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新事件 - 《熊貓人之謎》時空漫遊



- 青龍寺

- 風暴烈酒釀造廠

- 影蹤禪院

- 魔古山宮殿

- 砮皂寺

- 殘陽關


- 神聖翠綠雲端翔龍(玉蕾,青龍之女)坐騎韁繩

- 2種新寵物——永恆雛龍(龍類寵物)和矛盾之靈(水棲寵物)

- 在潘達利亞所有重要陣營中提升聲望的徽記和提升友好度的物品

- 2種新玩具——收養的幼崽箱子和可攜式洗牛站

- 一包冰凍蔬菜,彌補錯過潘達利亞美食的廚師們

- 潘達利亞各陣營的裝備升級






- 食人先鋒

- 帕庫大師

- 阿什卡祖

- 一隻海鷗

- Ray D. Tear

- Johnny Awesome

- Burnstachio

- Stitches

- 以及更多!


- 拳手的健壯蜥蜴坐騎

- 拳手的重擊指環(將你傳送到比茲莫搏擊俱樂部)

- 新襯衣和成就

- 小戈隆泰勒(新戰鬥寵物)















對於組隊任務,任務名稱的邊上會有一個小的組隊按鈕;其他任務則可通過右鍵點擊任務名稱並選擇「尋找隊伍」來組隊 - 這會自動開始搜索正在進行該任務的隊伍。

如果找不到相應的隊伍,點一下就可以自己創建一個 - 所有的相關信息都會自動為你填好。


- 新選項可以使你創建的隊伍只對隊伍成員的好友或公會好友可見。

- 在尋找隊伍時,需要你當前職責的隊伍會自動靠前排列。

- 在你因為加入一個已滿的隊伍而被拒絕時,你會獲得一條更詳細的拒絕原因。







- 提高了很多三星圖紙的掉落幾率。


- 延時之力藥水的圖紙現在能製造20瓶藥水(原本是10瓶)。


- 加入了四種新的項鍊附魔圖紙,每種圖紙都有三階:

- 一星圖紙可以在法羅迪斯宮廷的據點買到。

- 在你學會一星圖紙後,二星圖紙可以從破碎群島特定地區(蘇拉瑪除外)的怪物身上找到。

- 在你學會二星圖紙後,對應區域的大使箱子有20%的機會提供三星圖紙。

- 女祭司之印現在治療量為400%SP。

- 利爪之印現在提供1000點急速和暴擊(原本是550)。

- 受訓士兵之印現在提供600點精通(原本是300)。

- 隱匿薩特之印現在造成等於200%SP或250%AP的傷害,以較高者為準。


- 加入了一條新的任務線,獎勵並解鎖工程師專用的肩膀附魔: 工匠的福利。

- 工匠的福利在完成任務線後可以在達拉然的NPC處買到。

- 工匠的福利使你可以通過擊殺怪物獲得齒輪包,平均一小時一次。


- 加入了一條新的110級任務線,獎勵可充電里弗斯電池的圖紙。


- 加入了四種新的護目鏡,基礎物品等級880。

- 所有軍團護目鏡點擊使用的傷害現在和火藥炸彈的傷害方式類似,並共享冷卻時間。

- 大幅提升了護目鏡爆頭一擊的傷害。


- 所有凡圖斯符文提高的全能從1000上調至1500。

- 所有凡圖斯符文的製造材料數量減半。


- 達拉然現在有六個名為「急需珠寶匠」的新世界任務,他們需要的說不定就是你。





- 活力分流每消耗一層白骨之盾減少的冷卻時間提高到2秒(原本是1秒)。

- 每條血蟲的治療量提升到最大HP的15%(原本是5%)。

- 飲血者的吸血量提高了130%。

- 白骨風暴的治療量提高到2%(原本是1%)。

- 血魔之握的冷卻時間減少到2分鐘(原本是3分鐘)。

- 碎心打擊獎勵的符文能量每目標下調到2(原本是3)。

- 詛咒進軍使幻影步的持續時間增加100%(原本是50%)。

- 鮮血印記的治療量上調到3%(原本是2%)。

- 煉獄的冷卻時間增加到4分鐘(原本是3分鐘)。


- 煉獄現在總是持續3秒,即使你立刻就回到了0生命值以上。

- 迅速凋零現在使死亡凋零造成傷害的頻率提高15%(原本是50%),每秒產生1點符能(原本是多15%).

- 符文分流的減傷比例提升到40%(原本是25%).

- 緊繃之握現在使血魔之握的冷卻時間縮短30秒(原本是60秒)

- 吸血鬼之血現在對新獲得的吸收效果也生效。

- 大墓地意志的減傷比例提升到35%(原本是20%)。


- 憎惡之力的觸發幾率提升到20%(原本是10%)。

- 冰龍吐息的傷害提高了64%。

- 冰凍之霧的傷害提升增加到30%(原本是25%)。

- 風暴匯聚傷害提升增加到15%(原本是10%)。

- 凜冬號角的符能獲取提升到20(原本是10)。

- 飢餓符文武器的持續時間上調到15秒(原本是12秒)。

- 殺戮效率的幾率上調至65%(原本是50%)。

- 不穩定的護盾造成的傷害類型從奧術改為暗影。

- 蒼白行者的減傷比例提高至30%(原本是20%),且造成的減速效果提高到70%(原本是50%)。


- 許多邪惡天賦法術的傷害提高了。

- 萬物臣服造成的傷害提高了15%。

- 亡者大軍和天啟的食屍鬼傷害提升了。

- 凋零符文武器影響的自動攻擊次數提高到5次(原本是4次)。

- 暗影之爪的傷害提高了20%。

- 黑暗仲裁者的冷卻時間減少到2分鐘(原本是3分鐘)。

- 褻瀆的傷害提高了20%,每層提高的精通增加到300(原本是200)。

- 黑死病現在還使惡性瘟疫的持續傷害提高20%。

- 壞疽的增傷效果提高到40%(原本是35%)。

- 膿瘡傳染現在需要每引爆8層來獲得一個符文(原本是6層)。

- 通往靈界的傳送門的傷害提高了33%

- 符文腐蝕的觸發幾率下調至1%(原本是1.25%)。

- 邪惡狂亂的持續時間上調至2.5秒(原本是2秒),疊加上限延長至25秒(原本是10秒)。




- 略微提升了毀滅和混亂打擊的傷害。

- 盲目之怒現在在延長眼棱持續時間的基礎上,還使眼棱在持續時間內每秒恢復35怒氣。

- 混亂順劈現在對附近所有單位(包括它的初始目標)都造成原始傷害的10%傷害。

- 惡魔之刃的觸發率下調至60%(原本是75%)。

- 惡魔食慾現在生成碎片的機率下調至25%(原本是50%),但不再有冷卻時間(原本是15秒)。


- 小型靈魂碎片現在會在惡魔獵手的左側或右側生成。

- 魔化的持續時間上調至8秒(原本是5秒)。

- 絕望本能現在不再代替疾影,並使疾影的減傷效果額外提升15%。

- 邪能彈幕的傷害提升了20%。

- 邪能爆發造成的傷害提高了30%,冷卻降低到30秒(原本是35秒),怒氣消耗降低到10(原本是20)。

- 邪能之刃通過惡魔之咬重置CD的機率提高了50%。

- 第一滴血的增傷效果提高至300%(原本是200%)。

- 精通:惡魔形態每1%精通提升1.4%傷害(原本是1%)。

- Nemesis damage bonus increased to 25%.

