What is another word for dubious? - WordHippo

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What is another word for dubious? ; hesitant · doubtful ; uncertain · unsure ; undecided · wavering ; cagey · hesitating ; tentative · equivocal. What'sanotherwordfor What'stheoppositeof Meaningoftheword Wordsthatrhymewith Sentenceswiththeword Translate FromEnglish ToEnglish to Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Basque Belarusian Bengali Bosnian Bulgarian Catalan Cebuano Chichewa Chinese Corsican Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Esperanto Estonian Farsi Filipino Finnish French Frisian Galician Georgian German Greek Gujarati HaitianCreole Hausa Hebrew Hindi Hmong Hungarian Icelandic Igbo Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese Javanese Kannada Kazakh Khmer Korean Kurdish Kyrgyz Lao Latin Latvian Lithuanian Luxembourgish Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian Burmese Nepali Norwegian Polish Portuguese Punjabi Romanian Russian Samoan ScotsGaelic Serbian Sesotho Shona Sinhala Slovak Slovenian Somali Spanish Sundanese Swahili Swedish Tajik Tamil Telugu Thai Turkish Ukrainian Urdu Uzbek Vietnamese Welsh Xhosa Yiddish Yoruba Zulu FindWords AllWords 2-LetterWords 3-LetterWords 4-LetterWords 5-LetterWords 6-LetterWords 7-LetterWords 8-LetterWords 9-LetterWords 10-LetterWords 11-LetterWords 12-LetterWords 13-LetterWords 14-LetterWords StartingWith EndingWith ContainingExactly ContainingtheLetters WordsWithFriends Scrabble Crossword/Codeword Use*forblanktiles(max2) Use*forblankspaces AdvancedWordFinder Findthe Plural Singular PastTense PresentTense Verb Adjective Adverb Noun of Pronouncetheword in Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Bengali Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Greek Hindi Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latin Malay Malayalam Marathi Nepali Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Spanish Swahili Swedish Tamil Telugu Thai Turkish Ukrainian Uzbek Vietnamese Welsh FindNames Meaningofthename Originofthename Namesmeaning Namesstartingwith Namesoforigin     Synonyms Antonyms Definitions Rhymes Sentences Translations FindWords WordForms Pronunciations ☀ Appearance ✓Usedevicetheme   ✓Darktheme ✓Lighttheme Whatisanotherwordfordubious? Needsynonymsfordubious?Here'salistofsimilarwordsfromourthesaurusthatyoucanuseinstead. Contexts▼▲ Reluctanttoproceedduetodoubtsoruncertainty Vagueorunclearinnature Ofquestionablereliability,worthorquality Morallysuspect Immoral,unprincipledorevilinnature (ofanargumentorstatement)Notseemingreasonableorprobable Unusualoroutoftheordinary Ofdoubtfulauthenticityorlackingauthority Notuptotherequiredstandardorquality Dangerouslyinsecureorunstable Ofaminimumorunlikelydegree Unsteadyandpronetounexpectedchanges Characterizedbyalackofsincerity Beingtested Notgivinghopeoffuturesuccessorgoodresults Said,withoutproof,tohavetakenplaceortohaveaspecifiedillegalorundesirablequality Havingthefeelingthatoneisabouttovomit Consistingofanassortmentofthings Displaying,orcharacterizedby,jealousyoralackoftrust …more▼ ▲ Adjective ▲ Reluctanttoproceedduetodoubtsoruncertainty hesitant doubtful uncertain unsure undecided wavering cagey hesitating tentative equivocal iffy indisposed loath reticent scepticalUK unsettled ambiguous disinclined irresolute unconfirmed unconvinced undetermined unresolved vacillating cagy distrustful indefinite leery loth reluctant shaky chancy diffident fly-by-night indecisive mistrustful questioning skepticalUS trustless unassured unsavoryUS unsavouryUK untrusty inadilemma inaquandary indoubt intwominds touch-and-go onthehornsofadilemma suspicious doubting hinky cynical unbelieving disbelieving incredulous wary chary cautious ambivalent suspecting apprehensive dithering negativistic careful onthefence nervous quizzical uneasy show-me circumspect unwilling shilly-shallying averse oscillating afraid oftwominds waffling guarded agnostic uncommitted untrusting torn blowinghotandcold shy equivocating resistant opposed lackingtrust noncommittal uneager backward faithless notsure fearful jealous uptight unclear split scoffing watchful beenhitbefore antipathetic faltering notinthemood withoutbelief heedful mistrusting vague distrusting hazy lackingconfidence unprepared aporetic floating unenthusiastic lackingfaith slow havingreservations wishy-washy non-believing teetering fluctuating divided perplexed ill-disposed onguard notdisposed hostile recalcitrant betwixtandbetween hemmingandhawing antagonistic runninghotandcold havingmisgivings havingqualms notbornyesterday likedoubtingThomas sittingonthefence unimpressed unmoved unpersuaded worried anxious skittish insecure halting unconfident unsatisfied suspect pessimistic notbelieving jaundiced vexed confused neutral misbelieving grudging pussyfooting minimifidian wondering paranoid havemisgivings havereservations nullifidian rationalist irreligious on-the-fence unenlightened resisting nonbelieving freethinking withoutfaith wobbling swithering demurring unfinished pendent notready unpredictable uncaring notminded notkeen inimical uninclined havering hedgingyourbets inthemiddle mindful cunctatory balkingUS nervousabout unenthusiasticabout notinfavourof gingerly conservative considerate alert frugal scrupulous safe mean half-hearted parsimonious stingy prudent thrifty sticking shying protesting unsympathetic objecting hangingback hummingandhawing restrained canny inhibited miserly constrained economical calculating discreet particular fastidious sparing baulkingUK fickle unsteady unstable weak timid conflicting muddled impartial weak-minded contradictory borderline unabletodecide hot-and-cold mixed unaffiliated vacillatory changeable vacillant independent non-aligned non-partisan volatile infirm wobbly undeclared unattached fluctuant weak-kneed hotandcold variable stumbling irresoluteoscillating indeterminate unassertive possessive dilly-dallying shillyshallying flickering shaking trembling quivering changing halfhearted solicitous inconstant pendulous uneventful astraddle fullofdoubt conflicted inconclusive open upintheair notdefinite debatable havingopposingviews havingclashingviews havingconflictingviews havingcontradictoryviews uninvolved free nonpartisan nonaligned free-floating free-spirited fence-sitting cutloose notinvolved middleground middleoftheroad more❯ “Shehadbeenunaware,untilthatstove-litmomentofcertainty,thatshehadeverbeendubiousabouttheproject.” Adjective ▲ Vagueorunclearinnature ambiguous equivocal