Summer 2021 Event - Kancolle Wiki

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The Summer 2021 Event Reinforcement Transport Operation! Battle of the Mediterranean is scheduled to launch on August 20th 2021. WelcometotheKancolleWiki! Ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingsitecontent,accountregistration,etc.,pleasevisittheKanColleWikiDiscord Summer2021Event FromKancolleWiki Jumptonavigation Jumptosearch Summer2021EventHubOverview Introduction&Overview MainOperationMaps ExtraOperationMaps E-1|E-2 E-3 Contents 1Introduction 2HistoricalBackground 2.1RelatedHistoricalCampaigns 3Information 3.1QuickInfoTable 3.2EventQuests 3.3NewMechanics 3.4NewShips 3.5ReturningShips 3.6NewEquipment 3.7NewEnemyVessels 3.8NewEnemyEquipment 4FriendFleet 4.1FleetFormations 5VoiceLines 5.1FriendFleetVoiceLines 6Mechanics 6.1Participationrequirements 6.2SpecialMechanics Introduction TheSummer2021EventReinforcementTransportOperation!BattleoftheMediterraneanisscheduledtolaunchonAugust20th2021.Itisplannedtobea"relativelysmallscaleevent"thatwilltakeplaceintheMediterraneanSea. TheEventwillfocusonvariouslandbaseoperationsintheMediterranean.EachEventmapwillbereleasedonseparateschedules. TheExtraOperationwillbeOperationPedestal,thedefinitivetransportoperationoftheMediterraneanSea. Foradditionalinformationregardingevent-relatedsubjectsandcontent,pleaserefertothefollowinglinks: CombinedFleet ArmorReduction Land-BasedAirSquadron TransportOperation Anti-AirCut-In LineofSight ImprovingShipSpeed(Maybecomeapartofeventmaprequirements) VanguardFormation StrikingForceFleet EmergencyAnchorageRepair HistoricalBackground Disclaimer:ThefollowinginformationisbaseduponasummaryofWorldWarIIhistoryandmaynothaveanybearingonin-gamemechanics.Thisisforhistoricalreferenceonly. RelatedHistoricalCampaigns Information QuickInfoTable Classification Map Name FleetType #LBASavailable FriendlyFleet FleetTag Notes MainOperation E-1 OperationMA3 Single/StrikingForce 1 GBossNodeP 1stSpecialSquadron MediterraneanFleet E-2 BattleoffCapeCalabria Single/StrikingForce/CombinedFleet 2 W&Zbosses 2ndSpecialSquadron ForceH ExtraOperation E-3 ReinforcementTransport!OperationPedestal Single/StrikingForce/CombinedFleet 3 Z2&Z3bosses Afterunlockingthe3rdstartingpoint: Regardlessofthedifficulty,fleetscontaining"ForceH"taggedshipscannotparticipateinPhases3&4duetobranchingrules. Submarinefleetsfollowdifferentroutesandlockwiththe"10thSubmarineSquadron"tag. ForceZ ForceH 10thSubmarineFleet ForceX FleetLockingTable: E-1 E-2 E-3(HardOnly) 1stSpecialSquadron MediterraneanFleet 2ndSpecialSquadron ForceH The10thSubmarineSquadron ForceZ ForceX EventQuests Inthisevent,youwillbeparticipatinginvariousquestsneededtounlocktheStrikingForcefleetalongwithearningsomeotherimportantprizes.ThefollowingquestsareforE1andE3only. Questinfo Rewards 2108LB1【地中海作戦】特務艦隊、遊撃部隊編成[MediterraneanSpecialFleet]SpecialMissionFleet,TacticalForceFormation 500 500 0 0 [MediterraneanSquadronFormation]AttacktheEnemyfrontlinelogisiticSupplyDepotsinPointFandLinthefirstoperationarea!Inaddition,intercepttheenemybattleshipsquadronaimingforthetransportunittoMaltafromthedirectionofTarantanddestroyit! GetanArankonnodesF,L,andOofE-1 AccesstoStrikingForceFleetChoosebetween:Type3ShellShipborneModelType420cmAnti-groundRocketLauncherInstantRepairMaterial4x Notes Requires:C2 FormoreinfoonhowtoclearF,LandO,checkoutQuest1'sguide 2108LB2【地中海作戦】地中海配備の敵戦力を叩け![MediterraneanMission]StriketheenemyforcesdeploywithintheMediterranean! 0 600 0 600 Defeattheenemytorpedoboats(atPoint[H]and[S])deployedintheMediterraneanSeainthefirstoperationarea!Furthermore,assaulttheTalentmilitaryportoccupiedbytheenemy,andtrytograduallydestroytheenemy'sabyssalforcesdeployedintheEasternMediterraneanSea! GetanArankonnodesP,HandSofE-1 Choosebetween:DevelopmentMaterial6xInstantRepairMaterial5xImprovementMaterial3xThenchoosebetween:Type3DepthChargeProjectorFurnitureFairyMedal Notes Requires:2108LB1,B171 FormoreinfoonhowtoclearP,HandS,checkoutQuest2'sguide 2108LB3【地中海拡張作戦】第10潜水戦隊作戦10thSubmarineSquadronOperation 0 0 0 700 GetanARankonnodesT1andT4ofE-3twiceeach. Choosebetween:Type3DepthChargeProjector3xType2DepthCharge3xType124ASDIC2xThenchoosebetween:ActionReport2xRemodelBlueprint Notes Requires:2108LB2 ThisquestisnotavailableifE-3isdoneonCasualdifficulty. The3rdstartingpointofE-3mustbeunlockedfirst. FormoreinfoonhowtoclearT1andT4,checkoutPhase2.5B Warning:ChangingthedifficultyofE-3willresettheprogressofthisquest! 2108LB4【地中海拡張作戦】北アフリカ作戦NorthAfricaOperation 1000 0 0 0 GetanSRankonnodesFandWofE-3twiceeach. DaihatsuLandingCraft(PanzerII/NorthAfricanSpecification)Thenchoosebetween:25mmSingleAutocannonMount4xImprovementMaterial4xDevelopmentMaterial10x Notes Requires:2108LB3 ThisquestisnotavailableifE-3isdoneoneitherCasualorEasydifficulty. FormoreinfoonhowtoclearFandW,checkoutthefollowingsections: FornodeF,checkoutPhase2.5A FornodeW,checkoutPhase2.5B Warning:ChangingthedifficultyofE-3willresettheprogressofthisquest! NewMechanics NewShips TheexactnumberofshipstoappearinthiseventisUnknown. TheywillrangefrombeingshipsfrombothJapanandForeignnations. Sofarthefollowinginformationhasbeenconfirmed: MainOperations JapaneseSubmarineTender-Chougei ItalianBattleship-ContediCavour ExtraOperations JapaneseDestroyerEscort-KaiboukanNo.30 BritishArmoredCarrier-Victorious ReturningShips Pleaserefertodropdatabasesforthemostupdatedlistsofeventdrops,suchasTsunDBorPoi-Statistics(orviaDiscord). E-1:Ariake,Maestrale,Libeccio,Janus,DucadegliAbruzzi,Perth,Warspite,andSouya E-2:Jervis,Janus,Sheffield,Zara,Pola,Roma,Richelieu,Gangut,Warspite,Nelson,Aquila,ArkRoyalandU-511 E-3:KaiboukanNo.4,KaiboukanNo.30,Suzunami,Grecale,Jervis,GiuseppeGaribaldi,PrinzEugen,Zara,Pola,Shinyou,Washington,Nelson,GrafZeppelin,ArkRoyal,MaruyuandLuigiTorelli