- Netherwalk no longer replaces Blur. Cooldown increased to 2 minutes (was 1.5 minutes).

- Soul Rending leech reduced to 70% (was 100%).


The damage done by most Vengeance spells has been increased.

Abyssal Strike now reduces the cooldown of Infernal Strike by 8 seconds (was 5 seconds).

Agonizing Flames increases the damage of Immolation Aura by 20% (was 30%).

Blade Turning increases the Pain generation of Shear and Sever by 70% (was 50%).

Burning Alive’s Fiery Brand will now continue spreading from any target that has it, even if the initial primary target dies.

Demon Spikes now reduces physical damage by 10% (was 20%).

Demonic Wards now increases Stamina by 55% (was 45%).

Demonic Wards now reduces all damage taken by 10% (was only magic damage).

Fel Devastation has moved to the level 110 talent row.

Fracture now costs 20 Pain (was 40 Pain).

Last Resort cooldown now 8 minutes (was 3 minutes). This cooldown resets on death.

Metamorphosis now also increases armor by 100%.

Metamorphosis overrides Shear with Sever, which deals 20% more damage than Shear and always creates a Lesser Soul Fragment.

Nether Bond has been removed.

New talent at level 108: Demonic Infusion

Draw from the power of the Twisting Nether to instantly activate and then refill your charges of Demon Spikes.

Generates 60 Pain.

Instant cast, with a 2 minute cooldown.

Razor Spikes increases your Physical damage by 30% while Demon Spikes is active (was 20%).

Sigil of Chains cooldown now 90 seconds (was 60 seconds).

Soul Barrier now:

Costs 10 Pain (was 30 Pain).

30 second cooldown (was 20 seconds).

Base absorb (before fragments) and minimum absorb both increased by 50%.

Spirit Bomb now deals Fire damage (was Shadow).

Spirit Bomb’s Frailty now lasts 20 seconds (was 15 seconds), and heals the Demon Hunter for 20% of damage they deal to the target (was 15%).


Displacer Beast speed increase duration now 2 seconds (was 4 seconds).

Mass Entanglement duration now 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).

Renewal cooldown reduced to 90 seconds (was 120 seconds).


The damage done by most Balance spells has been increased.

Echoing Stars (Artifact Trait) damage increased by 20%.

Rapid Innervation now gives 10% haste (was 20%).


The damage done by most Feral abilities has been increased.

Infected Wounds now reduces movement speed by 30% (was 50%).

Maim damage increased by 75%.

Moment of Clarity now increases damage of affected spells by 15%.

Moment of Clarity now only affects Shred, Thrash, and Swipe.

Razor Fangs now increase the damage dealt by Rip by 4% per point (was 7%).


The damage done by several Guardian spells has been increased.

Bear Form auto-attacks now generate 7 Rage (was 7.875 Rage).

Ironfur now provides an 80% increase in armor (was 100%).

Galactic Guardian now generates 8 Rage (was 10).

Gory Fur now reduces Rage cost by 25% (was 50%).

Mangle now generates 5 Rage (was 6).

Pulverize now deals 850% physical damage (was 567%).

Pulverize now reduces damage taken by 9% (was 8%).

New talent for Guardian at level 30, replacing Displacer Beast: Intimidating Roar.

Replaces Incapacitating Roar with a version that now fears rather than incapacitates.


Moment of Clarity no longer increases maximum Energy.

Moment of Clarity now increases healing of affected spells by 15%.

Power of the Archdruid radius increased to 20 yards (was 15 yards).


Barrage no longer requires a target, and no longer deals extra damage to one target.

Beast Mastery

The damage of several Beast Mastery spells has been increased.

Aspect of the Beast ferocity damage increased by 100% and tenacity damage reduction increased from 15% to 30%.

Barrage damage increased by 80% for Beast Mastery only.

Big Game Hunter critical strike chance bonus increased to 60% (was 50%).

Blink Strikes damage bonus increased to 100% (was 50%).

Chimaera Shot damage increased by 60%.

Dire Frenzy cooldown reduced to 12 seconds (was 15 seconds).

Farstrider chance increased to 15% (was 10%).

Hati base movement speed increased by 14% in all forms.

One with the Pack chance bonus increased to 30% (was 15%).

Stampede damage increased by 15%.

Volley damage increased by 50% for Beast Mastery only.

Way of the Cobra damage bonus increased to 10% (was 8%).


Aimed Shot now damages for 275% of weapon damage (was 204%).

Aimed Shot now deals 100% increased damage against targets you have not yet attacked.

Arcane Shot now damages for 200% of weapon damage (was 130%).

Bursting Shot damage increased by 50%.

Explosive Shot now costs 20 Focus (was 0).

Marked Shot damage increased to 550% (was 250%)

Multi-Shot damage increased to 100% (was 66%).

Patient Sniper now causes the bonus provided by your Vulnerable to increase by 10% every 1 second.

Piercing Shot damage decreased to 500% (was 675%).

Piercing Shot is now affected by Vulnerable.

Sentinel now has a 60 second cooldown, spawns a Sentinel that marks all targets immediately and every 6 seconds for 18 seconds.

Sidewinders now generates 35 Focus (was 50).

Vulnerable no longer affects Marked Shot.

Vulnerable now has a 7 second duration, provides a 100% bonus to damage, and does not stack.


The damage done by many Survival spells has been increased.

New passive ability at level 44: Waylay.

After 2 seconds, your Traps become fully armed, making them especially devastating.

Freezing Trap will not break due to damage for the first 4 seconds.

Tar Trap reduces enemies' movement speed by 70% for the first 4 seconds.

Explosive Trap staggers the target, causing them to miss their next melee attack.

Steel Trap deals 500% increased damage if triggered by an enemy that is not in combat.

Improved Traps replaced with Guerrilla Tactics, increasing Explosive Trap damage by 50% and additionally improving Waylay's bonuses to:

Freezing Trap will not break due to damage for the first 6 seconds.

Tar Trap reduces enemies' movement speed by 90% for the first 4 seconds.