unclear imprecise indefinite indeterminate vague cryptic enigmatic hazy hinky puzzling confused confusing debatable doubtful indistinct inexact obscure questionable uncertain blurred equivocating fuzzy open unsettled opentoquestion nebulous inexplicit unintelligible enigmatical arcane perplexing opaque mysterious ill-defined inscrutable abstruse mystic murky occult sketchy inconclusive foggy muzzy oracular Delphic double-edged loose ambivalent arguable deep misleading woollyUK paradoxical elliptical dark unknown elliptic tenebrous fuliginous woolyUS undetermined opentodebate clearasdishwater clearasmud opentoargument amphibological cloudy imperfect obfuscatory riddling bleary muddy muddled oblique gnomic bewildering undefined shadowy dim blurry noncommittal indistinguishable clouded non-specific unsound vacillating polysemantic polysemous polysemic multivocal generalizedUS rough unconfirmed incomplete unresolved superficial approximate borderline unestablished undecided unascertained cursory remote weak periphrastic prevaricating circumlocutory circuitous suspicious duplicitous contradictory roundabout elusive inadequate perfunctory iffy upintheair yettobedecided unspecified generalisedUK general shifty unexplicit disreputable grayUS greyUK two-edged unlimited evasive impressionistic pale misty blear gauzy faint unfixed intangible broad unspecific open-ended innumerable indeterminable unsure inexhaustible wide undependable incomprehensible impenetrable unfathomable recondite inexplicable esoteric mystifying baffling hidden concealed hard difficult unexplained dense obfuscated beyondcomprehension asclearasmud unfocused ballpark approximative estimated inaccurate squishy sweeping undetailed coarse-grained incoherent disorganizedUS disorganisedUK flexible crude slight jumbled shallow overall unmeticulous unrigorous basic generic indiscriminate liberal unprecise nonspecific woolly-minded woolly-headed addled illogical proximate near close free muddle-headed amorphous blanket non-restrictive disjointed muddleheaded common guessed unscientific surmised non-literal random rambling changeable almostexact almostaccurate careless sloppy fluid all-round all-around broad-based broad-spectrum bird's-eye non-committal blurredroundtheedges notliteral notstrict notclose casual notpartial notspecific notparticular scrappy bitty skimpy outline unfinished rudimentary patchy insufficient limited fragmentary scanty hurried hasty meagreUK provisional faulty preliminary cobbledtogether meagerUS uncritical coarse defective introductory depthless onthebackofanenvelope more❯ “Whenaskedabouttheroleofreligionandthestate,heoffersadubiousanswer.” Adjective ▲ Ofquestionablereliability,worthorquality suspect questionable doubtful unreliable suspicious undependable untrustworthy arguable disputable dodgy doubtable dubitable flimsy improbable moot unlikely mootable problematic problematical unapt far-fetched undersuspicion upintheair notkosher debatable uncertain iffy equivocal opentoquestion shaky fishy unsettled shady unsure unclear queer undecided controversial opentodoubt ambiguous chancy indoubt indeterminate borderline unresolved weak unconfirmed contentious indefinite unsound indecisive unsubstantiated vague unsupported opentodebate controvertible open unknown tenuous undetermined inquestion unconvincing contestable issuable speculative negotiable inconclusive clouded unestablished disputed nebulous indispute touch-and-go funny unproven unpredictable puzzling mysterious shonky enigmatic inthebalance spurious cryptic obscure pending confused fallible odd upfordiscussion implausible unfounded disreputable opentodiscussion hazy murky inaccurate unverified conjectural yettobedecided dicey pseudo inexact undefined false contested notquiteright betwixtandbetween boneofcontention thejury'sout betweensixesandsevens betweenrockandhardplace atissue unconcluded irregular groundless baseless insecure strange unreasonable specious foundationless uncorroborated dark untrue rocky risky unjustified unforeseeable marginal suspected incalculable incorrect mistaken wrong defective erroneous deceptive unsafe contingent ungrounded contended untrusted exceptionable inexplicit indistinct opaque apocryphal suppositive suppositious notdependable perplexing flakeyUS unstable flakyUK sham unascertained notdefinite imprecise subjecttodebate ill-founded indistinguishable shadowy unanswered wideofthemark off-target inlimbo withoutfoundation upforgrabs withoutbasis opentosuspicion vexed unsolved notbackedupbyevidence onice hardtobelieve onthebackburner ill-defined tricky insubstantial sketchy shifty unsavouryUK unsavoryUS negligible fragile challenging precarious paradoxical ambivalent unspecific insignificant enigmatical unintelligible muddy clearasdishwater tenebrous potentiallyillegal potentiallydishonest outstanding tentative riddling unclassifiable unsubstantial subjudice notreliable untrusty atrisk notyetestablished aliveissue amootpoint acontroversialsubject farfromcertain hidden amatterofopinion unprovable ridiculous incredible unbelievable undisclosed abstruse arcane openfordiscussion yettobesettled notyetsettled unauthenticated trustless confusing muffled innoman'sland empty illogical misguided misinformed concealed intangible indiscernible irresolute wavering equivocating occult hypothetical potentiallydangerous potentiallyfalse elusive vacillating blear tobedecided trumped-up dishonest notobvious phonyUS underexamination farfetched unusual corrupt peculiar criminal underadvisement different phoneyUK disputatious divisive delicate sensitive difficult polemical ringsuntrue emotive provocative tendentious polemic ofdoubtfulhonesty outofline awkward debateable toomuch won'twash unknowable debated hot notorious heated undivinable random arbitrary falsified fallacious fake touchy chance underdiscussion hot-button hit-or-miss hit-and-miss hitandmiss unwarranted invalid nonvalid unjustifiable unattested presumed assumed notvalidated more❯ “Evenifthedubiousclaimthatthewordhonorisfallingintodisuseweretrue,itwouldnomorefollowthatitsreferentislosingitsimportance.” Adjective ▲ Morallysuspect unscrupulous disreputable suspicious crooked shady suspect dodgy fishy shifty slippery unsavoryUS unsavouryUK funny dishonest dishonourableUK underhand deceitful duplicitous dishonorableUS tricky double-dealing devious treacherous guileful corrupt untrustworthy fraudulent shonky unprincipled questionable crafty sneaky bent two-faced unethical sly underhanded wily cunning scheming