting bulldog prejudiced ambitious unreformable pontifical stern do-or-die unfailing motivated hell-bent focusedUS hell-benton intense hell-bentupon strenuous unswayable enterprising long-standing high-spirited unflappable remorseless unchangeable wrong-headed inbred unappeasable irredeemable positive seton meaningbusiness hard-shell rugged hangingtough perennial intolerant vehement loyal out indelible focussedUK four-square monomaniacal energetic severe cast-iron dour hard-and-fast intrepid proved resilient go-getting merciless heroic deep-dyed inured habituated staid authoritarian fervid invariable pitiless long-established dogmatical asstubbornasamule illiberal closed-minded firmlyestablished impassioned impenitent unqualified hungry permanent stable lasting industrious determinate high-powered inspired dictatorial toughnut desirous cocksure fixated no-nonsense standpat unswervable cynical possessed thirsty usual aspiring hardy throughandthrough explicit never-failing deaf confident hangtough fiery hard-bitten unmitigated self-confident impulsive one-sided self-starting hard-driving fearless hardasnails unrepentant goal-oriented self-driven deep-set unregenerate peremptory cruel draconian true-blue sworn brassbound exacting unvacillating gungho categorical possessive withawillofone'sown determinedtohaveone'sownway sturdy frozen unquestioning consumed compelled concrete indurated sustained unforgiving unalterable thorough mean striving complete sagacious galvanizedUS impelled dugin standingpat brick-wall iron-fisted torrid thoroughgoing supreme unapologetic unashamed longtime independent burning induced obsessional inborn mad stickingtoone'sguns crazy irrepressible standingone'sground routine fanatic overbearing imperious inexpugnable meanbusiness rabid perfervid pushed steered guided besetting galvanisedUK partisan sicker assured unabated overenthusiastic passional raving long-lived offixedviews urgedon wellestablished red-hot stopatnothing well-set two-fisted all-consuming bonafide card-carrying well-established shortsighted blind implanted self-disciplined haughty unconvertible stiffened direct unreceptive boneheaded unfading unbudgeable firmly-based aloof proud blinkered hardboiled buckleddown stanch durable immalleable insolent unbreakable unsentimental stony businesslike mullish unforgettable ineffaceable unpliable locked unimpressible oppressive never-tiring responsible tried tried-and-true pious impertinent hardhearted bullhead uncompassionate unemotional straight trusty reliable gut instinctive intrinsic close-minded valorous formidable forbidding disciplinary gallant dauntless unstoppable hellbent unfluctuating uptight picky petrified coldfish proofagainstpersuasion fossilizedUS unvarying untameable rigidified reprobate shameless fossilisedUK bony démodé great game unflexible crisp jelled final flat toughnuttocrack puritanical extremist stouthearted pathological inforlonghaul robust pounding mortal hard-headed set-on iron-jawed undefeated drivenin preconceived whole-hearted absolute unquestioned undoubting total unconditional unreserved unafraid locked-in good lingering incessant greathearted single-mindedabout firmabout stuffy unpermissive setinyourways undiscouraged undeterred unplacatable unmollifiable unpacifiable arrogant heroical dominant inearnest valid irradicable inannihilable worn accepted likebadpenny necessary intenton gutty prevailing impassive perceptive takecharge unimpressionable agreed inthebag arranged planned changeless stated prearranged tallinthesaddle onone'smettle insistenton intentupon determinedto committedtotheideaof hellbenton continuous iron-handed solidasarock consistent going clear-sighted allout flat-out straightout powerful fit thick-skinned toughened narrow undismayed undauntable authoritative heavy-handed doordie holdthefort holdyourground holdtheline unquestionable downright unchallengeable ofpreconceivedideas self-important pompous firminspirit keenasmustard animated tough-minded resourceful unabating continual cohesive hopeful through-and-through overconfident notputoff notdiscouraged unequivocal obsessiveabout inflexibleabout fixatedon fanaticalabout competitive partipris maniacal sectarian religious activist stony-hearted manly toughasoldboots red-blooded astoughasoldboots dynamic ceaseless setinconcrete small-minded lion-hearted cutthroat ferocious cocky calculated progressive bloodthirsty pioneering recurrent continuing triumphant unmoved indifferent unsympathetic brutal self-asserting full-blooded intenselycompetitive in-your-face self-seeking fiercelycompetitive getupandgo power-hungry havingkillerinstinct cut-throat dog-eat-dog hang-tough high-pressure goforbroke self-assured can-do eagerbeaver power-loving high-reaching self-possessed recurring