Explosive Trap causes the target to miss their next two melee attacks.

Butchery damage increased to 620% (was 518%) and recharge is now 12 seconds (was 15 seconds).

Caltrops damage increased to 50% (was 25%).

Farstrider talent replaced with Disengage.

Lacerate no longer has a cooldown.

Serpent Sting damage increased to 115% (was 87%).

Snake Hunter cooldown is now 120 seconds (was 90 seconds)

Spitting Cobra damage increased to 100% (was 20%).

Sticky Bomb cooldown is now 25 seconds (was 30 seconds) and delay 2 seconds (was 3 seconds)


Rune of Power damage bonus is now 40% (was 50%).


The damage done by many Arcane spells has been increased.

Mage Armor removed.

Mana Shield trait renamed Force Barrier: Increases Prismatic Barrier size by 20/40/60%.

Overpowered now increases Arcane Power's damage bonus and mana reduction to 70%.

Presence of Mind is now available at level 30, and is no longer a talent.

Unstable Magic activate chance is now 20% (was 15%).

New talent at level 15: Amplification

Arcane Charges increase the damage of Arcane Missles by an additional 15%.

New spell at level 26, replacing Ice Barrier: Prismatic Barrier

Shields you for 1 minute, absorbing damage, reducing magical damage taken, and reducing the duration of all harmful Magic effects against you.

New talent at level 30: Mana Shield.

Prismatic Barrier has no cooldown, but drains your mana for 50% of the damage it absorbs.

New talent at level 30: Slipstream.

Arcane Missiles and Evocation can be channeled while moving.

New talent at level 75: Chrono Shift

Arcane Barrage slows enemies by 50%, increases your speed by 50%, and has a duration of 5 seconds.

New talent at level 100, replacing Quickening: Temporal Flux

Arcane Blast’s cast time is reduced by 5% for each Arcane Charge.


The damage done by most Fire spells has been increased.

Aftershocks damage increased to 39% (was 34.5%).

Cauterize cooldown is now 5 minutes (was 2 minutes). This cooldown resets on death.

Cauterize is now available at level 52.

Controlled Burn chance is now 20% (was 10%).

Critical Mass now learned at level 10 and gives a +15% chance to critically strike with spells. At level 65, also increases Critical Strike rating from gear by 10%.

Firestarter now causes both Fireball and Pyroblast to deal a critical strike when the target is above 90% health (was 85%).

Flame On is now passive, reduces Fireblast recharge by 2 seconds, and increases its maximum charges by 1.

Flame On reduces Fireblast recharge by 2 seconds (was 3 seconds).

Molten Armor removed.

New spell for Fire Mage at level 26: Blazing Barrier

Absorbs the next 700% of spell power damage you take.

Melee attacks against you deal 50% of spell power damage to the attacker.

30 second cooldown.

Molten Skin trait now causes Blazing Barrier to reduce physical damage taken by 5/10/15%.

New talent available at level 30: Blazing Soul

Dealing Fire damage to targets within 8 yards of you refills your Blazing Barrier for 40% of the damage dealt.

Pyretic Incantation increases damage by 2%/stack (was 5%).


The damage done by many Frost spells has been increased.

New talent available at level 30: Glacial Insulation.

Ice Barrier increases your armor by 100% while active, and Ice Block applies Ice Barrier to you when it fades.

Cold Snap is now learned at level 52, and has been redesigned:

Finishes the cooldown of your Frost Nova, Cone of Cold, Ice Barrier, and Ice Block, with a 5-minute cooldown.

New talent available at level 75: Frigid Winds.

Your chilling effects snare enemies by an additional 15%.

At level 63, Blizzard (Rank 2) now causes the cooldown of Frozen Orb to be reduced by 0.5 seconds each time Blizzard does damage.

Blizzard no longer activates Fingers of Frost.

Chain Reaction now increases the damage of Ice Lance by 10%/stack (was 20%).

Frost Armor has been removed.

Frozen Touch is now passive, and increases Fingers of Frost proc chance by 40%.

Ice Barrier causes melee attacks against you to snare the attacker by 50%.

Ice Barrier is now learned by Frost Mage only at level 50.

Ice Block’s cooldown is now 4 minutes (was 5 minutes).

Ice Floes is now available at level 30.

Shield of Alodi trait increases Ice Barrier size by 20/40/60% (was 33/66/100%).


Dampen Harm now reduces all damage you take by 20% to 50% for 10 seconds, based on the size of the attack, with a 2 minute cooldown.

Ring of Peace now forms a Ring of Peace at the target location for 8 seconds. Enemies that enter will be ejected from the ring.


The damage done by most Brewmaster abilities has been slightly increased.

Breath of Fire range and width have been increased.

Gift of the Mists』 maximum bonus is now 75% (was 60%).

New talent: Mystic Vitality

Stagger is now 40% more effective against magical attacks.

Elusive Dance now grants up to 20% dodge and damage (was 15%).

Crackling Jade Lightning damage increased by 100%.


Mistweaver Mastery increased to 13 of spell power per point of Mastery (was 10%).

Gust of Mists healing increased to 13% of spell power/point (was 10%).

Rising Sun Kick mana cost is now 2% of base mana (was 2.25%).

Song of Chi-Ji cooldown reduced to 15 seconds (was 30 seconds).

Diffuse Magic cooldown is now 90 seconds (was 120 seconds).

Zen Pulse damage and healing increased to 220% of spell power (was 200%).

Mistwalk healing increased to 420% of spell power (was 350%).


The damage done by several Windwalker abilities has been increased.

Rushing Jade Wind now applies Mark of the Crane to up to 5 targets.

At level 60, Dizzying Kicks has been replaced with Summon Black Ox Statue.

Crackling Jade Lightning damage increased by 100%.

Fixed several bugs affecting Storm, Earth, and Fire. Clones now channel faster, move faster, and target more reliably. Clones now inherit and benefit from your stacks of Transfer the Power and Hit Combo when summoned, and are more survivable.



- 信仰道標不再有冷卻時間。

- 聖光道標不再有冷卻時間。

- 美德道標消耗的法力值下調至基礎法力值的10%(原本是15%)。

- 神聖震擊造成的傷害下調至280%法術強度(原本是350%)。


- 大多數懲戒技能造成的傷害提升了。

- 強效力量祝福已經移除。

- 強效智力/王者祝福現在可以在戰鬥中使用。

- 強效智力祝福現在每2秒恢復0.2%生命值/法力值(原本是3秒)。

- 強效王者祝福吸收270%法術強度(原本是180%)。

- 正義之拳現在每消耗1層聖能,使正義之錘的剩餘冷卻時間減少2.5秒。

- 神聖干涉現在使聖盾術的冷卻時間減少20%(原本是50%)。

- 光明聖印現在被聖光審判取代。


- 聖光護盾的CD下調到3分鐘(原本是5分鐘)。

- 祝福之錘使自動攻擊傷害減少12%(原本是15%)。

- 神聖之盾現在使格擋幾率提高15%(原本是10%)。


Shining Force cooldown is now 45 seconds (was 60 seconds).