artful deceptive murky Janus-faced furtive snide conniving unreliable false undependable cheating two-timing sharp nefarious designing illegal calculating unlawful dirty unfair rogue shrewd unfaithful traitorous fly-by-night insidious fast nottobetrusted snidey criminal iffy dark insincere immoral seedy scandalous sketchy inglorious foxy clandestine secret slick surreptitious cagey sneaking irresponsible mysterious irregular doubtful notdependable nottobedependedon fair-weather beguiling subtle cute cagy unsportsmanlike Machiavellian unsporting covert evasive slim untrue disloyal indirect fickle secretive oblique lying errant untruthful belowthebelt double-crossing ofdubiouscharacter trustless slimy underthetable dirty-dealing potentiallyillegal cloak-and-dagger faithless back-alley shadowy macabre queer bootleg stinky mean underthecounter dicey knavish mean-spirited low deviant dangerous roguish cowboy unprofessional unjust contriving evil delusive stealthy iniquitous nottrustworthy untrusty amoral mendacious collusive unhonest fink swindling notkosher malfeasant venal unsafe corruptible nottobereliedupon defrauding notquiteright grafting buyable ruthless suborned funny-looking perfidious inconstant dishonest-looking strange-looking guilty-looking mysterious-looking queer-looking false-hearted doubting recreant adulterous deceiving flighty double-faced unbelieving back-stabbing unloyal unconverted scepticalUK fluctuating skepticalUS wavering unstable capricious changeful changeable backstairs hidden conspiratorial veiled shrouded obliquitous gimmicky hugger-mugger hole-and-corner low-down playingpolitics puton playinggames notstraightforward fakingoneout more❯ “Theyareengagedintaxavoidance,whichisentirelylegal,thoughyoumightargueit'smorallydubious.” Adjective ▲ Immoral,unprincipledorevilinnature criminal corrupt immoral unprincipled evil wicked dishonest unscrupulous sinful nefarious vile dishonourableUK villainous iniquitous base shady crooked unethical heinous bad degenerate deceitful depraved unlawful treacherous disreputable bent untrustworthy dissolute lawless unrighteous underhanded perverted dirty shifty dark devious dishonorableUS ungodly scandalous dodgy amoral despicable crafty rotten rascally barbarous scoundrelly debauched hateful diabolic contemptible ignoble unfair felonious debased unsavoryUS unsavouryUK roguish dastardly corrupted unconscionable lawbreaking delinquent wanton licentious improper malicious slippery decadent malevolent pernicious scheming sinister defiled abject undignified inequitable sleazy inexorable sly spiteful unconscientious objectionable conscienceless exploitative inhuman vindictive ruffianly scrofulous seedy virulent morallywrong two-faced notorious low infamous unwholesome suspect ignominious opprobrious mean vicious louche seamy suspicious nogood discreditable sordid disgraceful shameful wrong nasty outrageous black repugnant shoddy distasteful unpleasant unrespectable offensive shy obnoxious repellent repulsive funny grubby disagreeable iffy sharp noisome diabolical foul flagitious underhand illicit profane fallen impure unbecoming scurrilous violent barbaric contumelious shocking reprehensible questionable unworthy disorderly ofbadreputation fishy inlowesteem lewd pitiable inthedoghouse cheap scurvy derogatory inbad beggarly lowly inglorious sorry libidinous degraded abandoned reprobate libertine sick dissipated lecherous demoralizedUS perverse loose warped profligate rakehell fast prodigal jackleg unclean wild demoralisedUK rakish rakehelly indecent obscene gross vulgar low-down wrongful coarse crude execrable salacious rude lascivious detestable fiendish monstrous odious smutty abominable unholy shameless atrocious filthy naughty risqué tasteless illegal cruel blasphemous horrible beastly raunchy egregious indecorous miscreant bawdy racy notcricket indelicate devilish crass inappropriate off-colourUK wretched suggestive X-rated knavish saucy off-colorUS immodest disgusting fraudulent malfeasant ribald illegitimate stinking uncouth sacrilegious irreligious shabby unkind impious degrading maleficent murderous infernal impolite uncharitable pornographic earthy blue unseemly unrefined offcolour deplorable prurient cheating perfidious peccable abhorrent explicit lowbrow vitiated snide currish damnable unchaste godless blameworthy double-dealing culpable foul-mouthed bad-mannered low-minded ungentlemanly demonic spicy deceptive lustful Machiavellian paltry venal unjust brutal hellish recreant common adult scungy raw mercenary indictable taboo colourfulUK randy appalling hard-core unvirtuous erring nudge-nudge mucky neartheknuckle colorfulUS uncultivated sullied tainted unfriendly accursed faithless traitorous unreliable loathsome lying uncultured trashy gutter porny unprintable scatological unpolished broad unregenerate heartless scatologic stag intemperate inelegant promiscuous malign pervy inconsiderate malignant injurious black-hearted provincial Rabelaisian catty illiberal mischievous hurtful salty mean-spirited boorish cutthroat rough incorrigible sneaky false hardcore lowbred fruity scummy dreadful inbadtaste selfish vice-ridden low-down-and-dirty double-crossing two-timing locker-room Janus-faced unspeakable blamable censurable disloyal unfaithful irreverent undesirable guilty debasing shaming unladylike blackguardly satanic cunning callous uneducated uncaring guileful duplicitous untrue harsh churlish abusive deviant philistine discourteous intolerant cowardly lowlife errant conniving deceiving plebby rustic twisted wayward untoward worthless fickle unhealthy demoniac Mephistophelian good-for-nothing ungenerous horrid inconstant unnatural hostile sicko kinky raffish thoughtless cantankerous servile harmful brutish deleterious unsportsmanlike baneful tacky despiteful cursed anathematized vulgarian ornery low-life rancorous ruthless slick sadistic petty ill-natured farmyard double-faced gamy lowdownanddirty evil-minded bad-hearted contemptuous false-hearted underacurse terrible transgressing under-the-table condemnable intolerable againstthelaw thievish facinorous flagrant glaring putrid peccant demeritorious blameful amiss sinning aberrant disingenuous tricky retrograde bribable malefic inferior beyondcontempt abased embarrassing lubricious retrogressive base-minded grovelingUS forbidding dishonouredUK titillating dangerous blackhearted lamentable caitiff hardened vengeful damaging carnal dishonoredUS prejudicial nocuous adverse noxious baleful detrimental ill