NewEquipment 305mm/46TwinGunMount 305mm/46TripleGunMount 320mm/44TwinGunMount 320mm/44TripleGunMount 65mm/64SingleRapidFireGunMountKai SM.79 SM.79bis SM.79bis(Skilled) CorsairMk.II(Ace) DaihatsuLandingCraft(PanzerII/NorthAfricanSpecification) PrototypeJinpuu NewEnemyVessels NewEnemyEquipment FriendFleet FleetFormations FriendFleetswillnowcomewithanewfunctionwhichwillallowplayerstochooseiftheywishtobringinaFriendFleettoaidtheminbattleornot.TheycanalsochoosetoalsodecideiftheywantanormalFriendFleetcomeaidtheminbattleoriftheywishtouseapowerfulFriendFleetthatwillrequirethecostof6InstantConstructionstoallowyoucallinamorepowerfulFriendFleettoaidyouintobattle. IfyouchoosetooptinforthepowerfulFriendfleet,theInstantConstructionswillnotbeconsumedunlessapowerfulFriendFleetappears. E-1G E-1G :GiuseppeGaribaldiFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment GiuseppeGaribaldiKai 80 52 72 70 70 75 LibeccioKai 83 ~/29 48 72 59 50 GrecaleKai 82 29 55 68 80 51 E-1G :HoustonFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment HoustonKai 84 ~/54 76 60 75 73 JohnstonKai 79 ~/34 55 69 90 52 FletcherMk.II 91 38 62 77 95 56 E-1G :HoustonFS(Variant2,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment HoustonKai 84 ~/54 76 60 75 73 JohnstonKai 79 ~/34 55 71 90 52 FletcherMk.II 91 38 62 75 95 56 E-1G :JanusFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment JanusKai 84 ~/31 53 90 72 50 JervisKai 88 31 52 90 70 50 E-1G :MaestraleFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment MaestraleKai 84 ~/29 54 72 63 50 SciroccoKai 80 ~/28 55 72 63 50 E-1G,E-3Z3 :SheffieldFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment SheffieldKai 85 ~/52 74 68 78 68 JanusKai 84 ~/31 53 90 72 50 JervisKai 88 31 52 90 70 50 E-1G :Z1FS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 SciroccoKai 80 ~/28 55 72 63 50 E-1G :Z3FS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 E-1P,E-2W E-1P,E-2W :AriakeFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment AriakeKai 85 ~/30 48 78 54 49 MikazukiKai 85 ~/24 39 69 39 39 E-1P :KamoiFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment KamoiKaiBo 80 ~/39 25 0 34 33 MikazukiKai 85 ~/24 39 69 39 39 E-1P,E-2W :KamoiFS(Variant2,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment KamoiKaiBo 80 ~/39 25 0 34 33 MikazukiKai 85 ~/24 39 69 39 39 AriakeKai 85 ~/30 48 78 54 49 E-1P :NisshinFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment NisshinA 85 ~/49 60 77 65 47 ArashiKai 85 ~/32 49 79 49 49 IsokazeBKai 90 ~/34 63 84 90 53 E-1P :NisshinFS(Variant2,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment NisshinA 85 ~/49 60 78 65 47 ArashiKai 85 ~/32 49 79 49 49 IsokazeBKai 90 ~/34 63 84 90 53 E-1P :ShinshuuMaruFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment ShinshuuMaruKai 89 ~/39 36 0 46 45 SatsukiKaiNi 86 ~/28 42 78 82 45 FumizukiKaiNi 85 ~/27 45 77 82 46 E-1P :SouyaFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment Souya(AGS) 77 22 9 0 32 35 AriakeKai 85 ~/30 48 78 54 49 ShiratsuyuKaiNi 87 ~/31 69 87 66 50 E-1P,E-2W :SouyaFS(Variant2,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment Souya(AGS) 77 22 9 0 32 35 AriakeKai 85 ~/30 48 78 54 49 ShiratsuyuKaiNi 87 ~/31 69 87 71 50 E-1P,E-2W :SouyaFS(Variant3,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment Souya(AGS) 77 22 9 0 32 35 YuraKaiNi 88 ~/45 57 81 88 67 AriakeKai 85 ~/30 48 78 54 49 ShiratsuyuKaiNi 87 ~/31 69 87 71 50 E-1P :Z1FS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 E-1P,E-2W E-1P,E-2W :AriakeFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment AriakeKai 85 ~/30 48 78 54 49 MikazukiKai 85 ~/24 39 69 39 39 E-2W :AriakeFS(Variant2,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment AriakeKai 85 ~/30 48 77 54 49 MikazukiKai 85 ~/24 39 69 39 39 E-1P,E-2W :KamoiFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment KamoiKaiBo 80 ~/39 25 0 34 33 MikazukiKai 85 ~/24 39 69 39 39 AriakeKai 85 ~/30 48 78 54 49 E-2W :KamoiFS(Variant2,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment KamoiKaiBo 80 ~/39 25 0 34 33 SaratogaMk.II 86 ~/89 64 0 94 85 MikazukiKai 85 ~/24 39 69 39 39 AriakeKai 85 ~/30 48 78 54 49 E-2W :NisshinFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment NisshinA 85 ~/49 60 75 65 47 ArashiKai 85 ~/32 49 79 49 49 HagikazeKai 84 ~/32 50 79 49 49 IsokazeBKai 90 ~/34 63 84 90 53 E-2W :NisshinFS(Variant2,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment NisshinA 85 ~/49 60 76 65 47 ArashiKai 85 ~/32 49 79 49 49 HagikazeKai 84 ~/32 50 79 49 49 IsokazeBKai 90 ~/34 63 84 90 53 E-2W :ShinshuuMaruFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment ShinshuuMaruKai 89 ~/39 36 0 46 45 KumaKaiNiD 88 ~/46 67 81 84 70 SatsukiKaiNi 86 ~/28 42 78 82 45 FumizukiKaiNi 85 ~/27 45 77 82 46 E-2W :ShinshuuMaruFS(Variant2,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment ShinshuuMaruKai 89 ~/39 36 0 46 45 KumaKaiNiD 88 ~/46 67 71 84 70 SatsukiKaiNi 86 ~/28 42 78 82 45 FumizukiKaiNi 85 ~/27 45 77 82 46 E-1P,E-2W :SouyaFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment Souya(AGS) 77 22 9 0 32 35 AriakeKai 85 ~/30 48 78 54 49 ShiratsuyuKaiNi 87 ~/31 69 87 71 50 E-1P,E-2W :SouyaFS(Variant2,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment Souya(AGS) 77 22 9 0 32 35 YuraKaiNi 88 ~/45 57 81 88 67 AriakeKai 85 ~/30 48 78 54 49 ShiratsuyuKaiNi 87 ~/31 69 87 71 50 E-2Z E-2Z :GangutFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment GangutDva 83 ~/77 90 32 72 95 RichelieuKai 75 ~/89 96 0 77 96 CommandantTesteKai 78 ~/43 58 0 48 56 TashkentKai 81 ~/39 66 68 69 56 FujinamiKai 82 ~/32 52 79 58 49 HayanamiKai 81 ~/32 