Shadow Covenant has been updated:

Now increases healing by 450% (was 550%).

Is now instant (was a 1.5 second cast)

No longer replaces Power Word: Radiance.

Burst of Light trait no longer affects Shadow Covenant.


New talent at Holy Priest level 30:

Perseverance: When you cast Renew on yourself, it additionally reduces all damage taken by 10%.

Holy Priest now learns Desperate Prayer at level 52.

Benediction’s chance to activate has been reduced to 40% (was 50%).

Piety now additionally reduces the cooldown of Prayer of Mending by 2 seconds.

Prayer of Healing healing increased to 250% (was 200%).

Prayer of Healing now heals the target and the 4 nearest allies (was 5 random injured targets).

Symbol of Hope duration is now 12 seconds (was 10 seconds).


Lingering Insanity is now a talent, replacing Void Lord. Lingering Insanity now causes Voidform’s haste increase to fade by 2% every second when Voidform ends.

The damage done by most Shadow spells has been increased.

Auspicious Spirits now generates 3 Insanity (was 4).

Mania now increases movement speed by 1% per 3 Insanity (was 1% per 5 Insanity).

Masochism now additionally reduces damage taken by 10% for the duration of the Heal-over-Time.

Legacy of the Void requires 65 Insanity (was 70), and also increases Voidform’s Shadow damage bonus by 5%.

Mind Blast now generates 15 Insanity (was 12).

Mind Flay now generates 3 Insanity per tick (was 2).

Mind Flay now deals damage to nearby targets and generates additional Insanity, if the target has Shadow Word: Pain.

Mind Sear has been removed.

Mind Spike removed.

New talent at level 90: Misery

Vampiric Touch also applies Shadow Word: Pain to the target.

Shadow Crash moved to level 100.

Shadow Word: Death generates 15 Insanity untalented (was 10).

Shadow Word: Pain now generates 4 Insanity (was 3).

Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow) duration now 18 seconds (was 14 seconds)

Shadow Word: Void now recharges in 20 seconds (was 30 seconds).

Surrender to Madness now increases Insanity gain by 100% (was 150%).

Vampiric Touch generates 6 Insanity when cast (was 4).

Vampiric Touch duration is now 24 seconds (was 18 seconds).

Void Bolt now extends the durations of all of your active Damage over Time spells (within 8 yards) by 3 seconds.

Void Eruption puts Void Bolt on cooldown for 1.5 seconds (was 3 seconds).

Void Lord has been removed.

Voidform now increases Shadow damage by 20% (was 30%).




Shroud of Concealment is now available to all Rogues at level 68.

Feint now costs 35 energy (was 20).

Pickpocket range increased to 10 yards (was 5 yards).


The damage done by most Assassination spells has been increased.

Agonizing Poison proc chance increased to 30% (was 20%).

Alacrity haste per stack increased to 2% (was 1%). Maximum stacks reduced to 10 (was 20).

Anticipation maximum combo points increased to 10 (was 8).

Blind is now learned at level 24.

Crippling Poison is now learned at level 38 (was 24).

Death from Above increased AOE damage is now 440% of attack power (was 366% of attack power).

Deeper Strategem damage bonus to finishing moves reduced to 5% (was 10%).

Elaborate Planning damage bonus granted from finishing moves reduced to 12% (was 15%).

Internal Bleeding total bleed damage increased to 144% attack power per combo point (was 124% attack power).

Marked for Death now grants 6 combo points with Deeper Strategem.

Prey on the Weak damage bonus increased to 15% (was 10%).

Rupture has been updated:

The damage of the spell no longer scales up based on combo points spent. Now, combo points spent scale up its duration.

Shadow Focus energy cost reduction for abilities while Stealth is active increased to 75% (was 50%).

Subterfuge damage bonus to Garrote increased to 125% (was 100%).


The damage done by most Outlaw spells has been increased.

Alacrity haste per stack increased to 2% (was 1%), and maximum stacks reduced to 10 (was 20).

Anticipation maximum combo points increased to 10 (was 8).

Between The Eyes no longer gains its 4x critical strike multiplier until Rank 2, learned at level 42.

Blade Flurry damage to secondary targets reduced to 30% (was 35%).

Deeper Strategem damage bonus to finishing moves reduced to 5% (was 10%).

Fatebringer now reduces energy cost by 2/4/6 (was 3/6/9).

Fate’s Thirst now provides a bonus of 4/8/12% (was 6/12/18%).

Marked for Death now grants 6 combo points with Deeper Strategem.

Pistol Shot now reduces movement speed by 30% (was 50%).

Slice and Dice now also grants 15% increased energy regeneration.

True Bearing no longer reduces the cooldown of Blind, Cloak of Shadows, or Riposte.


The damage done by most Subtlety spells has been increased.

Akaari's Soul (artifact trait) delay reduced to 2 seconds (was 4 seconds).

Alacrity haste per stack increased to 2% (was 1%), and maximum stacks reduced to 10 (was 20).

Anticipation maximum combo points increased to 10 (was 8).

Marked for Death now grants 6 combo points with Deeper Strategem.

Master of Shadows energy gain for entering Stealth/Shadow Dance reduced to 25 (was 30).

Master of Subtlety duration reduced to 5 seconds (was 6 seconds).

Night Terrors now reduces movement speed by 30% (was 50%).

Shadow Focus energy cost reduction for abilities while Stealth is active increased to 25% (was 20%).

Shadow Nova (artifact trait) now always activates when using Shadowstrike or Cheap Shot or Shuriken Storm while Shadow Dance is active, with a 5 second internal cooldown.


Lava Burst damage increased to 275% (was 220%).

Ancestral Swiftness haste is now 6% (was 10%).


Earth Elemental has been updated:

Now has 400% of the caster's armor (was 200%).

Now has 25% the caster's spell power as attack power (was 5%), and 45% for Primal version.

Creates a great deal of threat to nearby enemies.

Now has a duration of 1 minute (was 15 seconds) and a cooldown of 5 minutes (was 2 minutes).

Aftershock now refunds 30% of Maelstrom (was 25%).

Earthen Rage damage is now 55% of spell power (was 50%).

Earthgrab Totem now roots for 8 seconds (was 5 seconds).

Earthquake duration is now 6 seconds (was 10 seconds) and damage per tick is now 50% (was 30%).

Elemental Blast damage is now 680% (was 525%).

Elemental Blast now provides a bonus of 2400 to a stat (was 1200).