barro off juicy grovellingUK vulgarizedUS vulgarisedUK wrathful closetothebone unprofessional shadowy rogue hedonic unsuitable nearthebone untactful unblushing callow abnormal treasonous undue corrupting bestial depraving badnews low-downanddirty scabrous off-colored outofline gamey dirty-dealing praetorian perverting surly poisonous venomous concupiscent riotous unrestrained demoralizingUS subversive demoralisingUK unsporting unsettling affronting vilifying tawdry vituperative derisive sickening unutterable stingy natty despisable miserly disrespectful undependable furtive wounding annoying indulgent flagitous squalid demeaning unbefitting unfitting cheapening wily unconstrained sybaritic swinging voluptuary unwarranted unrightful unloyal betraying Punic designing calculating ill-tempered sarcastic ill-humouredUK bad-tempered ill-humoredUS violated easy drunken deteriorated open voodooed non-U infradig belittling lowering mortifying unsportsmanly shrewd insensitive insidious misleading truthless snakeinthegrass dirty-minded fast-living lame lousy grievous inexcusable uncalled-for inthefastlane self-indulgent gonebad pleasure-seeking gonetothedogs nightowl fastandloose lackingrestraint inthegutter highliving bedeviledUS belowthebelt ill-gotten againsttherules sneaking ratty scabby outoforder wrongdoing unceremonious humiliating hypocritical casuistic self-seeking arrant cussed unsanctified demeaned flatitious afflicted bedevilledUK hellfire pestilential blighted loutish beneathyou lackingdignity mendacious unsound insincere unfeeling coldhearted unsympathetic plebeian defrauding untruthful treasonable beneathone'sdignity inhumane hard-hearted cold-blooded savage notnice delusive adulterous hick clownish bearish cloddish uncivilizedUS unsophisticated falsehearted perjured forsworn hollow-hearted back-stabbing mythomaniac apostate renegade narrow-minded classless gruff ungracious lumpen clodhopping oafish slobbish thuggish hideous yobbish swinish clumsy countrified ignorant ocker awkward lubberly loud inurbane unpoised graceless whorish saturnalian ofeasyvirtue prejudiced insular uncivilisedUK out-of-line Neanderthal ill-mannered ill-bred xenophobic disdainful uncivil set inflexible small-minded Lilliputian grudging sectarian bigoted parochial small grimy roughneck incult insensible rugged more❯ Adjective ▲ (ofanargumentorstatement)Notseemingreasonableorprobable implausible incredible improbable unbelievable unlikely preposterous inconceivable unconvincing fantastic doubtful unthinkable absurd fanciful unimaginable ridiculous questionable fantastical flimsy unreasonable unrealistic weak impossible incredulous suspect uncompelling thin unconceivable fishy unsubstantial debatable farfetched puzzling tall reachy problematic obscure unplausible insubstantial far-fetched cock-and-bull hardtoswallow notlikely toomuch hardtobelieve fullofit fullofholes won'twash cockandbull farout won'tholdwater forthebirds remote tenuous iffy beyondbelief incongruous outlandish slim bizarre illogical suspicious dubitable disputable poor false faint outside nonsensical extravagant ludicrous exaggerated feeble slight difficulttobelieve distant outrageous strange unsound unapt laboredUS labouredUK unpersuasive shaky off queer untenable frail extraordinary incoherent sensational scarcelycredible equivocal strained shady offthewall inadequate unsatisfactory fragile irrational flawed fabricated mind-boggling pathetic misleading lame hardtotake embellished faulty vague astonishing astounding hundred-to-one laughable hyperbolic farcical distorted specious notexpected hollow inconsequential unreliable elaborate crazy forced small negligible marginal rare cockamamie outoftheordinary slender groundless contradictory overblown dodgy untrue untruthful fallacious wild spectacular weird peculiar eccentric odd unsubstantiated uncommon curious untrustworthy embroidered arguable wacky unimpressive spurious whimsical self-contradictory contrived unnatural nonrational illegitimate unreasoning unfounded blownup shallow ungrounded inconsequent doubtable artificial staggering grandiose unimagined oddball overdone minute unreal amazing incogitable problematical unheardof outsidechance half-baked off-the-wall highlyunlikely notconvincing minimal tiny bleak inconsiderable meagreUK meagerUS beyondtheboundsofpossibility far faraway scarce dishonest histrionic undependable inconclusive nebulous unexpected unsustainable unsupportable invalid sketchy irreconcilable senseless indefensible complicated trifling airy fatuous nutty vain unreasoned uncertain remarkable transparent ponderous ineffectual unusual exiguous unbelieveable recondite baseless caricatural breathtaking hokey wondrous phenomenal insupposable uncredible nominal isolated insufficient assailable impracticable ringsphony excessive defective notintheleastlikely insane overdramatic sensationalizedUS faltering notabletoholdwater outofthequestion overstated inflated harebrained infeasible reaching fabulous unsupported fallible wrong sophistic flakeyUS kooky scatterbrained flakyUK cockeyed lamebrained screwy phoneyUK phonyUS dicey fractional imperceptible diminished slimandnone imaginary mad unbacked casuistic illusory foolish comical untoward contrary sensationalisedUK ill-founded visionary erratic romantic zany capricious ambitious mind-blowing eye-popping jaw-dropping illusive daft singular extreme barmy hallucinatory suppositious different potty unheard-of pastbelief opentodoubt outré high-flown hare-brained make-believe lesslikely outofsight cock-eyed outofbounds highlycoloured insignificant little outlying more❯ Adjective ▲ Unusualoroutoftheordinary strange unusual odd curious peculiar bizarre weird uncanny abnormal funny atypical anomalous unfamiliar extraordinary unexpected remarkable puzzling mystifying mysterious perplexing baffling inexplicable queer uncommon irregular surreal deviant different aberrant freakish uncharacteristic suspicious unparalleled questionable quaint unnatural anomalistic quirky unconventional rare eerie ridiculous scarce unorthodox untypical freak inconceivable ludicrous offbeat outlandish outoftheordinary wacky far-out incongruous outré spooky unaccountable creepy eccentric exceptional fishy freaky inscrutable kooky nonstandard oddball off-base offthewall outofline outoftheway singular wild bizarro funky idiosyncratic off-centre off-colourUK off-colorUS screwy uncustomary wacko way-out zany crazy erratic kinky kookie off-kilter off-the-wall out-of-the-way queerish spaced-out