pick up some work definition - Dictionary - Reverso
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2 to pluck or gather (fruit, berries, or crops) from (a tree, bush, field, etc.) to pick hops, to pick a whole bush. 3 ... pickupsomeworkdefinition,pickupsomeworkmeaning|Englishdictionary
- 1PICK STH UP在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
pick sth up的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to learn a new skill or language ... for the interview by familiarizing h...
- 2pick up the work中文 - 遊戲基地資訊站
「找人代班」道地英文怎麼說?2017年10月27日· 英文字彙:談論工作(English Vocabulary: Talking about WORK) ... I have my hands ...
- 3pick up the work | English examples in context - Ludwig Guru
High quality example sentences with “pick up the work” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig ...
- 4黛西的生活美語電子報第三十四期 - Daisy On-line
Phil, could you pick me up after work? Phil, 你下班後能來接我嗎? ※ 工作一天了! ◇, 購買. ◇, Honey, could you also ...
- 5你知道pick up 有這5個意思嗎? : 字彙、片語
例句: He picked up a rare illness while he was in Europe. 他在歐洲時染上怪病。 3.學會 例句: Children pick up a la...