Icefury damage is now 900% (was 180%).

Liquid Magma Totem damage is now 110% (was 80%).

Path of Flame bonus to Lava Burst is now 10% (was 5%).

Storm Elemental cooldown is now 2.5 minutes (was 5 minutes) and duration is now 30 seconds (was 60 seconds).

Storm Elemental Wind Gust damage is now 48% (was 42%) and Call Lightning damage is now 96% (was 84%).


The damage done by most Enhancement spells has been increased.

Earthen Spike no longer costs Maelstrom.

Earthen Spike damage is now 1100% of attack power (was 800%).

Empowered Stormlash bonus is now 50% (was 35%).

Fury of Air damage is now 40% of attack power (was 30%), and costs 3 Maelstrom/second (was 5).

Hailstorm damage is now 21% of weapon damage (was 35%).

Lava Lash damage is now 625% of weapon damage (was 505%).

Lightning Bolt damage increased by 50%.

Lightning Shield damage is now 150% attack power (was 100%).

Overcharge costs 40 Maelstrom (was 45), and has a 12 second cooldown (was 9).

Overcharge’s cooldown is now 12 seconds (was 9 seconds).

Rainfall healing increased to 100% (was 50%).

Rockbiter now generates 20 Maelstrom.

Windsong cooldown is now 40 seconds (was 45 seconds).


Chain Heal healing is now 380% (was 400%).

Healing Stream Totem healing increased to 82% (was 70%).

Queen's Decree healing increased to 24% (was 20%).

Unleash Life healing increased to 350% (was 325%).

Wellspring healing increased to 450% (was 375%).


Demonic Circle duration increased to 15 minutes (was 6 minutes).

Imp, Succubus, Voidwalker, Felhunter, and Felguard damage increased by 20%.

Mortal Coil healing is now 20% of maximum health (was 11%).

Mortal Coil now always heals you, regardless of whether the target is affected by the Horror.

Soul Harvest base duration is now 15 seconds and maximum duration is 35 seconds (was 10 seconds and 30 seconds).


Drain Soul is now learned at level 13.

New Affliction talent at level 15: Malefic Grasp.

While channeling Drain Soul, your damage-over-time spells deal 80% increased damage to the target.

Contagion bonus is now 18% (was 12%).

New talent at level 30: Empowered Life Tap

Life Tap increases your damage dealt by 10% for 20 seconds.

Grimoire of Synergy bonus is now 25% (was 35%).

Haunt cooldown is now 30 seconds (was 15 seconds) and Haunt now also increases damage by 30%.

Seed of Corruption damage is now 215% (was 138%).

Seed of Corruption now costs 1 Soul Shard (was 4.5% mana).

Sow the Seeds adds 2 targets (was 4) and no longer adds a Soul Shard cost.


Demonbolt damage bonus is now 18% (was 20%).

Impending Doom now additionally reduces Doom's duration by 3 seconds.Thal』kiel’s Discord (Artifact Trait) is now triggered by Demonwrath.

Power Trip now has a 65% chance to activate (was 50%).


The damage done by many Destruction spells has been slightly increased.

Backdraft now reduces the cast time of your next two Incenerates or Chaos Bolts by 30%. This stacks up to 4 charges.

Channel Demonfire damage is now 64% (was 46%).

Channel Demonfire now splashes 50% of its damage to nearby targets, and is no longer affected by Havoc.

Doom Guard’s Doom Bolt damage is now 275% of spell power (was 210%).

Grimoire of Sacrifice damage is now 75% of spell power (was 100%).

Grimoire of Supremacy now reduces Doom Guard’s Doom Bolt damage by 20%.

Grimoire of Synergy bonus damage is now 35% (was 40%).

New talent at level 30: Empowered Life Tap

Life Tap increases your damage dealt by 10% for 20 seconds.

Shadowburn now replaces Conflagrate, and now generates a Shard, plus an additional Shard on kill.

The Cataclysm and Eradication talents have swapped places in the talent tree.

The Conflagration of Chaos trait now also affects Shadowburn.


Shockwave now stuns for 3 seconds (was 4 seconds).


The damage done by most Arms abilities has been increased.

Charge now reduces the movement speed of the target by 50% for 6 seconds.

Charge now roots the target for 1 second (was 1.5 seconds).

Fervor of Battle increases Whirlwind’s damage to the primary target by 45% (was 30%).

Hamstring now deals 105% weapon damage (was 5%).

In For The Kill refunds 30 Rage (was 20).

Ravager damage increased by 25%.

Rend costs 10 Rage (was 15), now deals 10% more periodic damage, and now deals upfront Bleed damage.

Sweeping Strikes makes Mortal Strike and Execute hit 2 additional nearby targets (was 1).

Titanic Might no longer reduces the effectiveness of Colossus Smash.

Trauma causes Slam and Whirlwind to deal 25% damage as a DoT (was 20%).


The damage done by most Fury abilities has been increased.

Dragon Roar increases your damage done by 16% (was 20%).

Fresh Meat increases Bloodthirst’s critical strike chance by 60% (was 40%).

Frothing Berserker increases damage done by 15% (was 10%).

Outburst now also reduces the cooldown of Berserker Rage by 15 seconds (previously did not reduce the cooldown).

Reckless Abandon now also increases the duration of Battle Cry by 2 seconds (previously did not increase the duration).

War Machine lasts 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).

Wrecking Ball increases the damage of your next Whirlwind by 250% (was 200%).


Anger Management also reduces the cooldown of Demoralizing Shout.

Best Served Cold has been moved to Level 45: Revenge deals 5% more damage per target hit, up to five.

Booming Voice generates 60 Rage (was 50 Rage), and increases damage you deal to affected enemies by 25% (was 20%).

Crackling Thunder increases Thunder Clap’s radius by 50% (was 100%).

New Talent: Devastator

Passive. Replaces Devastate. Your auto-attacks deal additional damage, generate 5 Rage, and have a 30% chance to reset the cooldown of Shield Slam.

Focused Rage has been removed.

Heavy Repercussions extends Shield Block by 1.0 seconds (was 1.5 seconds)

Intercept now gives 15 Rage (was 10).

Never Surrender ignores up to 100% more damage (was 75%).

Ravager increases your Parry chance by 35% (was 30%).

Revenge damage has been greatly increased.

Revenge now deals damage of 440% of attack power (was 650%).

Revenge now has a 3 second cooldown, and costs 30 Rage. Dodge/Parry makes your next Revenge free.

Safeguard now transfers 30% of damage (was 20%).

Shield Block now costs 15 Rage.

Thunder Clap now generates 5 Rage, and its damage has been increased.

Ultimatum has been removed.

Vengeance now affects Revenge (was Focused Rage).

Warbringer now stuns for 2.5 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).