unheardof weirdo whacky likenothingonearth unco rum cranky unique aberrated droll unaccustomed irrational especial mad fantastical foreign suspect preposterous implausible flakeyUS phenomenal absurd surprising whimsical flakyUK doubtful nonsensical astounding cockamamie unwonted dodgy shady exceeding insane comical extraordinaire preternatural hare-brained outofthisworld intriguing out-there dilly doubtable equivocal dubitable disputable disquieting debatable shaky problematical problematic unhinged touched outre unbalanced demented nutty capricious quizzical beat left-field characteristic bent cockeyed farout wayout off-center funnypeculiar outinleftfield funnystrange astonishing amazing sensational incredible fantastic stunning notable prodigious striking momentous miraculous unbelievable improbable fanciful eye-catching unforgettable arresting dark unrealistic special spectacular noteworthy stupendous conspicuous unlikely unprecedented serious eye-popping extravagant grandiose tremendous wondrous shonky unthinkable unimaginable amazeballs unreal foolish flash gnarly heavy forby far-fetched unheard-of make-believe mysterious-looking notquiteright funny-looking strange-looking notkosher nevertobeforgotten offbeatenpath outthere grotesque daggy avant-garde nonconformist madcap alternative Bohemian silly inleftfield laughable original dotty unpredictable spookish ghostly eldritch haunting bohemian outrageous risible farcical loony goofy daft bewildering monstrous informal derisory nuts balmy divergent novel individual crackpot perverse batty aberrational heterodox unceremonious exotic cuckoo devious eery deviate unearthly alien cracked nonconforming dippy esoteric supernatural inexplainable hippy whacko other-worldly boho fearful offthebeatentrack mystic outofthecommon offtheair oddish individualistic kookish distinctive surrealistic extreme perverted maverick progressive advanced innovative disorderly eccentrical experimental radical chance excentrical pathetic cockamamy derisive rummy off-key skittish fresh untraditional derisible humorous wayward arbitrary veryunconventional vagarious malformed teratoid changeable fitful avantgarde off-beat offtherails verydifferent buggedout unknown verystrange wonderful unexplainable barbarous awkward bonkers amusing loopy barmy clownish comic incomprehensible potty mercurial senseless impracticable inane unfathomable wackadoodle shocking infantile imbecilic unreasonable crazy-ass pointless idiotic illogical wackadoo cock-eyed brainsick screwball looney deranged crackers crazed lunatic loco maniac wud maniacal unsound bedlam scatty meshugge mental bughouse crackbrained psychotic fruity haywire bats gaga moonstruck daffy psycho meshuga certifiable impenetrable insoluble unsolvable unrepresentative isolated unworkable harebrained imprudent dreamlike fatuous puerile quixotic foolhardy gonzo arcane heteroclite unconforming looneytunes loonytunes irresponsible awful horrific ghastly dreadful ominous non-typical noncomposmentis enigmatic abstruse obscure beyondcomprehension beyondunderstanding fluky somethingelse uncouth eerily occult secret magic numinous magical supernal actingcrazy outofkeeping wildering short-sighted ill-conceived beyondallreason bird-brained half-baked outofallreason inappropriate awe-inspiring unknowable unintelligible scaring spine-chilling awesome scary unnerving superstitious petrifying Gothic disconcerting terrifying paranormal gothic spectral crawly frightening sinister hair-raising chilling ghostlike blood-curdling uneasy more❯ Adjective ▲ Ofdoubtfulauthenticityorlackingauthority apocryphal doubtful debatable equivocal unverified spurious fictitious legendary mythical questionable unauthenticated unsubstantiated fabricated uncanonical false imaginary untrue counterfeit fake fictional inaccurate invented ungenuine made-up fabulous fanciful chimerical fantastic unreal imagined visionary pretend illusory chimeric imaginal imaginative nonexistent allegorical supposititious fictive hallucinatory pretended mock suppositious figmental created nebulous artificial improbable phoneyUK impalpable sham faux make-believe unhistoric phonyUS non-existent unhistorical unverifiable mythic whimsical fairy-tale mythological fabled ideal fantastical phantasmal fantasied phantasmic phantom notional storybook folkloric traditional fantasy hypothetical dreamlike storied mythologic fancied dreamy heroic unsubstantial romantic epic delusive quixotic shadowy dreamed-up symbolic symbolical theoretical concocted extravagant immaterial wild unbelievable deceptive illusive unlikely spectral apparitional madeup aerial incredible productofsomeone'simagination trumpedup fool'sparadise outofthisworld parabolic proverbial larger-than-life devised phantasmagoric academic allinthemind estimated intangible insubstantial seeming insincere ostensible reachy unnatural weird replica misleading imitation reproduction far-fetched absurd preposterous ridiculous curious tall poetic capricious crackpot offbeat flakeyUS implausible kinky farout fairytale flakyUK floating vaporous idealistic impractical cockandbull hardtoswallow bluesky hardtotake pipedream pieinthesky castlesintheair oncloudnine unrealistic idealist optimistic hopeful exaggerated idyllic high-flown utopian assumed unworkable unpractical idealisedUK quixotical idealizedUS ethereal abstract starry Micawberish Panglossian supposed virtual imagal invisible starry-eyed outoftouchwithreality ivory-towered head-in-the-clouds allinone'shead figmentofimagination more❯ Adjective ▲ Notuptotherequiredstandardorquality unacceptable inferior poor substandard unsatisfactory bad lousy deficient wretched crummy mediocre inadequate subpar dissatisfactory suboptimal lame shoddy wanting paltry deplorable pathetic imperfect lamentable execrable abysmal pitiful wrong wack punk miserable faulty crumby dismal rubbishy bush dire diabolical defective trashy off worthless sad insufficient disappointing crude sorry abject abominable woeful contemptible horrible hopeless laughable disgraceful cruddy pitiable unsuitable dodgy amateurish tatty disastrous garbage unimpressive inadmissible intolerable cheapo low questionable damnable meagerUS stinking insupportable meagreUK repugnant scurrilous condemnable indefensible irremediable out inacceptable reject second-rate low-grade low-quality belowpar third-rate belowstandard bush-league underpar second-class poor-quality two-bit belowaverage notuptopar notuptosnuff tenth-rate notuptoscratch less-than-stellar