protracted playinghardball beoutforblood nosetothegrindstone hard-edged ever-present unhearing unmovedby frenzied unbowed case-hardened immoderate infatuated perfectionist customary over-enthusiastic clamorous judgemental critical judgmental disapproving fussy unconcernedwith dispassionateabout unresponsiveto untouchedby tolistenblind dotty frenetic potty visionary hooked nuts gung-ho impractical innate overexacting querulous exigent nagging ideological old wackadoodle wackadoo unpragmatic unrealistic congenital quibbling disparaging hypercritical sticklerish faultfinding overscrupulous needy hairsplitting censuring cavillous radicated swivel-eyed nutsfor partial bugged feverish highon credulous turnedon addicted holdingfixedviews demeaning tyrannical carping censorious over-rigorous fault-finding over-particular over-strict hardtoplease over-exacting hardtosatisfy over-censorious high-maintenance more❯ Adjective ▲ Aggressiveorviolentinnature rough brutal aggressive violent boisterous disorderly fractious troublemaking undisciplined unruly vicious contumacious disruptive hard intractable lawbreaking pugnacious thuggish unrestrained anarchic lawless riotous rowdy tough wild radge ugly unmanageable rollicking rumbustious rambunctious knockabout roisterous lively uproarious noisy loud raucous robustious hell-raising tumultuous energetic high-spirited wildandwoolly turbulent rough-and-tumble abandoned exuberant termagant rip-roaring coarse crass raw crude clamorous rackety rude irrepressible rampageous gruff harsh rugged inharmonious debauched jarring uninhibited depraved slapstick orgiastic saturnalian farcical casual nasty mean side-splitting harum-scarum uncontrolled impetuous roistering excited active animated ebullient bouncy overexcited romping vibrant spirited frisky effervescent brawling inhighspirits over-the-top more❯ Noun ▲ Astateorotherarmedparticipantinwarfare fighter militant antagonist combatant warringnation aggressor warmonger jingoist militarist jingo hawk provoker saber-rattler warhawk chauvin chauvinist instigator initiator assailant attacker assaulter offender sabre-rattler “Thebelligerentswereduetosettletheirdifferences.” Noun ▲ Apersonornationengagedinfightingduringawar combatant fighter soldier warrior contender gladiator serviceman antagonist servicewoman trooper fightingwoman fightingman adversary competitor opponent battler contestant player disputant challenger rival assailant attacker enemy participant foe legionary legionnaire regular dogface serviceperson GI man-at-arms conscript squaddie mercenary militaryman enlistedperson enlistedman militant warlord person-at-arms infantry Tommy sapper infantryperson marine officer volunteer veteran recruit private paratrooper draftee gunner guardsman guerrilla scout pongo redcoat commando musketeer rank selectee corporal sergeant guard warmonger cavalryperson cadet pilot comrade-in-arms footsoldier hero cannonfodder soldier-at-arms GreenBeret militaryperson airforcemember brave champion ninja fightingperson battleangel Noun ▲ Onewhoisdevotedlyengagedinacauseormission militant activist partisan radical fanatic zealot supporter crusader devotee enthusiast extremist follower idealogue ideologue partizan combatant fighter sectarian demonstrator objector protester rebel redhot revolutionary rioter truebeliever warrior YoungTurk diehard dogmatist agitator ultra crazy campaigner fundamentalist revolutionist ultraist reformer maniac energumen progressive chauvinist hardliner revisionist die-hard revolter dissenter mutineer dissident picketer marcher protestmarcher fiend nut evangelist advocate champion dogmatizer defender maxi maximalist adherent battler visionary promoter apologist antagonist gamechanger boycotter disrupter striker picket picketers humanchain heckler leftist warringnation red socialist crank subversive firebrand renegade nonconformist avant-garde terrorist iconoclast nihilist anarchist freethinker secessionist insurgent insurrectionist Bolshevist Bolshevik troublemaker incendiary instigator provocateur rabble-rouser demagogue malcontent fomenter inciter exciter kindler guerrilla demagog ringleader freedomfighter soapboxorator resistancefighter anarch insurrectionary stirrer tub-thumper bioterrorist ecoterrorist cyberterrorist agroterrorist agent hothead sparkplug narcoterrorist reactionary propagandist pusher heretic mover provoker agentprovocateur frondeur wavemaker reformist lefty separationist separatist counterrevolutionist dissentient disciple cohort satellite counterrevolutionary traitor Zapatista resister Montonero lobbyist inflamer goad haranguer improver reorganizer changeagent irregular operative noncooperator spark spy orator haranger manipulator politician provocativeagent intelligenceagent agitatingperson