51 80 58 49 E-2Z :MatsuFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment MatsuKai 70 ~/27 43 69 74 55 MomoKai 68 ~/26 41 70 77 52 TakeKai 71 ~/26 42 90 68 54 E-2Z :MatsuFS(Variant2,2021-09-10~)RegularPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment MatsuKai 70 ~/27 43 70 74 54 MomoKai 68 ~/26 41 71 74 55 TakeKai 71 ~/26 42 92 71 54 E-2Z :MatsuFS(Variant3,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment MatsuKai 70 ~/27 42 65 74 55 MomoKai 68 ~/26 41 71 77 55 TakeKai 71 ~/26 42 93 71 54 E-2Z :MomoFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment MomoKai 68 ~/26 40 62 74 54 TakeKai 71 ~/26 42 86 71 54 E-2Z :MomoFS(Variant2,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment MomoKai 68 ~/26 41 60 77 52 TakeKai 71 ~/26 42 86 71 54 E-2Z :RichelieuFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment RichelieuKai 75 ~/89 96 0 78 96 CommandantTesteKai 78 ~/43 58 0 48 56 FujinamiKai 82 ~/32 52 79 60 49 HayanamiKai 81 ~/32 51 80 58 49 E-2Z :RichelieuFS(Variant2,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment RichelieuKai 75 ~/89 96 0 78 96 CommandantTesteKai 78 ~/43 58 0 48 56 NoshiroKaiNi 86 ~/53 78 86 82 72 FujinamiKai 82 ~/32 52 79 60 49 HayanamiKai 81 ~/32 51 80 58 49 E-2Z :RichelieuFS(Variant3,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment RichelieuKai 75 ~/89 96 0 78 96 CommandantTesteKai 78 ~/43 58 0 48 56 NoshiroKaiNi 86 ~/53 74 86 82 72 FujinamiKai 82 ~/32 52 79 60 49 HayanamiKai 81 ~/32 51 80 58 49 E-2Z :RichelieuFS(Variant4,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment RichelieuKai 75 ~/89 96 0 78 96 CommandantTesteKai 78 ~/43 58 0 48 56 Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 E-2Z :RichelieuFS(Variant5,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment RichelieuKai 75 ~/89 96 0 78 96 CommandantTesteKai 78 ~/43 58 0 48 56 Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 E-2Z :RichelieuFS(Variant6,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment RichelieuKai 75 ~/89 96 0 78 96 Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 66 53 E-2Z :RichelieuFS(Variant7,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment RichelieuKai 75 ~/89 96 0 78 96 Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 E-2Z :TakeFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment TakeKai 71 ~/26 42 95 71 54 MomoKai 68 ~/26 41 66 77 55 E-2Z :TakeFS(Variant2,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment TakeKai 71 ~/26 42 86 71 54 MomoKai 68 ~/26 41 71 77 53 E-2Z :Z1FS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 E-3M E-3M :AkagiFS(Variant1,2021-09-19~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment AkagiKaiNi 95 ~/81 60 0 85 81 KagaKaiNi 92 ~/84 56 0 84 80 OboroKai 87 ~/30 49 79 49 49 HayasuiKai 75 ~/48 36 0 48 19 UshioKaiNi 87 ~/33 59 83 79 58 AkebonoKaiNi 87 ~/31 60 87 76 54 E-3M :AkagiFS(Variant2,2021-09-19~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment AkagiKaiNi 95 ~/81 60 0 85 81 KagaKaiNi 92 ~/84 56 0 84 80 ShoukakuKaiNiA 90 ~/78 64 0 88 83 ZuikakuKaiNiA 90 79 65 0 90 84 AkizukiKai 73 ~/37 57 54 116 53 HatsuzukiKai 71 ~/37 60 54 110 54 E-3M :CommandantTesteFS(Variant1,2021-09-19~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment CommandantTesteKai 85 ~/43 58 0 48 56 MizuhoKai 85 ~/42 45 72 44 48 KishinamiKai 82 ~/32 50 78 56 49 OkinamiKaiNi 83 ~/33 65 87 68 53 HayasuiKai 75 ~/48 36 0 48 19 E-3M :GrafZeppelinFS(Variant1,2021-09-19~)RegularPowerfulPlay Ship Lv. Equipment GrafZeppelinKai 85 ~/78 52 0 80 81 Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 CommandantTesteKai 85 ~/43 58 0 48 56 E-3M :ShoukakuFS(Variant1,2021-09-19~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment ShoukakuKaiNiA 90 ~/78 70 0 88 83 ZuikakuKaiNiA 90 79 65 0 90 84 RyuuhouKaiNi 83 63 47 0 81 74 AkizukiKai 73 ~/37 57 54 116 53 HatsuzukiKai 71 ~/37 60 54 110 54 HayasuiKai 75 ~/48 36 0 48 19 E-3M :ShoukakuFS(Variant2,2021-09-19~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment ShoukakuKaiNiA 90 ~/78 70 0 88 83 ZuikakuKaiNiA 90 79 65 0 90 84 ZuihouKaiNiB 83 ~/59 48 0 88 72 RyuuhouKaiNi 83 63 47 0 81 74 AkizukiKai 73 ~/37 57 54 116 53 HatsuzukiKai 71 ~/37 60 54 110 54 E-3M :ZuikakuFS(Variant1,2021-09-19~)RegularPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment ZuikakuKaiNiA 90 79 65 0 90 84 ShoukakuKaiNiA 90 ~/78 70 0 88 83 AkizukiKai 73 ~/37 57 54 116 53 HatsuzukiKai 71 ~/37 60 54 110 54 HayasuiKai 75 ~/48 36 0 48 19 E-3M :ZuikakuFS(Variant2,2021-09-19~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment ZuikakuKaiNiA 90 79 65 0 90 84 ShoukakuKaiNiA 90 ~/78 64 0 88 83 AkizukiKai 73 ~/37 57 54 116 53 HatsuzukiKai 71 ~/37 60 54 110 54 ZuihouKaiNiB 83 ~/59 48 0 88 72 E-3O E-3O :GangutFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment GangutDva 83 ~/77 90 32 72 95 TashkentKai 81 ~/39 66 68 69 56 Verniy 91 37 58 89 65 58 E-3O :GangutFS(Variant2,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment GangutDva 83 ~/77 90 32 72 95 TashkentKai 81 ~/39 66 68 69 56 Verniy 91 37 58 89 65 58 E-3O,E-3Z3 :GangutFS(Variant3,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment GangutDva 83 ~/77 90 32 72 95 Verniy 91 37 58 89 65 58 E-3O :GrafZeppelinFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment GrafZeppelinKai 66 ~/78 52 0 80 81 BismarckDrei 79 ~/96 99 36 70 95 PrinzEugenKai 77 63 75 84 60 82 Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 E-3O :GrafZeppelinFS(Variant2,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment GrafZeppelinKai 66 ~/78 52 0 79 81 BismarckDrei 79 ~/96 99 36 70 95 PrinzEugenKai 77 63 75 84 60 82 Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 E-3O :GrafZeppelinFS(Variant3,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment GrafZeppelinKai 66 ~/78 52 0 80 81 GangutDva 83 ~/77 90 32 72 95 TashkentKai 81 ~/39 66 64 69 56 Verniy 91 37 58 89 65 58 E-3O :GrafZeppelinFS(Variant4,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment GrafZeppelinKai 66 ~/78 52 0 80 81 GangutDva 83 ~/77 90 32 72 95 TashkentKai 81 ~/39 66 68 69 56 Verniy 91 37 58 89 65 58 E-3O :GrafZeppelinFS(Variant5,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment GrafZeppelinKai 66 ~/78 52 0 80 81 PrinzEugenKai 77 63 75 84 60 82 Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 E-3O,E-3Z3 :PrinzEugenFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment PrinzEugenKai 77 63 75 84 60 82 Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 E-3O :RichelieuFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment RichelieuKai 75 ~/89 96 0 78 96 BismarckDrei 79 ~/96 99 36 70 95 CommandantTesteKai 78 ~/43 58 0 48 56 Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 E-3O :RichelieuFS(Variant2,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment RichelieuKai 75 ~/89 96 0 76 96 BismarckDrei 79 ~/96 99 36 70 95 CommandantTesteKai 78 ~/43 58 0 48 56 Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 E-3O,E-3Z2 :WashingtonFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment WashingtonKai 87 ~/93 107 0 106 104 AtlantaKai 77 ~/41 64 70 128 61 AkatsukiKaiNi 87 ~/31 62 90 59 50 YuudachiKaiNi 87 ~/31 73 93 59 52 E-3O :WashingtonFS(Variant2,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment WashingtonKai 87 ~/93 107 0 106 104 JohnstonKai 79 ~/34 55 72 89 52 FletcherMk.II 91 38 62 71 95 56 E-3O :WashingtonFS(Variant3,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment WashingtonKai 87 ~/93 107 0 106 104 SouthDakotaKai 86 ~/91 109 0 108 108 AtlantaKai 77 ~/41 64 70 125 61 FletcherMk.II 91 38 62 75 95 56 AkatsukiKaiNi 87 ~/31 62 87 59 50 YuudachiKaiNi 87 ~/31 73 93 59 52 E-3Z2 E-3Z2 :AkagiFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment AkagiKaiNiE 95 ~/81 67 0 84 81 KagaKaiNiE 92 ~/84 62 0 84 80 HiryuuKaiNi 97 67 65 0 82 76 SouryuuKaiNi 96 ~/67 62 0 84 75 AkigumoKaiNi 87 ~/33 65 91 64 53 KazagumoKaiNi 86 ~/33 66 89 67 53 E-3Z2 :GrecaleFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment GrecaleKai 82 29 55 67 80 51 MaestraleKai 84 ~/29 54 72 63 50 LibeccioKai 83 ~/29 48 72 59 50 E-3Z2 :HieiFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment HieiKaiNiC 90 ~/86 98 47 85 90 AbukumaKaiNi 89 ~/45 56 94 78 68 UshioKaiNi 87 33 59 83 79 58 AkebonoKaiNi 86 ~/31 60 87 80 54 E-3Z2 :HoustonFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment HoustonKai 84 ~/54 76 60 75 73 JohnstonKai 79 ~/34 55 72 90 52 FletcherMk.II 91 38 62 77 95 56 E-3Z2 :KongouFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment KongouKaiNiC 92 ~/86 99 44 89 91 NoshiroKaiNi 86 ~/53 78 86 82 72 MakinamiKai 71 ~/32 53 81 56 49 NaganamiKaiNi 85 ~/33 69 89 64 53 TakanamiKaiNi 81 ~/33 68 82 62 53 E-3Z2 :SheffieldFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment SheffieldKai 85 ~/52 74 68 78 68 JervisKai 88 31 52 90 70 50 JanusKai 84 ~/31 53 90 72 50 E-3Z2 :WarspiteFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment WarspiteKai 95 82 107 0 98 93 ArkRoyalKai 85 ~/71 51 0 82 70 SheffieldKai 85 ~/52 74 68 78 68 JanusKai 84 ~/31 53 90 72 50 JervisKai 88 31 52 90 70 50 E-3O,E-3Z2 :WashingtonFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment WashingtonKai 87 ~/93 107 0 106 104 AtlantaKai 77 ~/41 64 70 128 61 AkatsukiKaiNi 87 ~/31 62 90 59 50 YuudachiKaiNi 87 ~/31 73 93 59 52 E-3Z2 :WashingtonFS(Variant2,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment WashingtonKai 87 ~/93 107 0 106 104 AtlantaKai 77 ~/41 64 70 128 61 FletcherMk.II 91 38 62 77 95 56 AkatsukiKaiNi 87 ~/31 62 90 59 50 YuudachiKaiNi 87 ~/31 73 93 59 52 E-3Z2 :YuraFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment YuraKaiNi 93 ~/45 57 81 88 67 HarusameKai 80 ~/30 49 79 49 49 MurasameKaiNi 89 ~/31 68 88 70 51 YuudachiKaiNi 88 ~/31 73 93 59 52 E-3Z3 E-3Z3 :DucadegliAbruzziFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment DucadegliAbruzziKai 81 ~/52 73 68 70 75 GiuseppeGaribaldiKai 80 52 72 70 70 75 GrecaleKai 82 29 55 68 80 51 E-3O,E-3Z3 :GangutFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment GangutDva 83 ~/77 90 32 72 95 Verniy 91 37 58 89 65 58 E-3Z3 :HiryuuFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment HiryuuKaiNi 97 67 65 0 82 76 SouryuuKaiNi 96 ~/67 62 0 84 75 AkigumoKaiNi 87 ~/33 65 91 64 53 KazagumoKaiNi 86 ~/33 66 89 67 53 E-3Z3 :HiryuuFS(Variant2,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment HiryuuKaiNi 97 67 64 0 82 76 SouryuuKaiNi 96 ~/67 62 0 84 75 AkigumoKaiNi 87 ~/33 65 91 64 53 KazagumoKaiNi 86 ~/33 66 89 67 53 E-3Z3 :HiryuuFS(Variant3,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment HiryuuKaiNi 97 67 65 0 82 76 SouryuuKaiNi 96 ~/67 62 0 84 75 NoshiroKaiNi 86 ~/53 78 86 82 72 AkigumoKaiNi 87 ~/33 65 91 64 53 KazagumoKaiNi 86 ~/33 66 89 67 53 E-3Z3 :HiryuuFS(Variant4,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment HiryuuKaiNi 97 67 65 0 82 76 SouryuuKaiNi 96 ~/67 62 0 84 75 NoshiroKaiNi 86 ~/53 78 86 82 72 AkigumoKaiNi 87 ~/33 65 90 64 53 KazagumoKaiNi 86 ~/33 66 89 67 53 E-3Z3 :HiryuuFS(Variant5,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment HiryuuKaiNi 97 67 65 0 82 76 SouryuuKaiNi 96 ~/67 62 0 84 75 OoyodoKai 88 ~/47 70 49 74 68 AkigumoKaiNi 87 ~/33 65 91 64 53 KazagumoKaiNi 86 ~/33 66 89 67 53 SuzunamiKai 80 ~/32 52 81 54 48 E-3Z3 :HiryuuFS(Variant6,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment HiryuuKaiNi 97 67 65 0 82 76 SouryuuKaiNi 96 ~/67 62 0 84 75 OoyodoKai 88 ~/47 70 49 