poorquality secondrate fromhunger notuptostandard oflowquality ofpoorquality half-baked noton won'tdo doubtful ropy bodger iffy notuptomuch notmuchcop terrible dreadful awful rotten atrocious shabby appalling rubbish poxy cheap common low-rent duff base junk junky tawdry useless lemon average ordinary middling pants bargain-basement hack poorer grotty schlock schlocky coarse déclassé aloadofpants dime-a-dozen good-for-nothing direful mean frightful egregious disagreeable God-awful indifferent bum sub-par trumpery cheapjack derisory gimcrack measly insignificant unsound elcheapo low-end nasty downmarket flawed subnormal unexceptional pedestrian puny negligible shameful thepits leavingmuchtobedesired chronic minor petty calamitous inept grubby ratty sucky unfortunate grievous cut-rate dinky shocking scanty regrettable scant trifling trivial sleazy small piffling piddling unbearable cheesy exiguous ridiculous odious mingy godawful tinhorn cheapie adimeadozen entry-level bottom-rung twopenny-halfpenny outrageous inconsiderable inconsequential despicable offensive careless negligent scandalous unspeakable slight inglorious heinous tragic heartbreaking horrifying iniquitous pits subsidiary verybad grim ignominious scummy scurvy dirty scabby tacky inappreciable unimportant gross minute beggarly meretricious little ungenerous mere horrendous dud beastly ghastly worse kitsch scroungy absurd ludicrous silly cheapandnasty pinchbeck tattered notgoodenough naff twoapenny rinky-dink foolish-looking dime-store Brummagem god-awful tinny run-down brassy ineffectual incompetent broken inexpert bungling dilapidated inexcusable footling yucky valueless reprehensible unforgivable outclassed verylittle flimsy shlocky unsightly repulsive sordid godforsaken seedy shlock weak tinpot senseless preposterous nefarious glaring grave catastrophic cataclysmic monstrous loathsome unpardonable unconscionable abhorrent undesirable objectionable detestable feeble flagrant peripheral unhappy distressing rundown piss-poor ofasort poopy downatheel hideous rueful affecting flagitious disgusting discreditable disturbing disquieting sneaking unjustifiable niggling picayune chicken nominal piddly pimping no-account peanut mournful insufferable criminal opprobrious overwhelming sickening afflictive skimpy oflittleaccount pettifogging nickel-and-dime underwhelming dishonorableUS beyondcontempt deminimis MickeyMouse anticlimactic insubstantial limited unsatisfying unfulfilling unworthy lesser wanky bathetic uninteresting distasteful displeasing failing ineffective dishonourableUK lowly notallit'scrackeduptobe fallingshort disillusioning humble unpretentious secondary subordinate menial second-string undistinguished junior subservient unassuming low-ranking demeaning degrading ancillary second-fiddle smaller reduced bottom scrubby slighter lower servile ignoble lower-ranking plebeian humdrum small-fry minor-league small-time backseat lowerinstatus lessimportant second-banana beneathsomeone third-string undersized belowsomeone low-born subjacent undersomeone'sheel notveryimportant lower-class lowerinrank notsoimportant fair ersatz more❯ Adjective ▲ Dangerouslyinsecureorunstable precarious dangerous insecure uncertain risky unstable doubtful hazardous shaky tricky unsure perilous unreliable unsafe unsettled hairy chancy delicate dicey dodgy undependable unpredictable unsteady problematic rocky touch-and-go treacherous wobbly iffy slippery parlous shonky unhealthy hangingbyathread hanginginthebalance onthinice builtonsand onaslipperyslope outonalimb sticky difficult tight awkward thorny problematical tough troublesome prickly trying bleak dire critical challenging irksome onerous bothersome knotty taxing arduous ticklish forbidding rough sensitive vexatious unpleasant grievous worrying upsetting grim awful punishing worrisome dark disagreeable distressing concerning questionable spartan hostile bitter disturbing unfriendly suspect unclear cliffhanging suspenseful controversial indanger injeopardy unknown touchy gnarly unchancy erratic fluctuant capricious incalculable high-risk inthebalance fraughtwithdanger serious threatening grave unsound menacing venturesome speculative jeopardizingUS jeopardisingUK vulnerable exposed nasty jeopardous desperate wicked deadly fatal ugly alarming playingwithfire dynamite life-threatening catchy tricksy spiny acute destructive harmful bad malignant hot dangersome Russianroulette terrifying loaded explosive atrisk tense lethal volatile embarrassing extreme verybad terrible mortal death-defying breakneck toxic volcanic heavy rugged urgent formidable severe viperous adventurous venturous nerve-racking longshot untrustworthy upintheair defencelessUK rickety highlycharged defenselessUS knife-edge exigent complicated complex intricate involved deathly convoluted charged hard perplexing endangered onslipperyground wide-open overwrought uncomfortable vague hangingbythread threatened opentoattack fearsome injurious unprotected tottering onalimb poisonous scary haphazard inflammable strenuous fiddly unsecured notsecure notstable strained anxious painful incurable laborious combustible stressful vexed operose quirky discomforting disastrous verydangerous capital pressing reckless peracute frightful oncollisioncourse queasy profound catastrophic egregious sore life-and-death weighty significant daredevil upforgrabs undetermined unforeseeable conjectural unconfirmed pending opentoquestion indoubt indeterminate inlimbo unresolved undefined debatable sketchy indistinct tottery more❯ Adjective ▲ Ofaminimumorunlikelydegree fat unlikely doubtful improbable marginal minimal nominal slight small hardlyany notmuch verylittle Adjective ▲ Unsteadyandpronetounexpectedchanges erratic unstable fickle variable changeable inconstant volatile unpredictable fluctuating inconsistent unsteady irregular fluid unsettled mutable changing changeful varying wavering uncertain unreliable shifting undependable protean uneven fitful labile flakyUK flakeyUS fluctuant turbulent unequal vagarious iffy roving wandering rambling desultory directionless meandering dicey incalculable nomadic undirected ever-changing blowinghotandcold fullofupsanddowns capricious temperamental mercurial skittish vacillating flickery untrustworthy shifty irrational ambiguous weaving notfixed flighty impulsive whimsical kaleidoscopic wayward quicksilver mobile upanddown random excitable spasmodic moody movable upintheair up-and-down chameleonic active bipolar intermittent irrepressible