politicalagitator crowdpleaser undergroundfighter irregularsoldier paramilitary commando mercenary bushfighter memberoftheunderground professionalsoldier memberoftheresistance soldieroffortune more❯ Findmorewords! Anotherwordfor Oppositeof Meaningof Rhymeswith Sentenceswith Findwordforms TranslatefromEnglish TranslatetoEnglish WordsWithFriends Scrabble Crossword/Codeword Wordsstartingwith Wordsendingwith Wordscontainingexactly Wordscontainingletters Pronounce Findconjugations Findnames FromAfrikaans FromAlbanian FromAmharic FromArabic FromArmenian FromAzerbaijani FromBasque FromBelarusian FromBengali FromBosnian FromBulgarian FromCatalan FromCebuano FromChichewa FromChinese FromCorsican FromCroatian FromCzech FromDanish FromDutch FromEsperanto FromEstonian FromFarsi FromFilipino FromFinnish FromFrench FromFrisian FromGalician FromGeorgian FromGerman FromGreek FromGujarati FromHaitianCreole FromHausa FromHebrew FromHindi FromHmong FromHungarian FromIcelandic FromIgbo FromIndonesian FromIrish FromItalian FromJapanese FromJavanese FromKannada FromKazakh FromKhmer FromKorean FromKurdish FromKyrgyz FromLao FromLatin FromLatvian FromLithuanian FromLuxembourgish FromMacedonian FromMalagasy FromMalay FromMalayalam FromMaltese FromMaori FromMarathi FromMongolian FromBurmese FromNepali FromNorwegian FromPolish FromPortuguese FromPunjabi FromRomanian FromRussian FromSamoan FromScotsGaelic FromSerbian FromSesotho FromShona FromSinhala FromSlovak FromSlovenian FromSomali FromSpanish FromSundanese FromSwahili FromSwedish FromTajik FromTamil FromTelugu FromThai FromTurkish FromUkrainian FromUrdu FromUzbek FromVietnamese FromWelsh FromXhosa FromYiddish FromYoruba FromZulu ToAfrikaans ToAlbanian ToAmharic ToArabic ToArmenian ToAzerbaijani ToBasque ToBelarusian ToBengali ToBosnian ToBulgarian ToCatalan ToCebuano ToChichewa ToChinese ToCorsican ToCroatian ToCzech ToDanish ToDutch ToEsperanto ToEstonian ToFarsi ToFilipino ToFinnish ToFrench ToFrisian ToGalician ToGeorgian ToGerman ToGreek ToGujarati ToHaitianCreole ToHausa ToHebrew ToHindi ToHmong ToHungarian ToIcelandic ToIgbo ToIndonesian ToIrish ToItalian ToJapanese ToJavanese ToKannada ToKazakh ToKhmer ToKorean ToKurdish ToKyrgyz ToLao ToLatin ToLatvian ToLithuanian ToLuxembourgish ToMacedonian ToMalagasy ToMalay ToMalayalam ToMaltese ToMaori ToMarathi ToMongolian ToBurmese ToNepali ToNorwegian ToPolish ToPortuguese ToPunjabi ToRomanian ToRussian ToSamoan ToScotsGaelic ToSerbian ToSesotho ToShona ToSinhala ToSlovak ToSlovenian ToSomali ToSpanish ToSundanese ToSwahili ToSwedish ToTajik ToTamil ToTelugu ToThai ToTurkish ToUkrainian ToUrdu ToUzbek ToVietnamese ToWelsh ToXhosa ToYiddish ToYoruba ToZulu English French AfrikaansWord AlbanianWord ArabicWord BengaliWord ChineseWord CroatianWord CzechWord DanishWord DutchWord EnglishWord FinnishWord FrenchWord GermanWord GreekWord HindiWord HungarianWord IcelandicWord IndonesianWord ItalianWord JapaneseWord KoreanWord LatinWord MalayWord MalayalamWord MarathiWord NepaliWord NorwegianWord PolishWord PortugueseWord RomanianWord RussianWord SerbianWord SlovakWord SpanishWord SwahiliWord SwedishWord TamilWord TeluguWord ThaiWord TurkishWord UkrainianWord UzbekWord VietnameseWord WelshWord Allwords 2-letterwords 3-letterwords 4-letterwords 5-letterwords 6-letterwords 7-letterwords 8-letterwords 9-letterwords 10-letterwords 11-letterwords 12-letterwords 13-letterwords 14-letterwords Pluralof Singularof Pasttenseof Presenttenseof Verbfor Adjectivefor Adverbfor Nounfor Meaningofname Originofname Namesmeaning Namesstartingwith Namesoforigin belligerent Use*forblanktiles(max2) AdvancedSearch AdvancedSearch Use*forblankspaces AdvancedSearch AdvancedWordFinder RelatedWordsandPhrases belligerence belligerency belligerently belligerents belligerences SeeAlso Whatistheoppositeofbelligerent? Sentenceswiththewordbelligerent Wordsthatrhymewithbelligerent Whatisthepluralofbelligerent? Whatistheadverbforbelligerent? Whatistheadjectiveforbelligerent? Whatisthenounforbelligerent? Translationsforbelligerent UseourSynonymFinder NearbyWords belligerently belligerents belling bellingthecat bellist bellists belligerency belligerences belligerence belliesuptothebar belliesup belliesout 11-letterWordsStartingWith b be bel bell belli bellig bellige belliger belligere belligeren FindSynonyms belligerent go WordTools Finders&Helpers Apps More Synonyms Synonyms Antonyms Rhymes Sentences Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Plural Singular PastTense PresentTense WordUnscrambler WordsWithFriends Scrabble Crossword/Codeword iOS/Apple Android Home AboutUs TermsofUse PrivacyStatement Don'tSellPersonalData A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Antonyms A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z CopyrightWordHippo ©2022