74 68 AkigumoKaiNi 87 ~/33 65 91 64 53 KazagumoKaiNi 86 ~/33 66 89 67 53 SuzunamiKai 80 ~/32 52 78 54 48 E-3Z3 :IntrepidFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment IntrepidKai 77 69 57 0 95 90 SaratogaMk.II 86 ~/89 68 0 94 85 HoustonKai 84 ~/54 76 60 75 73 JohnstonKai 79 ~/34 55 72 90 52 FletcherMk.II 91 38 62 80 95 56 E-3Z3 :IntrepidFS(Variant2,2021-09-18~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment IntrepidKai 77 69 58 0 95 90 SaratogaMk.II 86 ~/89 67 0 94 85 JohnstonKai 79 ~/34 55 72 90 52 FletcherMk.II 91 38 62 76 95 56 E-3Z3 :IntrepidFS(Variant3,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment IntrepidKai 77 69 54 0 95 90 SaratogaMk.II 86 ~/89 68 0 94 85 JohnstonKai 79 ~/34 55 72 90 52 FletcherMk.II 91 38 62 79 95 56 E-3Z3 :MaestraleFS(Variant1,2021-09-13~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment MaestraleKai 84 ~/29 54 72 63 50 GrecaleKai 82 29 55 68 80 51 SciroccoKai 80 ~/28 55 72 63 50 E-3O,E-3Z3 :PrinzEugenFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment PrinzEugenKai 77 63 75 84 60 82 Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 64 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 E-3Z3 :PrinzEugenFS(Variant2,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment PrinzEugenKai 77 63 75 84 60 82 Z1Zwei 81 ~/35 49 71 63 53 Z3Zwei 80 ~/35 47 71 68 53 E-3Z3 :SaratogaFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment SaratogaMk.II 86 ~/89 63 0 94 85 HoustonKai 84 ~/54 76 60 75 73 JohnstonKai 79 ~/34 55 72 90 52 FletcherMk.II 91 38 62 76 95 56 E-3Z3 :SaratogaFS(Variant2,2021-09-10~)RegularPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment SaratogaMk.II 86 ~/89 68 0 94 85 HoustonKai 84 ~/54 76 60 75 73 JohnstonKai 79 ~/34 55 72 90 52 FletcherMk.II 91 38 62 75 95 56 E-3Z3 :SaratogaFS(Variant3,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment SaratogaMk.II 86 ~/89 68 0 94 85 HoustonKai 84 ~/54 76 60 75 73 JohnstonKai 79 ~/34 55 72 90 52 FletcherMk.II 91 38 62 79 95 56 E-1G,E-3Z3 :SheffieldFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment SheffieldKai 85 ~/52 74 68 78 68 JanusKai 84 ~/31 53 90 72 50 JervisKai 88 31 52 90 70 50 E-3Z3 :WashingtonFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment WashingtonKai 87 ~/93 107 0 106 104 SaratogaMk.II 86 ~/89 68 0 94 85 NorthamptonKai 85 ~/55 75 65 78 73 JohnstonKai 79 ~/34 55 72 87 49 FletcherMk.II 91 38 62 82 95 56 E-3Z3 :WashingtonFS(Variant2,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment WashingtonKai 87 ~/93 107 0 106 104 SaratogaMk.II 86 ~/89 68 0 94 85 NorthamptonKai 85 ~/55 75 65 78 73 JohnstonKai 79 ~/34 55 72 90 52 FletcherMk.II 91 38 62 78 95 56 E-3Z3 :YamatoFS(Variant1,2021-09-17~)PowerfulPlayPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment YamatoKai 88 ~/96 142 0 104 118 HiryuuKaiNi 97 67 65 0 82 76 SouryuuKaiNi 96 ~/67 59 0 84 75 YahagiKaiNi 88 ~/54 78 89 80 73 YukikazeKaiNi 90 ~/35 66 90 85 60 ShigureKaiNi 89 ~/31 61 84 72 52 E-3Z3 :YuugumoFS(Variant1,2021-09-10~)PowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment YuugumoKaiNi 87 ~/33 67 87 66 53 MakigumoKaiNi 86 ~/33 64 89 65 53 AkigumoKaiNi 87 ~/33 65 91 64 53 KazagumoKaiNi 86 ~/33 66 89 67 53 E-3Z3 :YuugumoFS(Variant2,2021-09-10~)RegularPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment YuugumoKaiNi 87 ~/33 67 87 66 53 MakigumoKaiNi 86 ~/33 64 90 65 53 AkigumoKaiNi 87 ~/33 65 91 64 53 KazagumoKaiNi 86 ~/33 66 89 67 53 E-3Z3 :YuugumoFS(Variant3,2021-09-17~)RegularPowerfulPlayPlay Ship Lv. Equipment YuugumoKaiNi 87 ~/33 67 86 66 53 MakigumoKaiNi 86 ~/33 64 90 65 53 AkigumoKaiNi 87 ~/33 65 91 64 53 KazagumoKaiNi 86 ~/33 66 89 67 53 Appearance Ship E-1G E-1P E-2W E-2Z E-3M E-3O E-3Z2 E-3Z3 AbukumaKaiNi ✔ AkagiKaiNi Play AkagiKaiNiE Play AkatsukiKaiNi ✔ ✔ AkebonoKaiNi ✔ Play AkigumoKaiNi ✔ ✔ AkizukiKai ✔ ArashiKai ✔ Play AriakeKai Play PlayPlay ArkRoyalKai Play AtlantaKai Play Play BismarckDrei PlayPlay CommandantTesteKai Play Play ✔ DucadegliAbruzziKai Play FletcherMk.II ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ FujinamiKai ✔ FumizukiKaiNi ✔ ✔ GangutDva Play PlayPlay Play GiuseppeGaribaldiKai Play Play GrafZeppelinKai Play PlayPlay GrecaleKai Play Play Play HagikazeKai ✔ HarusameKai ✔ HatsuzukiKai ✔ HayanamiKai ✔ HayasuiKai PlayPlay HieiKaiNiC Play HiryuuKaiNi Play Play HoustonKai Play Play Play IntrepidKai Play IsokazeBKai ✔ ✔ JanusKai PlayPlay ✔ Play JervisKai Play Play ✔ JohnstonKai Play Play Play ✔ KagaKaiNi Play KagaKaiNiE Play KamoiKaiBo Play Play KazagumoKaiNi ✔ Play KishinamiKai ✔ KongouKaiNiC Play KumaKaiNiD Play LibeccioKai ✔ ✔ MaestraleKai Play Play Play MakigumoKaiNi ✔ MakinamiKai Play MatsuKai Play MikazukiKai ✔ ✔ MizuhoKai ✔ MomoKai PlayPlay MurasameKaiNi ✔ NaganamiKaiNi ✔ NisshinA Play Play NorthamptonKai Play NoshiroKaiNi Play Play Play OboroKai ✔ OkinamiKaiNi ✔ OoyodoKai Play PrinzEugenKai PlayPlay Play RichelieuKai Play Play RyuuhouKaiNi Play SaratogaMk.II Play Play SatsukiKaiNi ✔ ✔ SciroccoKai Play Play SheffieldKai Play PlayPlay Play ShigureKaiNi ✔ ShinshuuMaruKai Play Play ShiratsuyuKaiNi ✔ ✔ ShoukakuKaiNiA PlayPlay SouryuuKaiNi ✔ Play SouthDakotaKai Play Souya(AGS) Play Play SuzunamiKai ✔ TakanamiKaiNi ✔ TakeKai PlayPlay TashkentKai ✔ ✔ UshioKaiNi ✔ ✔ Verniy Play Play WarspiteKai Play WashingtonKai Play Play Play YahagiKaiNi Play YamatoKai Play YukikazeKaiNi ✔ YuraKaiNi ✔ ✔ Play YuudachiKaiNi Play Play YuugumoKaiNi Play Z1Zwei Play Play Play ✔ ✔ Play Z3Zwei Play Play ✔ ✔ Play ✔ ZuihouKaiNiB Play ZuikakuKaiNiA PlayPlay VoiceLines FriendFleetVoiceLines Ship Japanese/English Notes Destroyers AkebonoKaiNiFriendFleet1Play YoushittyAdmiral,watchclosely. ReturninglinefromSpring2019Event. クソ提督、よく見てなさい。