chameleon-like yo-yo haphazard giddy elastic sporadic unfixed flexible patchy oscillating waffling irresolute moving floating versatile episodic scattershot variational spotty adaptable discontinuous jerky episodical swaying unmethodical faithless impermanent disconnected peaky arbitrary occasional hit-or-miss wild dynamic ephemeral nonuniform casual indefinite alternating choppy unsystematic aperiodic transitory broken deviating aimless reckless freakish adjustable restless alterable indiscriminate everchanging transient catchy untrue disreputable flickering ever-shifting rapidlychanging alwayschanging constantlychanging notconscientious offandon volative unbalanced fluky tempestuous evolving inexact chancy varied notconstant stayless shapeshifting rapidlyevolving quirky altering bitty unequable disturbed developing growing slippery disrupted unsteadfast explosive ungovernable faddish flowing chance knife-edge subjecttochange likelytochange frivolous crotchety interrupted momentary fleeting ever-moving continuouslychanging periodic inastateofchange short-lived herky-jerky on-again-off-again onandoff vicissitudinous transitional variant vagrant agitated indecisive incidental chaotic loose sketchy catch-as-catch-can stray unthinking slapdash scattered offhand unfocused orderless helter-skelter withoutpurpose shaky infrequent eccentric designless fragmentary unpunctual unconsidered purposeless on-and-off off-and-on non-periodic more❯ Adjective ▲ Characterizedbyalackofsincerity left-handed backhanded indirect ironic ambiguous phonyUS pretended artificial counterfeit cryptic double enigmatic equivocal fake feigned insincere paradoxical phoneyUK phoney-baloney sardonic unctuous hypocritical mealy mealymouthed uncertain lip double-edged double-dealing double-faced two-faced phony-baloney double-meaning Janus-faced Pecksniffian jive deceptive deceitful disingenuous false duplicitous dishonest treacherous dissembling pretentious assumed lying faithless untruthful perfidious hollow disloyal mendacious ambidextrous inauthentic pretend shifty sly fraudulent deceiving put-on back-stabbing cynical knavish dual double-crossing weak hollow-hearted pseudo so-called unauthentic sham actorly quack notgenuine underhand devious untrue slippery unfaithful overdone notcandid slick dissimulating lackingsincerity withtongueincheek pseud exaggerated notfrank snide evasive unconvincing superficial stilted simulated puton strained faked unnatural mannered contrived affected posed cunning underhanded guileful artful crafty beguiling backstabbing untrustworthy doubledealing sneaky misleading foxy tricky more❯ Adjective ▲ Beingtested beta suspect testing beingtested experimental flakyUK flakeyUS mostlyworking new pre-release unready Adjective ▲ Notgivinghopeoffuturesuccessorgoodresults unpromising discouraging gloomy inauspicious ominous unfavorableUS unfavourableUK adverse disadvantageous disheartening uninviting unpropitious baleful black bleak creepy doomed doubtful foreboding hopeless jinxed portentous cursed ill-fated ill-omened infelicitous off-putting unhopeful disappointing depressing dispiriting dampening daunting demoralizingUS hindering deterring repressing oppressive dismal inopportune depressive dreary dissuading dismaying dejecting upsetting demoralisingUK notencouraging nothopeful grim hostile tough unfortunate difficult harsh dire austere bad dour perilous injurious negative hard cheerless awful glum dreadful harrowing miserable unwelcome shadowy parlous nightmarish straitened unpleasant objectionable pressing mournful strained unfriendly worrying sombreUK disagreeable distressing discommodious precarious comfortless exacting troublesome severe tortured woeful treacherous harmful desolate terrible hard-pressed morose exigent messy undesirable jeopardous solemn morbid doleful apocalyptic dangerous lurid bitter rocky inhospitable somberUS chilling disturbing sad troubled fullofhardship grave joyless verybad dark threatening grayUS direful ill-boding sinister forbidding greyUK more❯ Adjective ▲ Said,withoutproof,tohavetakenplaceortohaveaspecifiedillegalorundesirablequality alleged supposed ostensible assumed purported apparent professed claimed pretended reputed reported suspect suspicious rumoredUS rumouredUK suspected stated presumed designated declared described asserted averred putative unproven affirmed doubtful hypothetical avowed presupposed unproved questionable so-called believed likely conjectural seeming suppositious evident held ostensive thought suppositional supposititious said presumptive primafacie specious suppositive inferential hypothetic outward understood superficial illusory semblant theoretical perceived accepted surface feigned prevailing illusive plausible implicated incriminated involved whispered possible probable told gossiped undersuspicion suggested exterior recognizedUS acknowledged appearing quasi- credible external imputed reputative considered regarded deemed estimated commonlybelieved commonlyregarded recognisedUK speculative academic toallappearances soi-disant theoretic quoteunquote unsubstantiated maintained unsupported academical conjectured expected reckoned judged surmised fabled hypothesizedUS granted anticipated implicit inferred given connoted postulated tacit hypothesisedUK broadcast circulating bruited takenasknown countedon takenforgranted exhibited manifest colorable notable demonstrative quasi rife goingaround allovertown givenout notional ideational abstract contingent analytical formularized idealizedUS ideological tentative intheory idealisedUK imaginary imaginative codified formalistic impractical general instanced intheabstract ideal asapremise vague assumptive untested philosophical logical intellectual imagined prospective pedantic transcendental problematical unearthly quixotic transcendent uncertain onpaper groundless unfounded basedonguesswork intelle based metaphysical pure suppository admitted presumable justso premised experimental hairy dangerous projected conceptive believable postulational guesstimated figured guessing unresolved surmising conceivable creditable convincing reasonable verisimilar onahunch onalongshot predictable foreseeable awaited circumstantial odds-on postulatory unreal nominal equivocal concocted conditional conjecturable refutable provisory guessed unconfirmed indefinite indeterminate casual contestable disputable stochastic debatable proposed pretending problematic madeup more❯ Adjective ▲ Havingthefeelingthatoneisabouttovomit queasy nauseous