Warlord’s Challenge also reduces the cooldown of Berserker Rage by 15 seconds.


The Sunblossom pollen from the Druid Class Hall evergreen plant plots now provides +10% damage reduction for 1 hour (was +travel form speed).



Aggramar’s Stride: Now grants movement speed based on Haste or Crit, whichever is higher. Additionally, the movement speed bonus now stacks with other movement speed bonuses.

Cinidaria, the Symbiote: Your attacks cause an additional 30% damage as Physical to enemies above 90% health and heal you for 100% of the damage done.

Norgannon's Foresight: Standing still for 8 seconds grants you Foresight, allowing you to cast while moving for 5 seconds. This duration begins when you start moving.

Prydaz, Xavaric’s Magnum Opus: Every 30 seconds, gain an absorb shield for 15% (25% for non-tanks) of your maximum health for 30 seconds. Now has Critical Strike, Haste, and Mastery as secondary stats.

Roots of Shaladrassil: Standing still causes you to send deep roots into the ground healing you for 3% of your maximum health every 1 second (was 4% every 3 seconds).

Sephuz’s Secret: Successfully applying a loss of control effect to an enemy, interrupting an enemy, or dispelling any target grants you 70% increased movement speed and 25% Haste (was 15%) for 10 seconds. This effect may occur once every 30 seconds.

Demon Hunter

(Vengeance) Runemaster's Pauldrons: Metamorphosis resets the remaining cooldown on all your Sigils and Empower Wards, and grants 1 charge of Demon Spikes. Now procs when Last Resort (talent) procs.

(Havoc) Anger of the Half-Giants: Demon's Bite generates an additional 1 to 14 Fury (was 1 to 20). Demon Blades generates an additional 1 to 8 Fury (was 1 to 12).

(Havoc) Loramus Thalipedes' Sacrifice: Damage increase per subsequent target increased to 10% (was 5%).

Death Knight

(Blood) Service of Gorefiend: Now activates an additional time (two additional times with Mouth of Hell artifact trait) while Dancing Rune Weapon is active.

(Frost) Seal of Necrofantasia: Cooldown reduction for Empower Rune weapon increased to 10% (was 5%).

(Unholy) The Instructor’s Fourth Lesson: Scourge Strike now has a chance to burst an additional 1-3 Festering Wounds (was 1-5).

(Frost) Perseverance of the Ebon Martyr: Now also applies to enemies recently damaged by Remorseless Winter.


Ekowraith, the Creator of Worlds: Increases the effect of Astral Influence, Feline Swiftness, Thick Hide, and Ysera's Gift by 75% (was 50%).

(Balance) Impeccable Fel Essence: Cooldown reduction is now 1 second per 12 Astral Power spent (was 8).

(Balance) Promise of Elune, the Moon Goddess: Stacks gained now also reduce the global cooldown of Regrowth.

(Balance) The Emerald Dreamcatcher: Astral Power cost reduction of Starsurges reduced to 7 per stack (was 10 per stack).

(Feral) The Wildshaper's Clutch: Critical damage from your Bleeds have a 30% (was 40%) chance to trigger Primal Fury.


(Beast Mastery) Roar of the Seven Lions: Bestial Wrath reduces the Focus cost of all your abilities by 15% (was 20%).

(Beast Mastery) The Apex Predator's Claw: Your pet gains the passive abilities of all pet specializations and deals 5% (was 10%) increased damage.

(Beast Mastery/Survival) Call of the Wild: Reduces the cooldown of all Aspects by 35% (was 50%).

(Marksmanship) Ullr's Feather Snowshoes: The remaining cooldown on Trueshot is reduced by 0.8 seconds (was 1.0 second) each time you cast a damaging Shot.

(Survival) Frizzo’s Fingertrap: Now spreads Lacerate at full duration.

(Survival) Nesinwary’s Trapping Treads: Focus gained increased to 25 per trap (was 15).


(Arcane) Mystic Kilt of the Rune Master: Arcane Barrage grants you 3% (was 4%) of your maximum mana per Arcane Charge spent.

(Arcane) Rhonin's Assaulting Armwraps: Arcane Missiles has a 18% (was 25%) chance to make your next Arcane Blast cast within 6 seconds cost no mana.

(Fire) Marquee Bindings of the Sun King: After consuming Hot Streak, there is a 15% (was 20%) chance that your next non-instant Pyroblast cast within 15 seconds deals 300% additional damage.

(Fire) Koralon's Burning Torch: Scorch deals 350% increased damage and is now a guaranteed Critical Strike against enemies below 30% health.


(Brewmaster) Fundamental Observation: Zen Meditation is no longer cancelled when you move or when you are hit by a melee attack, and reduces the cooldown of Zen Meditation by 50%.

(Brewmaster) Firestone Walkers: Now reduces Fortifying Brew’s cooldown by 2 seconds (was 1 second) per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 6 seconds (was 4 seconds).

(Mistweaver) Ei'thas, Lunar Glides of Eramas: Rising Sun Kick causes your target's next melee attack to extend your heal over time effects by 5 seconds (was 2 seconds).

(Windwalker) Hidden Master’s Forbidden Touch: Duration during which you can recast Touch of Death increased to 5 seconds (was 3 seconds).

(Windwalker) Cenedril, Reflector of Hatred: Now causes Touch of Karma to deal 150% increased damage, and no longer increases absorb.


Chain of Thrayn: Avenging Wrath increases healing done by an additional 25% for Holy and 50% for Protection/Retribution and increases damage done by an additional 20%.

Uther's Guard: Your Blessing of Freedom, Blessing of Sacrifice, and Blessing of Protection have 50% increased duration and heal the target for 15% of maximum health.

(Retribution) Justice Gaze: Hammer of Justice deals 600% (was 350%) weapon damage and has 75% reduced cooldown when used against an enemy above 75% health.

(Retribution) Liadrin's Fury Unleashed: While Avenging Wrath is active, you gain 1 Holy Power every 4 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).

(Retribution) Whisper of the Nathrezim: Templar’s Verdict and Divine Storm increase the damage of your next Templar’s Verdict or Divine Storm within 4 seconds by 15% (was 25%).


Phyrix’s Embrace: Now increases Guardian Spirit's duration and healing bonus by 50% and Guardian Spirit no longer terminates its healing bonus effect when sacrificing itself.

(Shadow) Anund’s Seared Shackles: Each time Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch deal damage, your next Void Bolt gains 4% (was 2%) increased damage, stacking up to 50 times.

(Shadow) Mother Shahraz’s Seduction: You gain 5 stacks of Voidform when you enter Voidform.

(Shadow) Mangaza’s Madness: Increases the maximum number of charges of Mind Blast by 1 (was 2).