ArashiKaiFriendFleet2Play Right,let'sgetstarted!I'lltearthisplaceup! ReturninglinefromSpring2021Event.Attack. さあ、やってやるぜ!嵐、巻き起こせ! AriakeKaiFriendFleet1Play We'vearrivedonthebattlefield.We'llnowbegintheattack!Followmeee!Let'sgoooo! ReturninglinefromSummer2020Event. 戦場海域に到達。

これより突撃する!続け〜!行くぜ〜! AriakeKaiFriendFleet1Play Ariake,acknowleging.Letthemhaveit! ReturninglinefromSummer2020Event. 有明、了解だ。

ぶちかませ! GrecaleKaiFriendFleet1Play Ah,we'vefoundthem.Everyoneready?We'llsupportthealliedfleet.GrecaleSquadron,charge!Forwards! ReturninglinefromSummer2019Event. あぁー、みっけちゃった。


Grecale隊、突入!続け! GrecaleKaiFriendFleet2Play Alright.Grecale,acknowledging.Increasespeed,attack! ReturninglinefromSummer2019Event. Vabene.Grecale、了解。

増速、突撃! JanusKaiFriendFleet1Play Alliedforcesengagedwiththeenemyfleetspottedahead!Ourfleetwillnowprovidesupport.Forwards! ReturninglinefromFall2020Event. Janus、前方に敵と交戦中の友軍を発見!我が艦隊はこれより援護する。

続け! JanusKaiFriendFleet1Play Janus,acknowledging.OK,leaveittome! ReturninglinefromHinamatsuri2020Mini-Event. Janus、了解。

OK、任せて! JervisKaiFriendFleet1Play Superlucky!Aha! ReturninglinefromFall2020Event. Superlucky!あは! JohnstonKaiFriendFleet1Play We'rehere!Targetinsight.Haveallofyoupreparedyourselves?Then,let'sgetstarted.Go! ReturninglinefromSpring2019Event. 来たわ!Targetinsight.みんな覚悟はいい?さあ、始めましょうか?Go! KazagumoKaiNiFriendFleet2Play DestroyerDivision10,reportingin.Akigumo,ready?Yuugumo,Makigumo,let'sdothis. ReturninglinefromFall2019Event. 第十駆逐隊、推参。


MaestraleKaiFriendFleet1Play From:10thDestroyerDivision,Maestrale.To:SpecialOperationsFleet.Wewillnowproceedtobackyouup.Attack! ReturninglinefromEarlyFall2018Event. 発:伊第十駆逐隊、Maestrale。



突入! MaestraleKaiFriendFleet2Play MaestraleDivision,acknowledging!Gotit,Libe?Followme! ReturninglinefromSummer2019Event. 駆逐隊、Maestrale、瞭解!Libe、いい?付いてきて! MakinamiKaiFriendFleet1Play DesDiv31,Makinami,understood!Leaveittome,bigsisNaganami! ReturninglinefromSpring2021Event. 三一駆、巻波、了解!任せて、長波姉! MatsuKaiFriendFleet2Play The43rdTorpedoSquadronhasarrivedonthebattlefield.We'llnowbegintheattack! ReturninglinefromFall2020Event. 第四十三水雷戦隊、戦場海域に到達。

これより突撃する! MomoKaiFriendFleet1Play 31stSquadron,IdoloftheD-types,Momo,takingthestage!I'llbeperformingnow!Watchme! ReturninglinefromSpring2021Event. 三一戦隊、丁型のアイドル、桃、ステージに到着!今からオンステージ!見てて! MomoKaiFriendFleet2Play IdoloftheD-typedestroyers,Momo,acceptingthisjob.*sparkle*! ReturninglinefromSpring2021Event. 丁型駆逐艦のアイドル、桃、お仕事了解。

キラキラ! SciroccoKaiFriendFleet1Play Scirocco,acknowledging.Imadeitintime~. ReturninglinefromFall2020Event. Scirocco、了解!間に合ったもんねー。

TakeKaiFriendFleet1Play 43rdDestroyerDivision,destroyerTake,hasarrivedonthebattlefield.I'llnowsupportthefriendlyfleet.Forwards. ReturninglinefromFall2020Event. 第四十三駆逐隊、駆逐艦竹、戦場海域に到達だ。



TakeKaiFriendFleet2Play DestroyerTake,acknowledging.Let'sdothis! ReturninglinefromFall2020Event. 駆逐艦竹、了解だ。

やってやるぜ! VerniyFriendFleet1Play Fullspeedahead...Hurrah! ReturninglinefromSpring2019Event 両舷いっぱい…Ура! YuudachiKaiNiFriendFleet1Play I'llshowyouwhyI'mtheNightmareofSolomon! ReturninglinefromSpring2021Event.KaiNiStartingABattle ソロモンの悪夢、見せてあげる! YuugumoKaiNiFriendFleet2Play The10thDestroyerDivisionhasarrivedattheoperationarea.We'llnowsupportthefriendlyforces.DesDiv10,charge! ReturninglinefromSpring2021Event. 第十駆逐隊、戦場海域に到達。


十駆、突入します! Z1ZweiFriendFleet1Play Enemyshipsspotted.Begintheattack. ReturninglinefromFall2020Event. 敵艦発見。


Z3ZweiFriendFleet1Play Takeontheenemyships.Begintheattack. ReturninglinefromFall2020Event. 敵艦を捕捉。


LightCruisers AtlantaKaiFriendFleet1Play Roger.Icandothis.Fire! ReturninglinefromSpring2021Event. Roger.やるぞ、あたし。

Fire! DucadegliAbruzziKaiFriendFleet2Play Ready,Garibaldi?We'llnowsupportthealliedforces.Fleet,increasespeed.Pleasefollowme! ReturninglinefromSummer2019Event. いい、Garibaldi?これより友軍を援護します。


私に続いてください! GiuseppeGaribaldiKaiFriendFleet1Play Friendlyfleetahead.Engagedinbattle.We'llnowsupportthem.Forwards! 前方に友軍艦隊。



続け! GiuseppeGaribaldiKaiFriendFleet1Play Ah,notbad.Let'sdothis! ReturninglinefromSummer2019Event. あぁ、悪くないね。

やってやるぜ! KumaKaiNiDFriendFleet1Play I'mhere-kuma.There'snothingtoworryaboutnow-kuma. 球磨が来たクマ。


NoshiroKaiNiFriendFleet1Play Allfleets,pleasecheckyourformations. ReturninglinefromSpring2019Event. 各艦隊、艦隊陣形確認。


NoshiroKaiNiFriendFleet1Play DesRon2,attack. ReturninglinefromSpring2021Event. 二水戦、突撃します。

OoyodoKaiFriendFleet1Play Enemyfleetspotted.Prepareforbattle.Please! StartingaBattle 敵艦隊見ゆ。



SheffieldKaiFriendFleet1Play HMSSheffieldhasarrivedonthebattlefield.I'llnowsupportthealliedforces.Charge. ReturninglinefromFall2020Event. HMSSheffield、戦場に到達した。



SheffieldKaiFriendFleet2Play HMSSheffield,acknowledging. HMSSheffield,了解。

YahagiKaiNiFriendFleet1Play Fleet,lineahead.Let'sgo.YahagiTorpedoSquadron,chargingin! ReturninglinefromSpring2019Event. 艦隊、単縦陣。


矢矧水雷戦隊、押して参る! YuraKaiNiFriendFleet1Play Admiral,I',theoperationhasbegun. ReturninglinefromSpring2021Event. 提督さん、由良が作戦の開始時刻をお知らせします…三…二…一…今。