sick ill nauseated bilious unwell seasick squeamish airsick carsick crook queer trainsick travel-sick bad dizzy liverish peaky poorly sickish uncomfortable upset awful funny giddy groggy lousy off peculiar qualmish queerish rotten rough terrible crummy dreadful indisposed peakish concerned doubtful fidgety odd offcolour outofsorts pukish restless rocky sickly sufferingfrommotionsickness troubling uncertain unsettled unsettling woozy sufferingfromaltitudesickness greenaboutthegills greenaroundgills undertheweather sickasadog grotty seedy ropy wabbit belowpar notoneself peaked ailing rundown notuptopar unhealthy queazy washedout off-colorUS off-colourUK peely-wally run-down notwell faint infirm underpar down sickened weak notverywell lightheaded diseased notingoodshape bedridden punk light-headed inpoorhealth notuptosnuff unsound debilitated frail infected inabadway green feeble laid-up impaired barfy bummed greenaroundthegills disordered shaky likedeathwarmedup onthesicklist mean vertiginous afflicted feverish reeling invalided valetudinarian iffy laidup greenatthegills abouttothrowup laidlow delicate pale atdeath'sdoor sicktoone'sstomach tired wobbly invalid hospitalizedUS drained poor incurable suffering dazed undermedication rickety brokendown unsteady notyourself hospitalisedUK hazy whirling tipsy decrepit offone'sfeed sickasdog offbalance punch-drunk notahundredpercent slightlyunwell unfit fatigued nauseatic notsohot imperfect confined tottering defective declining qualmy travelsick ugly horrible paltry lame uneasy unsightly low chunderous failing ropey strange ghastly disturbed distressed disgusted offform miserable throwingup vomiting blah incapacitated grim pallid pasty pasty-faced weakened droopy wilted drooping wilting flagging achy hypochondriacal inpain ashen whey-faced grayUS colourlessUK bloodless ashy greyUK ashen-faced colorlessUS anaemicUK haggard sapped languorous enfeebled corpse-like cadaverous sallow ill-looking feelingsick sufferingfromradiationsickness wan pinched runningtemperature awreck gotthebug feelingterrible feelingawful offone'sfeet feelingrotten notfeelingwell motionsick notuptothemark deathlypale theworseforwear sickly-looking drawn emaciated off-balance unbalanced unstable volatile swooning light ditzy etiolated thin peelie-wally anemicUS aswhiteasaghost aswhiteasasheet inpoorshape confused muzzy swimmy aswoon puzzled punchy gaga dopey muddled notwithit weak-kneed weakintheknees slap-happy seeingstars weakly outofaction enervated prostrate languid prostrated asthenic outofcommission wasted tender down-and-out disabled exhausted slight confinedtobed effete fragile unsubstantial outofshape immobilizedUS housebound injured rundown lacklustreUK lacklusterUS dying wretched stricken wornout doddering wimpish wimpy crippled contaminated immobilisedUK doddery downwith anile infectious trembly sensitive inillhealth inpoorcondition inbadshape outofcondition illinbed inbed wavering valetudinary handicapped sinking reduced spent horsdecombat unwholesome tottery knackered gotabug weary faltering helpless dragging puny sluggish depleted beat pooped tainted septic blighted languishing sickasaparrot soft softened chronicallyill alwaysill oftenill laid-low vitiated nesh tenuous susceptible low-energy burnedout worn-out broken-down withoutenergy peccant abnormal pathetic strengthless sapless meagerUS meagreUK notfeelinguptosnuff tuckeredout outofgas out-of-action tiredout nothealthy flimsy bedfast bedbound infested wastingaway insubstantial insecure indeclininghealth inbadhealth inadecline plague-ridden disease-ridden hydrophobic rabies-infected rabid foamingatthemouth more❯ Adjective ▲ Consistingofanassortmentofthings ragtag assorted eclectic heterogeneous indiscriminate kitchen-sink magpie miscellaneous mixed motley patchwork piebald promiscuous raggle-taggle varied disparate multifarious diverse diversified variegated sundry manifold different various jumbled differing mingled divers varying multitudinous multiform haphazard composite conglomerate disordered wide-ranging loose extensive broad dissimilar wide farraginous myriad compound many heterogenous mixed-up confused discrepant hybrid separate discrete divergent odd scrambled muddled unmatched scattered unsorted manyanddifferent variant legion multiplex amalgamate mosaic mongrel comprehensive universal multifaceted inclusive general catholic liberal encyclopedicUS multidisciplinary interdisciplinary selective encyclopaedicUK all-embracing broad-based broad-ranging many-sided non-exclusive cross-disciplinary numerous several multiple omnifarious allmannerof polymorphic distinct populous distinctive multitudinal polymorphous avarietyof protean unalike unlike unequal peculiar changing individual changeable multifold complex diversiform anumberof anassortmentof amixtureof arangeof colorfulUS varicolored colourfulUK some abundant copious multiplied manyandvarious voluminous collective compounded amixedbagof entangled circuitous random manydifferent contrastive varietal irregular multivarious morefold plural beaucoup omniform variform incongruous collected dissonant amixedbag anthologized inconsistent jarring quiteafew ofeverydescription interwoven labyrinthian sophisticated complicated byzantine baroque involved elaborate intricate daedal tangled convoluted labyrinthine knotty complicate dense winding multipart knotted detailed fancy sinuous nuanced meandering mazy Daedalian involute tortuous profuse overflowing measureless teeming thickontheground superabundant uncounted infinite unlimited plentiful vast innumerable well-provided plenteous large-scale immeasurable numberless endless inexhaustible rampant abounding uncountable lavish rich replete bounteous rife unremitting incomputable bountiful prevalent well-supplied incalculable countless ample unnumbered frequent limitless generous unbounded more❯ Adjective ▲ Displaying,orcharacterizedby,jealousyoralackoftrust insecure jealous suspicious cynical suspecting wary distrustful mistrustful scepticalUK skepticalUS possessive questioning doubtful uptight cautious doubting guarded trustless uncertain anxious unsettled quizzical apprehensive wondering solicitous unbelieving fearful indoubt havingreservations chary leery uneasy cagey beenhitbefore unsure unconvinced undecided hinky nervous untrusting hesitant disbelieving incredulous negativistic careful circumspect distrusting show-me lackingconfidence lackingtrust lackingfaith Findmorewords! 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