(Shadow) The Twins』 Painful Touch: Your first Mind Flay (was Mind Sear) cast after entering Voidform spreads Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch to 3 enemies within 10 yards of your target.


Insignia of Ravenholdt: Additional damage decreased, and no longer damages enemies under the effects of breakable crowd-control.

(Assassination) Zoldyck Family Training Shackles: Your Poisons and Bleeds deal 30% (was 40%) increased damage to targets below 30% health.

(Outlaw) Greenskin's Waterlogged Wristcuffs: Between the Eyes has a 20% chance per Combo Point to increase the damage of your next Pistol Shot by 300% (was 400%).

(Subtlety) Shadow Satyr's Walk: Shadowstrike restores 3 (was 10) Energy plus an additional 1 Energy for every 3 yards (was 2) between you and your target.


(Elemental/Enhancement) Eye of the Twisting Nether: Damaging enemies with your Fire, Frost, or Nature abilities increases all damage you deal by 1.5% (was 2%) for 8 seconds. Each element adds a separate application.

(Elemental) The Deceiver's Blood Pact: Earth Shock has a 20% (was 30%) chance to refund all of the Maelstrom spent.

(Enhancement) Spiritual Journey: Feral Spirits now cools down 500% faster (was 300%) while in Spirit Wolf form.

(Restoration) Focuser of Jonat, the Elder: Healing Wave and Healing Surge increase the healing of your next Chain Heal by 10% (was 15%), stacking up to 5 times.


Ayala’s Stone Heart: Procs per minute reduced.

(Arms) Archavon’s Heavy Hand: Mortal Strike refunds 8 Rage (was 15).

(Fury) Ceann-Ar Charger: Gain 8 Rage (was 10 Rage) whenever you Enrage.

(Fury) Kazzalax, Fujieda’s Fury: Bloodthirst increases all damage you deal and all healing you take by 1% for 10 seconds, stacking up to 4 times (was 5 times).

(Protection) Kakushan’s Stormscale Gauntlets: Affected spells changed (was Shield Slam and Revenge) to Shield Slam and Thunderclap.

(Protection) Destiny Driver: Absorb amount increased to 50% (was 15%).


(Affliction) Hood of Eternal Disdain: Agony deals its full damage 10% (was 20%) faster.

(Destruction) Alythess's Pyrogenics: Enemies affected by your Rain of Fire take 10% (was 7%) increased damage from your Fire spells.

(Destruction) Feretory of Souls: Casting a damaging Fire spell has a 10% (was 15%) chance to generate a Soul Shard.

(Destruction) Magistrike Restraints: Chaos Bolt has a 20% chance (was 30%) to strike an additional enemy within 30 yards.

(Demonology) Sin』dorei Spite: For 25 seconds after casting Summon Doomguard or Summon Infernal, you and your minions deal 15% (was 30%) increased damage.


- 抑制現在在2v2練習賽和2v2競技場開始後立刻生效。

- 刀鋒山競技場更新了外觀。

- 加入了威望等級9。

- 35級及以上的神器級別現在對PvP有效。

- 奪魂、暗影新星、利刃留痕和暗影幻靈現在不會打破諸如變形術或冰凍陷阱等控場效果。

- 替代各坦克專精嘲諷效果的榮譽天賦現在對非玩家目標使用時可以正確的產生嘲諷效果。




- 血DK造成的傷害在PvP環境下降低10%(原本是15%)。

- 飲血者造成的傷害在PvP環境下降低40%(原本是100%)。



- 無盡憤怒現在產生10點怒氣(原本是5點)。

- 萊歐瑟拉斯之眼現在造成目標最大生命值6%的傷害(原本是4%)。

- 衝刺跳躍和阻滯之光已被移除。

- 新天賦: Demonic Origins:變身的CD縮短2分鐘,持續時間15秒。


- 新天賦: Mana Rift: 你在目標腳底製造一個6碼範圍的法力區域,2秒後該區域爆炸,造成目標最大生命值8%的混亂傷害,並移除目標最大法力值的8%(如有法力值)。

- 法力灼燒現在造成目標最大生命值15%的混亂傷害,目標每已消耗2%總法力值,造成的傷害提高1%,上限15%(30%已消耗法力值)。


- 復仇惡魔獵手現在在PvP環境下造成的傷害降低10%(原本是15%)。

- 伊利丹之握的冷卻時間降低到60秒(原本是90秒)。



- 星落如雨現在使星辰墜落的持續時間延長100%,但你同時只能激活一個星辰墜落。

- 超凡守護提供的魔法減傷下調至20%(原本是30%)。


- 重毆在PvP環境下造成400%的傷害(原本是100%)。

- 守護德魯伊現在在PvP環境下造成正常的傷害。

- 守護德魯伊現在在PvP環境下受到來自玩家的傷害降低10%(原本是25%)。

- 變形治癒已被移除。

- 冬眠生長已被移除。

- 激怒裂傷已被移除。

- 鋒利獸爪現在使橫掃和痛擊的傷害提高100%。

- 蠻力衝鋒不再和野性衝鋒共享冷卻時間。

- 獸穴之母現在使你和你周圍15碼內的盟友的最大生命值提高15%。

- 挫志咆哮冷卻時間下調至30秒(原本是60秒)。

- 強韌移動到37級並取代弱化攻擊。

- 新天賦Roaring Speed:使你的狂奔怒吼CD減少90秒。

- 新天賦Shapeshifter:你的野性、平衡、恢復親和受到加強,獲得一個額外的效果:

(平衡) 在你進入梟獸形態後,獲得30%法術急速,持續10秒。

(野性) 在獵豹形態下,你造成的傷害提高30%。

(恢復) 使用迅捷治癒後,你的治療之觸施法時間和治療量增加30%,持續8秒。

- 新天賦Malorne's Swiftness:你的旅行形態在競技場或戰場中的移動速度提高20%,在旅行形態下你的移動速度不會降到100%以下。

- 新天賦Raging Frenzy:你的狂暴回復還會在3秒內產生60怒氣。


- 專注生長還使生命綻放的法力消耗降低50%。


- 蝰蛇釘刺的冷卻時間下調至30秒(原本為45秒)。

- 毒蠍之刺的冷卻時間下調至24秒(原本為30秒)。

- 毒蠍之刺的持續時間上調至8秒(原本為6秒)。

- 蜘蛛釘刺的冷卻時間下調至45秒(原本為60秒)。

- 蜘蛛釘刺的DEBUFF持續時間下調至4秒(原本為5秒),沉默時長不受影響。


- 狙擊不再有冷卻時間(原本為6秒)。


- 精鋼陷阱的攔截效果在脫戰時在PvP狀態下造成150%的額外傷害(原本是500%)。



- 寒冰爆發使冰錐術的傷害提高250%(原本是600%)。



- 私家陳釀現在使壯膽酒的冷卻時間縮短50%,並不再延長其持續時間。

- 烈焰酒更名為烈焰之息,現在是被動效果,並使火焰之息的CD減少100%。

- 熱釀現在會造成相當於醉拳化解50%的傷害(原本是25%)。

- 金鐘罩現在不再產生吸收效果,並可以將15碼內盟友受到傷害的30%轉化為你的醉拳。

- 怪味發酵現在每級醉拳提供5%魔法減傷和10%移動速度。


- 法術中和使復甦之霧對目標的治療效果提高135%(原本是125%)。

- 療傷珠充能冷卻時間降低到15秒(原本是45秒)。

- 迷霧涌動使氤氳之霧獲得7秒CD(原本是8秒)。

- 仙鶴之道還會使你對昏迷效果免疫。

- 提神微風現在使活血術的治療效果提高20%(原本是25%)。


- 旋轉火花現在總能觸發精通。

- 隔山打牛現在使金剛震的射程變為10碼(原本是12碼)。

- 禪意時刻現在消耗3氣(原本是5氣)。

- 控制迷霧現在每10秒觸發一次(原本是20秒)。


- Cleansing Light現在是一個新的榮譽天賦,取代防護和懲戒的純凈心靈。

Cleansing Light移除聖騎士周圍15碼範圍內所有的疾病和中毒效果。

- 來自你自己的治療效果不再能觸發明光。


- 神聖騎士綠字模板調整為:50%精通,125%急速,75%全能,150%爆擊

- 復仇十字軍現在有35%基礎法力值的法力消耗(原本沒有法力消耗)。

- 無盡犧牲現在不會因你的血量被取消。

- 無盡犧牲的傷害傳遞時長下調到4秒(原本是12秒)。


- 防護騎士綠字模板調整為:25%精通,200%急速,50%全能,125%爆擊

- 聖光守護現在最多疊加2次(原本是3次)。

- 聖光守護不再降低聖光閃現的法力消耗。

- 神聖之地現在會抑制影響範圍內盟友受到的減速效果。

- 榮耀戰馬使神聖馬駒技能持續時間延長2秒(原本是4秒)。


- 懲戒騎士的模板力量減少到80%(原本是85%)。

- 懲戒騎士綠字模板調整為:25%精通,160%急速,50%全能,165%爆擊



- 莊重祈禱已被移除。

- 復甦希望已被移除。

- 靈魂之力現在還會使你的真言術:盾在施放時治療目標。

- 新天賦Trinity:你的救贖持續時間增加到30秒,救贖從傷害轉移的治療量增加20%。

- 救贖現在只能影響最多3個單位,並且只能通過懇求施加。

- 聖光罩頂現在使真言術:障的減傷效果提高45%(原本是25%)。

- 真言術:韌現在使最大生命值提高20%(原本是10%)。

- 新天賦Ultimate Radiance:你的真言術:耀現在瞬發,且治療量提高250%,但有6秒冷卻時間。


- 治療術在PvP環境下產生的治療量提高至200%。

- 癒合禱言在PvP環境下產生的治療量提高至150%。

- 遠離邪惡重新設計:現在使信仰飛躍的CD減少45秒,但不再在目標身上產生吸收盾。

- 神聖守衛的冷卻時間下調至30秒(原本為45秒)。

- 新天賦Miracle Worker:聖言術:靜現在有2層充能。

- 急速癒合現在還會使癒合禱言的跳轉距離增加20碼。

- 聖靈護體重新設計:現在使守護之魂的冷卻時間縮短2分鐘。

- 希望之光的冷卻時間下調至45秒(原本為60秒)。

- 強效治療術重新設計:治療術使目標的最大生命值提高10%,持續15秒,最大堆疊2層。




- 飛舞刀刃還使刀扇的半徑提高100%。



- 雷霆充能提供的技能冷卻恢復速度上調至70%(原本是30%)。


- 平靜之水移到34級榮譽天賦並取代心靈恢復。

- 大地之盾現在有5秒冷卻時間。

- 大地之盾現在提供15%的傷害減免(原本是20%)。

- 大地之盾現在在受到最大生命值8%的傷害時被觸發(原本是6%)。

- 大地之盾消耗的法力值上調至最大法力值15%(原本是12.6%)。

- 大地之盾不再能被驅散。

- 通電造成的傷害提高20%。

- 靈魂連結的法力消耗下調,並不再有冷卻時間。

- 連接的盟友從你的治療鏈或激流獲得的治療量提高100%。

- 治療波在PvP環境下造成的治療量提高200%(原本是135%)。

- 水之漣漪的治療量提高20%,還使激流的充能次數增加1。

- 新天賦:Tidebringer:每8秒,你的下一個治療鏈的施法時間減少50%,此效果持續15秒,最多堆疊2層。



- 繳械敵人的武器和盾牌,持續8秒。

- 被繳械生物造成的傷害顯著降低。


- 武器戰士的模板力量減少到105%(原本是110%)。

- 鮮血狩獵已被移除。

- 全力備戰已被移除。

- 打磨利刃的冷卻時間下調到25秒(原本是45秒)。

- 新天賦:Storm of Destruction:使劍刃風暴的冷卻時間降低33%,向所有擊中的目標施加重傷效果。

- 痛苦訓練現在是8級榮譽天賦(原本是43級)。

- 巨人之影現在是28級榮譽天賦(原本是25級)。

- 巨人之影現在還使你通過衝鋒獲得的怒氣增加25。

- 破壞能手已被移除。

- 新天賦:Duel:你向你的目標發起決鬥挑戰。



- 新天賦:War Banner:在你的腳底投擲一面戰旗,激勵30碼範圍內你的盟友並使他們的移動速度增加30%,並使接下來受到的所有控制效果的持續時間縮短50%,持續15秒。


- 狂暴戰士的綠字模板調整為:75%精通,150%急速,100%全能,75%爆擊

- 激怒使在PvP環境下受到來自玩家的傷害增加10%(原本是20%)。


- 鮮血狩獵已被移除。

- 死亡之願現在有15秒冷卻時間,但可最多堆疊15次(原本是5次)。


- 防護戰士的綠字模板調整為:25%精通,175%急速,50%全能,150%爆擊

- 防護戰士現在在PvP環境下造成的傷害降低10%(原本是15%)。

- 防護戰士現在在PvP環境下受到來自玩家的傷害降低15%(原本是25%)。

- 分筋裂骨已被移除。


- 修正了無法獲得足夠世界任務用於肯瑞託大使箱子任務的bug。

- 此補丁生效時地圖上所有的世界任務均會重新生成。


來自NGA玩家社區 作者雪霧





德拉諾之王技能流出 全職業100級天賦一覽


LOL大量法師技能改動 6.9最終版