HeavyCruisers HoustonKaiFriendFleet1Play Houston,acknowledging.Increasespeed.Fire! ReturninglinefromFall2019Event. Houston、了解。


Fire! HoustonKaiFriendFleet2Play Houstonhasarrivedattheoperationarea.Friendlyfleetspotted.We'llnowsupportthefriendlyforces.Charge! ReturninglinefromFall2019Event. Houston、戦場海域に到達。



突入! NorthamptonKaiFriendFleet1Play USSNorthampton,acknowledging.Openfire! USSNorthampton,了解。

Openfire! PrinzEugenKaiFriendFleet1Play Fire! ReturninglinefromSummer2019Event. Feuer! PrinzEugenKaiFriendFleet1Play PrinzEugenhasarrivedonthebattlefield.I'llnowsupportthealliedfleet.Fire! ReturninglinefromFall2020Event. PrinzEugen、戦場海域に到達。


Feuer! LightCarriers RyuuhouKaiNiFriendFleet1Play RyuuhouAttackSquadron,takeoff!I'mcountingonyou. KaiNiENightAttack 龍鳳攻撃隊、発艦!お願い致します。

ZuihouKaiNiBFriendFleet1Play Catapult,readyforsuccessivetake-offs! カタパルト、連続発艦、始め! Battleships BismarckDreiFriendFleet1Play Jeez...!Thisremindsmeofthoseannoyingbiplanes...! ZweiMinorDamage1 もう…!あの忌々しい複葉機を思い出すわね…! BismarckDreiFriendFleet2Play Hmmm,we'rebackhereagain? へぇ〜、らしくなってきたじゃない? GangutDvaFriendFleet1Play Great!Nowit'stimeformetocrushthem! ReturninglinefromSpring2019Event. よろしい!わが全力を叩きつけるのは今だ! GangutDvaFriendFleet1Play Isee,it’sfinallytimeforthefinalbattle.Alright,justleaveittome!Comewithme,everyone!Don’tfallbehind! ReturninglinefromWinter2018Event. そうか、いよいよ艦隊決戦だな。

よし、この私に任せておけ!キサマ、ともに行くぞ!遅れるな! HieiKaiNiCFriendFleet1Play Yes,justleaveitalltome! ReturninglinefromSpring2021Event.KaiNiCSecretary1 はい、比叡にお任せあれ! KongouKaiNiCFriendFleet1Play Itoldyou...Iwon'tletyougoonceI'vegotyou! ReturninglinefromSpring2021Event.KaiNiCNightBattle 食らいついたら離さないって…言ったデース! RichelieuKaiFriendFleet1Play I'llshowyouthepowerofthebattleshipRichelieu.We'llcrushthem! 戦艦Richelieuの火力、見せるのは今。

圧倒しなさい! SouthDakotaKaiFriendFleet1Play USSSouthDakota,acknowledging.ATTACK! ReturninglinefromSummer2020Event. USSSouthDakota,了解。

突入だ! WarspiteKaiFriendFleet1Play EuropeanCombinedGrandFleet,flagshipWarspite,hasarrivedonthebattlefield.We’llnowsupportthefriendfleet!Allships,attack! ReturninglinefromSummer2019Event. EuropeanCombinedGrandFleet、旗艦Warspite、戦場海域に到着。

これよりfriendfleetを援護します!全艦、突撃! WashingtonKaiFriendFleet1Play USSbattleship,Washington,hasarrivedonthebattlefield.Now,let'sdothis.Openfire!Allships,followme. ReturninglinefromFall2020Event. USSbattleship,Washington,戦場海域に到達。



YamatoKaiFriendFleet1Play Mainguns,pleasehurryupwithafiringsolution.BattleshipYamato,openingfirewithallguns.Fire! ReturninglinefromWinter2018Event. 主砲、諸元修正急いで下さい。


ってー! StandardAircraftCarriers AkagiKaiNiFriendFleet1Play 1stCarrierDivision,attacksquadrons,launchallplanes!We'recountingonyou. ReturninglinefromSpring2019Event. 第一航空戦隊、攻撃隊、全機発艦!頼みますね。

ArkRoyalKaiFriendFleet1Play Roger!Swordfishsquadrons,begintakeoff! ReturninglinefromHinamatsuri2020Mini-Event. 了解だ!Swordfishsquadron発艦初め! GrafZeppelinKaiFriendFleet1Play Enemyfleetspotted.Good.Attacksquadron,begintakeoff!Routthem! StartingABattle 敵艦隊発見か。


攻撃隊、発艦始め! 蹴散らすぞ! GrafZeppelinKaiFriendFleet2Play Launchalloperationalplanes!Haha~thisisthrilling. Attack 稼働機は全部出せ! ハハッ、痛快だな。

HiryuuKaiNiFriendFleet1Play From:2ndCarrierDivision.To:AllFleets.Wewillnowtakechargeofaerialcombat!Allattacksquadrons,takeoff! ReturninglinefromSummer2020Event. 発:第二航空戦隊。


我、これより航空戦の指揮をとる!攻撃隊、全機発艦! IntrepidKaiFriendFleet1Play Shallweattackatfullforce? ReturninglinefromEarlyFall2018Event. 全力出撃で行きましょうか? KagaKaiNiFriendFleet1Play Awisedecision. ReturninglinefromSpring2019Event. 良い判断です。

SaratogaMk.IIFriendFleet1Play Saratogaattacksquadrons,allplanes,begintheassault.Attack! ReturninglinefromSpring2019Event. Saratoga攻撃隊、全機、攻撃開始。

Attack! SouryuuKaiNiFriendFleet1Play CarDiv2,Souryuu!Headingout! KaiNiSecretary2 二航戦、蒼龍!参ります! SeaplaneTenders CommandantTesteKaiFriendFleet1Play Thankyou.EvenIhavemanagedtomakeittothebattlefield.Begintheattack. ReturninglinefromEarlyFall2018Event. Merci。



CommandantTesteKaiFriendFleet1Play I'llsupportyoueventhoughI'mnotthatcapable.Fire! ReturninglinefromEarlyFall2018Event. 私も微力ながら、援護いたします。

Feu! NisshinAFriendFleet1Play Nisshinsquadron,arrivingonthefieldofbattle!Thetimetostrikeisuponus!Midgetsubmarinesquadron,alight! ReturninglinefromWinter2019Event. 日進隊、戦場海域に到達!これより突入を開始じゃあ!甲標的隊、発艦始め! AmphibiousAssaultShips ShinshuuMaruKaiFriendFleet1Play Transportconvoy,Shinshuu-maru,ishere!Landingforce,launch.Forwards! 輸送船団、神州丸、見参!上陸部隊、発進。

続け! ArmoredCarriers ShoukakuKaiNiAFriendFleet1Play Alright,Zuikaku?Don'tfallbehind. いい、瑞鶴?遅れないで。

ShoukakuKaiNiAFriendFleet2Play Airwing,take-off! 翔鶴航空隊、発艦! ZuikakuKaiNiAFriendFleet1Play Ofcourse,Shoukaku!Wewon'tfallbehindCarDiv1! 翔鶴姉、もちのろん!一航戦にも遅れは取らない! ZuikakuKaiNiAFriendFleet2Play Now,let'sgetstarted!Wereallydooutrangethem!AllAttackSquadrons,takeoff! KaiNiAAttack さぁ、始めるわ!ほんとにアウトレンジしてあげるんだから!攻撃隊、全機発艦! FleetOilers HayasuiKaiFriendFleet1Play Flightdeck,allgreen?Airwingtakeoff! Attack 航空甲板、大丈夫?航空隊発艦! HayasuiKaiFriendFleet2Play HayasuiAirWing,launchinorder!Startup! KaiAttack 速吸航空隊、順次発艦! かかれ! KamoiKaiBoFriendFleet1Play Weneedtoattack.Pleasegetstarted. KaiAttack 攻撃しましょう。


