What Does IMAO Mean? Useful Text Conversations - 7ESL

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What Does IMAO Mean? ... “IMAO” means “in my arrogant opinion.” This is similar to the other phrases, “IMO – in my opinion,” “IMHO – in my humble opinion,” and “ ... Skiptocontent Pin WhatdoesIMAOmean?Itisaninterestingphrase.ThefollowinglessonprovidesthedefinitionandtheusageofthisonlineslangtermwithESLinfographicandusefultextingconversationsinEnglish. TableofContents IMAOMeaningWhatDoesIMAOMean?ConversationExamplesOtherMeaningsIMAOMeaningInfographicOtherWaystoSayIMAO IMAOMeaning WhatDoesIMAOMean? “IMAO”means“inmyarrogantopinion.”  Thisissimilartotheotherphrases,“IMO–inmyopinion,”“IMHO–inmyhumbleopinion,”and“IMNSHO–inmynotsohumbleopinion.”“IMO”and“IMHO”areusedwhensomeoneexpressestheiropinion.“IMAO”issimilarto“IMNHO”inthattheuserisclaimingthattheiropinionismorecorrectorhasmoreimportancewhencomparedwiththeopinionofothers. Somehavenotedthatthisinternetslangtermcansometimesbemisunderstoodincertaincontextsbecausethecapital“I”canbeconfusedforalowercase“l.”Sowhensomeonesays“IMAO,”otherusersmightreaditas“lmao”or“laughingmyassoff.” Thisphraseismorelikelytobeusedonsocialmedia,ingroupmessages,andfordiscussionforums. ConversationExamples Let’stakealookathowit’sused. Example1: Forumuser1:Theworkplacehasbecometoostrict.Peopleneedtolearntorelax. Forumuser2:IMHOIagree! Forumuser3:Well,IMAOIdisagree.Ifit’stootoughforyou,youshouldfindanotherjob. Herewehaveadiscussionaboutattitudesatwork.User1statestheiropinion.User2agreeswithit.User3showsthedegreetowhichtheydisagreewithuser1anduser2byusing“IMAO”toshowthathethinksheknowsmoreaboutthetopicthantheothertwousers. Example2: Socialmediapost:IMAOJoey’sSandwichshophasthegreatestmeatballsubintheworld. Inthissituation,weseeapostfromasocialmediauseraboutarestaurant.TheuserincludesIMAOatthebeginningoftheposttoshowthatheisanauthorityonthesubjectandknowswhattheistalkingabout.Whileexample1showssomeonedirectlydisagreeingwithanotherperson,inthispostweseethatthepersonwhowrotethepostisusingIMAOtoshowhowmuchhebelievesinhisstatement.It’slessconfrontationalthantheothersetting. OtherMeanings InternationalMonkeyAssassinationOrganization InMyArmedOpinion I’llMakeAnOpinion IAmAlsoOne IMissedAnOpportunity IMustAskObama InMyAwesomeOpinion InMyAnalOpinion InMyAmazingOpinion IgnoreManyAccusatoryObjections InMyAngryOpinion InternetMaskingActualOperation IMAOMeaningInfographic Pin OtherWaystoSayIMAO Inmynotsohumbleopinion Idaresaythat… Istronglybelievethat… Ibetthat…. I’mabsolutelyconvincedthat… Ihavenodoubtthat… I’msurethat… There’snodoubtinmymindthat… Myimpressionisthat… Myownfeelingonthesubjectisthat… Itseemstomethat… Tomymind,… Idon’tknowaboutotherpeople,butIcansay… Myview/opinion/belief/impression/convictionisthat… Personally,Ithink… Personallyspeaking… Thepointisthat… WhatImeanis… Subscribe