Souya(AGS)FriendFleet1Play "Theshipthatmakestheimpossible,possible"?No,allIdidwasdothebestIcould. AGBSecretary2 「不可能を可能にする船」?いえ、精一杯頑張るだけです。

Mechanics Participationrequirements Musthavea75%sortiewinratio. Musthave5emptyshipslotsfornewships. Musthave20freeequipmentslots. SpecialMechanics ThedifficultysystemfirstusedinSpring2015Eventreturns:youcanchoosebetweenOperationA(甲,Hard),OperationB(乙,Medium),OperationC(丙,Easy)orOperationD(丁,VeryEasy). ChoosingAorBrequirescertainHQLevel(HQLv35forB/80forAinSpring2015Event). AnimportantnotetoallAdmiralsintendingtocleartheeventonHarddifficulty-further(new)conditionsnowapply: WhenswitchingdifficultyfromanyotherdifficultytoHard,themap'sdebuffmechanism(whereapplicable)willbereset. Switchingbetweenanyotherdifficultieswillnotresetthedebuffmechanism. Tosimulatesimultaneityofbattlesindifferentlocations,TagConditions&DeploymentRestrictionsareemployed. Shipsnotalreadycolor-taggedwillbetaggedwiththecolorassociatedwiththemapwhendeployed.Thistagexistsonalldifficultiesandisnotresetonremodel,etc. OnNormalorHarddifficulty,shipsmusthaveeitherthesame-coloredtagasthemapbeingdeployedto,ornotagatall. ThisrequirementissometimeswaivedoncertainmapsonHard,orpost-clear. Beginningwiththesecondmap,difficultyprogressionrulesapply. InordertoplayamaponHarddifficulty,thepriormapmusthavebeencompletedoneitherNormalorHard. e.g.,todoE-2onhard,youmusthavecompletedE-1onnormalorhard. ThedebuffsystemfromSummer2015Event'sfinalmap,wherecertainnodeshadtobeattackedandotherconditionsfulfilledtoreducebossarmor,willreturn. Returningthisevent,theVanguardFormationcanbeused. Thisformationwillorganizethefleetsuchthatthe3rd-6th/7thshipsprotecttheFlagshipand2ndShipoftheFleet. Inaddition,theformationallowsforshipstobecomemoreevasiveincombatsituations,especiallywithwell-trainedDestroyer. Thisformationisalsoavailableonlyduringthedurationoftheevent. TheformationwillbeusablebybothnormalfleetsaswellastheStrikingForceFleet. NPCFriendFleetshavebeenintroducedintothegame. FriendFleetsactasanotherunitthatappearsinparticularbattlestohelpaidyourfleetwhenattackingtheenemyatthestartofnightbattle. NPCFriendFleetsareselectedfromarandomizedpresetlistofship. Dependingonwhoyouhaveinyourfleetcanalsoinfluencewhowillbearrivetoaidyouinbattle. EnemyRadarAmbushNodeshavebeenintroducedintothegame. Enteringthisnodewillresultinyourfleetfacingoffagainstanenemyfleetthatwillambushandattackyourfleet YourFleetwillnotbeabletofightagainsttheenemyFleet. Bymeetingcertainconditions,youcanevadethesenodes. EmergencyAnchorageMaintenance/Repairs【緊急泊地修理】 BothAkashiKaiandAkitsushimaKaiwillbecapableofconductingemergencyrepairs;however,AkitsushimahasmorelimitedcapabilitiescomparedtoAkashi. SeeunderEmergencyAnchorageRepairsfordetails. High-AltitudeAbyssalBombersthatareresistanttoalltypesofinterceptorsotherthanthenewland-basedrocketinterceptorsmayalsoreturnthisevent. v·e Events 2013 Spring(BreakintotheEnemyAnchorage!) ·Summer(SouthernWatersAssaultReconnaissance!) ·Fall(DecisiveBattle!BreakThroughtheIronBottomSound!) ·Christmas(ArpeggioxKancolle) 2014 Spring(Reconplanes,launching!) ·Summer(OperationAL/MI) ·Fall(Begin!OperationKon!) 2015 Winter(Counter-attack!AssaultonTrukAnchorage) ·Spring(Order!Operation11) ·Summer(Counterattack!TheSecondOperationSN) ·Mini-Event:NavalDistrictSauryFestival(2015) ·Fall(Breakthrough!MaritimeTransportOperation) 2016 Winter(Sortie!OperationRei-Go) ·Spring(Deployment!Land-basedAerialDivision!) ·Summer(CounterAttack!TheSecondBattleoffMalaya!) ·Mini-Event:NavalDistrictSauryFestival(2016) ·Fall(Announcement!TheThirdFleetOperationAct) 2017 Winter(ReconnaissanceForceEmergencyDeployment!Operation"Hikari") ·Spring(Sortie!5thFleettotheNortheast!) ·Summer(CrossingthroughtheWestonceagain!TheEuropeanRescueOperation) ·Mini-Event:NavalDistrictSauryFestival(2017) ·Fall(ShowdownatOperationShou-Gou!BattleofLeyteGulf(Part1)) 2018 Winter(ShowdownatOperationShou-Gou!BattleofLeyteGulf(Part2)) ·Mini-Event:NavalDistrictOnigiriFestival ·Mini-Event:NavalDistrictSauryFestival(2018) ·EarlyFall(SetSail!CombinedFleet,totheWest) 2019 Winter(Interception!OperationBuinDefense) ·SetsubunMini-Event ·Spring(CommenceAlliedRelief!"The2ndHawaiiOperation") ·Summer(EuropeanCounterattackOperation!Commence"OperationShingle") ·Mini-Event:NavalDistrictSauryFestival(2019) ·Fall(Advance!The2ndSouthernOperation) 2020 Hinamatsuri2020Mini-Event ·Summer(StoptheInvasion!IslandDefenseFortificationOperation) ·Fall(Escort!FleetTransportOperation) 2021 Spring(Clash!NightBattleoffLunga) ·Summer(ReinforcementTransportOperation!BattleoftheMediterranean) ·Fall(ReturnoftheSauryFestival/MaritimeEscort!DefendtheSeasoftheMainland) 2022 Winter(Announcement!OperationSho-Go3Alert) Retrievedfrom"" Category:Events Navigationmenu Personaltools LoginRequestaccount Namespaces PageDiscussion Variants Views ReadViewsourceViewhistory More Search ContentNavigation KancolleWikiRandompageRecentchangesBatchUploading CurrentEvent Winter2022Event Sortie SortieWorld1(NavalBaseWaters)World2(NanseiIslandWaters)World3(NorthernWaters)World7(SouthWesternWaters)World4(WesternWaters)World5(SouthernWaters)World6(CentralWaters)Events Shortcuts ExpeditionsQuestsShipsMaximumStatusEquipmentConstructionDevelopmentAkashi'sImprovementArsenalShopandInventoryCombatMechanicsGlossaryDropListInterviews Tutorials HowtoRegisterHowToPlayLevelingResourceFarmingShipPriorityEquipmentSetupAkashiUpgradesEventPreparationTroubleshootingFAQ Community HelpSandbox Tools WhatlinkshereRelatedchangesUploadfileSpecialpagesPrintableversionPermanentlinkPageinformationPagevalues