Notifyof newfollow-upcomments newrepliestomycomments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Label {} [+] Name* Email* 1Comment Oldest Newest MostVoted InlineFeedbacks Viewallcomments Chris 2monthsago IT’SMYAMOROUSOBJECTIVE 0 Reply Abbreviations Acronyms TextAbbreviations TextAbbreviations(A) ABS ACAB ACC Ack AGHQ AFK AFAIK AKA AMA AMWF AOP APB ARG ASMR ASL ATM ATH ATTT AW AWOL AWL TextAbbreviations(B) BAMF BBO BBW BBEG BD BDE BDN BDV BFC BFE BFF BHS BLM BM BMS BMV BR BRB BTW BU BYOB BWL TextAbbreviations(C) CBA CI CM COB Cont COI CRS CSA CYOA TextAbbreviations(D) DAE DATC DD DDDD DFAC DFTBA DGAF Dilligaf DP DM DMs DL DOE DOM DW DYI TextAbbreviations(E) EDM E.G. ELE EOD ET ETC EUC TextAbbreviations(F) FAC Fam Fav FFS FFBT FG FIAT Fin FKK FNAF FOMO Foo FP FPBP FQA FR FS FT FTM FTFY FTP FTR FTW FUPA FUBAR FW FWB FWM FYI FWIW TextAbbreviations(G) G2G GC GD GFE GFY GG GGW GIF GitP GL GMQ GN GNA GNMA GOOH GPOY GSW GTL TextAbbreviations(H) HAMB HVAC HB HBD HBIC HEA HF HG HML HMU HO HOTA HRU HU HWP HTTS TextAbbreviations(I) IANAL ICYMI IDK IG IIRC IKR IMA IMK IMY IMO IMP IMAO IMHO IMVU ING INT ILY IOW IRL ISO ITT ISTG TextAbbreviations(J) JC JDM JFC JIT TextAbbreviations(K) KEK KGIS KMSL KIK KSI KTLO TextAbbreviations(L) LARP LBUS LG LGBTQ LF LFG LMAO LMFAO LMBO LMGTFY LMK LMR LMS LJS LOK LOL LOLK LOML LSS LTR LUL LBVS TextAbbreviations(M) MB MC Meme MF MFS MFW MGTOW MID MIL MM MMO MMY MO Mod MTO TextAbbreviations(N) NB NBD ND NE NEET NFK NGL NN NP NPC NR NRY NSA NSFL NT NTY Nvm TextAbbreviations(O) OAN OBO OC OFC OG OITNB OML OMW OMG ONTD ONG OOMF OOF OOT OOTD OP OTD OTL OTOH OTP TextAbbreviations(P) PDA PFP PHAT PITA PLEB PMA PnP PMOYS POS POL POG POV PP PSA PSL Psych PvP PWI PWBTS TextAbbreviations(Q) QC QTY QLMS TextAbbreviations(R) RD Ref RKO ROFL ROYGBIV RPG RN R&R RSVP RTW RW TextAbbreviations(S) SAHM SB SD SFM SH SHTF SJW SNM SM SMFH SME SMH SML SMDH SMS SN SNS SOS SOZ SSBBW STG STH SUS Sub SU SY SNAFU TextAbbreviations(T) TA TBD TBF TBH TBIB TBT TC Temp TF TFM TFW TFTI TG TGIF TH TIL TIFU TLDR TM TMI TMW TNA TPB TQ TQW Trad TS TT TTS TTYL TU TW TWT TWOT TWSS TYP TextAbbreviations(U) UCR UMBC UNF UTW Ur UST UTD TextAbbreviations(V) VDM VIOC VVS TextAbbreviations(W) W4M WAH Weeb WB WBU WBY WCW WDE WDYM WG Whe WORL WS WTB WTW WWWE WYA WYD WYM WH TextAbbreviations(Y) Ya YBF YGG YH YIU YM YMMV YOLO YTB YTP YUT YYO YW Abbreviation Acronym BusinessAcronyms EnglishTeachingAbbreviations AbbreviationsForNoteTaking TextingAbbreviations StateAbbreviations wpDiscuz10Wouldloveyourthoughts,pleasecomment.x()x|ReplyInsert 240730970SHARES
